Reactions to an Indian-American Woman Winning Miss America

murica gon murica
I posted this on tumblr not too long ago..
Lol….perhaps maybe…just maybe..white people are starting to lose everything?  Lezz be real, mainstream culture is heavily influenced by black culture, the smartest people (on average) in this country are asian/of asian descent, hispanics are on track to being the largest ethnic group in the country, shoot…some of the most famous REPUBLICAN representatives are minorities (Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Allen West, Bobby Jindal…).  And now an institution that is a hallmark of white culture (white southern culture in particular) is won by a South Asian woman.

I dunno man…it seems like we minorities just might be taking everything….

(everything except nascar..because wtf..that **** is dumb and tedious as ****)
reading that hurt my head. :x :smh: Still amazes the things people say hiding behind a computer.
The ignorance is absolutely incredible.

She's of Indian descent, so suddenly she's Miss Al Queda?

wut? :lol:
The ignorance is absolutely incredible.

She's of Indian descent, so suddenly she's Miss Al Queda?

 at the ignorance of people. Al Quaeda operates in Middle Eastern/Arab countries. India is so far away from that part of the world that the misconception is laughable when people think Indians are Arabs. I just want to strangle people who mix us up with Arabs. Not to mention, Indians are a lot darker on average than arab people. For example, did anyone know that Omer Asik on the Houston Rockets is Arab? Look at how deathly white he is and compare that to the skin color of the new Miss America. I hope I've shed some light for some people.
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