Rate ya Friday from 1-10

Somewhere between 4 and 6

Worked from 11-1030
but I made $230 in tips as a delivery driver so they makes it kind of worth it lol. I went to my friends house after to
and now I'm home

Gotta go buy a new computer tmrw then free UFC at 10!!
And another one next week

I work 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the LRAFB Commissary.  Then I have 3 hours to rest up (after a 50 min commute + lunch after work) before I head out to Wal-Mart from 5:00 thru 10.  New schedule is taking a toll on my body.
Some of my friends went out tonite and I'm stuck indoors typing up a presentation for work tomorrow-I probably wouldn't have gone out anyways cause I gotta study but I like to at least have that option

My life sucks
bad....Didnt do nothing....woke up at 5pm...cleaned up the house....ate food..and now im at home doing nothing on the cpu

Got paid today but went to a pizza restaurant here in SJ and got charged 18$ for a personal pizza and some stupid cheese sticks THEN I got a damn parking ticket. BOOM 60$ gone.


And work was stupid, I hate working with new people.
7. Went to class in the AM...worked out...just got back from a party...but I couldn't drink....so it was kind of boring

Woke up kinda late and got the weekly call from my mom
Went to work and had a meeting to design logo/tickets/hand bill for a charitable formal event
Got take out from this greek restaurant I really enjoy
Played video games with friends for a good 6 hours after work
Made more progress on my woodcut and a 3d screenprint

*My friday ends when I lay my head down*
1. Lost all my money at the gambling spot last night. !+@!!!

Just got paid and now I'm in some @*@* for real...
like a 5 had to see my college's ball team get their kicks for the season (I didnt make the squad)
playing 2k12 for the first time saved my rating from a 0
Drank too much last night.
Had to take care of my roommate. Dude was about to throw up multiple times.
went to work on 3 hours of sleep.
worked from 8-6
potential to rain tonight.

looks like im staying in and playing battlefield 3.

rate it a 4.
will go up to a 5 when I get my d wet later then will gradually decline back to a 1.
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