Rate ya Friday from 1-10

last Friday 8.5
had to goto class but partied during the night(the usual)
played beer pong and dint even drink(thts a plus/ first)
got to see the old crew we used to kick it wit. was like a reunion cuz everyone was there.
kicked it wit the girls(right before)
went home happy and sober


today friday: 5
doin this homework at the last minute.(due at midnight)
my laptop is actn up.
didnt do anything all day but look at the rain and cut hair at the house.
hopefully i do sumthn tonight.
copped a 10 sac and they aint even came thru yet to deliver it, so thts not making it any better.

 its only 7:13 so the night is young. i got time still.

edit: got my paycheck today too but that aint helping alot  cuz it was only one day. 60 sumthn bucks. from last week(weekly pay)
4, could be better, and could be a whole lot worse.

Foot been hurting for the past week, so ive been limping at work.... Cashed my first check yesterday from this new job, still got some money on me ( if this was last year I would have been broke) plus the first check is always the shortest.

And the metro is working on the rails so anacostia, congress heights and some other stations are closed done far as the train go, now im on this free shuttle bus... This will be going on until Sunday smh.

I"m better off driving to work.
A 6 for being at work
Bout to turn up with this edible
bout a 6


-Getting off work at 6
-Copping Blake Griffin Hyperdunks for $47


-Broke as +%@% to go out
-Home alone on a Friday
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