RAW (Graphic): Scene After IDF Attack In Gaza 1/1/09 *VERY GRAPHIC*

Apr 7, 2006
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[h4]Raw; (2005) Hamas Weapons Parade Accident Kills 15, including kids[/h4]
Hamas parades weapons in Gaza, they blow up, killing 15, including kids
By israelinsider staff and partners September 23, 2005

Dead and wounded at the Hamas rally. Parading homemade weapons can be dangerous. (AP)

A pickup truck carrying masked militants blew up at a Hamas rally on Friday, killing at least 15 Palestinians and wounding 80.
Its a sad sad world.
damn. i dont even know what to say.. here i am complaining that my house is too cold and i have all this other crap to worry about.. but its nowhere NEARLY onthe level as that sort of stuff... reality check time.. i hate myself sometimes
That's not right. I'm so thankful for everything I have right now. I feel good about going back to school tomorrow, even though I have 0 work done.
@ innocent people dying in the middle east and across the globe in general .. War is ugly !!
Hell on earth, complete chaos

Especially seeing the little kids...

On Arab satellite TV they showed the hospital scene after this, people all over the floors begging for help, crying parents...

I've seen just about every single video ever released from Iraq, Afghanistan and Chechnya, all the beheadings, suicide bombing aftermaths, EVERYTHING.

But none hit me like this, just wow.
RIP to the kids and to the innocent people for real. That's just sad to watch. No one wants to see children get killed or any human for that matter.
"Every religion in the world that has destroyed people is based on love"

Violence is human nature but nothing pisses me off more than seeing little children harmed

SMH....apparently this was some kind of accident.
I hope this wanst done to sway opinions..... somewhere in the title it says 2005. Then is says it was an IDF attack, but the story states it was accident witha weapons motorcade/parade. So I dont know, sad anyways.
im not watching anything on the internet thats on the middle east b/c its prob propaganda.. for both sides
This is the stuff I WISH they would show on CNN and our various news channels...people wouldnt be so quick to dismiss things like this if you could actuallySEE the real damage...rather than just reading "100 dead"
Originally Posted by socaking

I hope this wanst done to sway opinions..... somewhere in the title it says 2005. Then is says it was an IDF attack, but the story states it was accident with a weapons motorcade/parade. So I dont know, sad anyways.
Most definitely not my intention, I saw this on another forum and thought that It should be known that crap like this goes on over there and themedia never shows the videos of how bad it actually is.
does anyone wanna explain to me whats goin on over there in a short summary? i dont feel like searching and googling


This bombing was by the Isreali Forces at a Marketplace in Gaza. Hamas reps were indeed present, BUT IS WAS NOT A PARADE, NOR WAS THERE ANACCIDENT.

Simply a terrorist act by the rogue 'state' of Isreal with it's American weapons paid for by OUR tax dollars.
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