Reactions to an Indian-American Woman Winning Miss America

I posted this on tumblr not too long ago..
ted cruz and marco rubio are considered minorities?

i get they have latin roots but i thought they were always considered to me

...but i get what you saying tho
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The anonymity meant something at one point. but people are so closely linked to their social networking info nowadays that this kind of ignorance is bound to come back on them in some way
Reading those comments got me rolling...nothing like seeing some upset whlte people to go with my breakfast.

How the eff you gonna tie a Indian woman in to 9/11???
And they are always the first ones to try and tell minorities that they are "Not racist" and that we "overreact"

I remember senior year of high school I was "selected" to go to a cultural diversity field trip to a local private university (95% white, 5% other) to speak on racial inequalities.

Turns out they just wanted one person from each "race" to discuss what they face on a daily basis and the challenges thrown their way for just being who they are.....

White chick straight up raises her hand as we were talking about college selection and the struggle of making it into higher education due to a variety of factors and says its unfair blacks and other minorities get scholarships significantly aimed at them and she has to work five times harder than blacks to stand out and be accepted by colleges.

Teacher looked at me and was like
because ALL the whites at the field trip were from majority "upper" middle class (60k-90k) neighborhoods and had never seen struggle in their lives.

Dat closet hate... It's why I keep my amount of white homies low and just pipe their *******.
And they are always the first ones to try and tell minorities that they are "Not racist" and that we "overreact"
Too much "they" and "we".

Forget race, this is just a bunch of moronic individuals. Just ignore them and keep it moving.

Man, I swear some of y'all in here would proclaim your race before your first name when you meet someone. It makes no sense to read a couple stupid tweets and assume that's the popular opinion of a whole race. Reminds me of when people say, "we've gotta do better," when someone of their race does something stupid. No. "We" don't have to better. Just worry about doing right by yourself. You can't control the actions of other people any way so why would you let those actions become a representation of who you are?
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The anonymity meant something at one point. but people are so closely linked to their social networking info nowadays that this kind of ignorance is bound to come back on them in some way

man i cant wait for the people who post this stuff online try to become a politician or someone with some type of fame. All of this **** will come to light (nothing on the internet goes away people, you should know that by now), and bite them in the ***.
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