Reactions to an Indian-American Woman Winning Miss America

You have to love Amerikkkans

Who even watches that to care about it?
I bet a majority of these people didn't even care enough about the pageant to know it was even on.
Nope.. probably seen someone post about it then just followed as most of them do.

"I swear I'm not racist but this is America"
Why are we surprised?

Anyway, the woman is stunning and puts aside the stereotypes that Indian women aren't attractive. What surprised me is that Indian people lived in the Syracuse area. In all my years there, I didn't see any except those that went to the school.
**** like this is still surreal to me, it doesn't come from a place of any sense at all, completely irrational. But it's been on display on a larger scale lately since our new Pres, so i'm not surprised.
I posted this on tumblr not too long ago..
Nascar is starting to be filled with Europeans cause its a harder driving environment

I think she is beautiful and probably deserves to win(I didnt watch)

Just found out she is Miss NYC

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Ignorant as s*** Sad that people still haven't understood looking different doesn't mean not being from America. That being said I would take her dowwwwwwnn
I swear I'm not racist but come on, this is suppose to be a Miss America competition

I swear I'm not racist
I swear I'm not racist
I swear I'm not racist
I swear I'm not racist
I swear I'm not racist
I swear I'm not racist
I swear I'm not racist
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I swear I'm not racist but come on, this is suppose to be a Miss America competition

I swear I'm not racist
I swear I'm not racist
I swear I'm not racist
I swear I'm not racist
I swear I'm not racist
I swear I'm not racist
I swear I'm not racist

When I read that comment all I could do is :smh:
I'm Indian and if I had a dollar for everytime someone tried to pass off some remark/joke about me being Arab/Middle Eastern, I'd be a millionaire. People are stupid, I've learned to deal with it, it's not worth losing sleep over.

I get the same confused jokes when I grow out my beard.

pretty annoying, hearing bad jokes all day
I like Indian women. My first love was Guju. Parents are a difficult barrier if you're non-Indian.

Nina's beautiful. Seems smart and motivated as well, wants to be a physician. Utilizing pageant scholarship money to attend school.

I will say, there are many Indian American girls on par with Nina on the Rutgers campus. Tampa area as well, where my ex is from.
The ignorance is absolutely incredible.

She's of Indian descent, so suddenly she's Miss Al Queda?

wut? :lol:

Man I tell ya. People think they're doin something just when all theyre doin is displaying their ignorance for the world to see.

And what makes this gold is that u have a bunch of white people of European decent claiming "This is America" like they were the first people to inhabit this continent
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I swear I'm not racist but come on, this is suppose to be a Miss America competition

I know you're joking around. The thing is...she's American born. So it makes perfect sense that she'd win. It's not Miss Caucasian America :lol:

This thread needs this video though. :rofl: every damn time

wait....when was this on t.v.?

I had a girl in early college that looked just like her....

Love me some indian womenz.
WTF is the difference between this and miss usa?? 

the first arab miss usa is fine as hell too rima fakih.
WTF is the difference between this and miss usa?? 

the first arab miss usa is fine as hell too rima fakih.
sadijmg0i9tj4950=u234=9j=098qirj =42385h j0=245j23903j5424r23r


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