Real Talk - How Desensitized Are You?

i refuse to watch anymore live beheadings.

i can tolerate just about anything else, though the damage has been done.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Jackofspad3s

I wasn't fazed by a Serbian film
Me neither. I was actually relieved when the "movie" Mordum made me super anxious. (Thanks, James Earl Zones)

Nothing surprises or !!**# with me anymore. Real life + the internet ruined me
Yeah, nothing shocks me anymore on the internet. I usually just laugh or something.
NT put me onto A Serbian Film. Now, I would barely flinch in 2 girls 1 cup started playing.
YoungNewschannel is my favorite website.. sad to say, but i find these gory videos interesting.. so yes, i guess i have been DESENSITIZED
embarassed.gif is my favorite website.. sad to say, but i find these gory videos interesting.. so yes, i guess i have been DESENSITIZED
embarassed.gif is my favorite website.. sad to say, but i find these gory videos interesting.. so yes, i guess i have been DESENSITIZED
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Just to put some perspective on what the internet has done to the world, imagine watching 2girls1cup in 00'.

I can't even pop a b dog looking at playboy.

*Dead* @ "pop a b dog"
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Steve Cash

2girls1cup didnt even bother me
same here....2 guys and a hammer still kinda gave me a slight chill...

Yes, I am desensitized.. but there is no way in hell im lookin that up..
I am to a degree.There's mad #@$+ i'd just rather not see though because it stays with me.Some #@$+ just canNOT be unseen.
To a degree since I always read about war but I think to myself that it is reality so I have to get used to it!
It's weird, with nudity the hardcore stuff seems bland to me now. I would rather see an attractive woman in something revealing than just walking around naked and getting straight to biz.

With violence/gore, I don't look at too much of it, not because I'm shocked by it but because I tend to assume the worst in day to day situations and my mind will "what if" too much about my own family and people I know.

With music, I had to cut some of it out because I was starting to call women garden tools and female dogs in my thoughts. Not even because I thought of them that way, but because it's so common to hear them referred to as such in so much of hip hop.
People may be Internet desensitized, but I highly doubt people are more desensitized in real life.
I can watch anything with a gross out factor an not even flinch. Like the whole 2 girls 1 cup thing. That doesn't disturb me. OR the 1 guy 1 cup thing. But I hate watching videos of people dying. I remember the worst video I ever saw was of a guy who jumped off a cliff into water, but didn't jump out far enough so he hit pavement and they had video of him in the hospital with his whole face split down the middle. The doctors were holding his face together or else it would open all the way up.
Originally Posted by Durden7

People may be Internet desensitized, but I highly doubt people are more desensitized in real life.

It's strange i used to think this too.  But the more you watch the world star hiphop videos of giant gang fights and arrests and just the lowest of the low things in society you start to just be comfortable with it when you see it in real life.  When i was in DC i saw a group of kids get thrown to the ground by cops and cuffed and made this huge rukus at the subway station.  Normally that kind of thing would get me amped or at least excited.  I just watched the whole thing transpire and kept it moving like nothing had happened.  It's a "o i see stuff like that every day on the internet" mentality.

Same thing goes for women.  You watch incredibly attractive women online doing the dirtiest stuff you can imagine.  Then you look at your average girl doing average things and your not a happy as you were.  The internet is a terrible place lol.
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by Durden7

People may be Internet desensitized, but I highly doubt people are more desensitized in real life.

It's strange i used to think this too.  But the more you watch the world star hiphop videos of giant gang fights and arrests and just the lowest of the low things in society you start to just be comfortable with it when you see it in real life.  When i was in DC i saw a group of kids get thrown to the ground by cops and cuffed and made this huge rukus at the subway station.  Normally that kind of thing would get me amped or at least excited.  I just watched the whole thing transpire and kept it moving like nothing had happened.  It's a "o i see stuff like that every day on the internet" mentality.

Same thing goes for women.  You watch incredibly attractive women online doing the dirtiest stuff you can imagine.  Then you look at your average girl doing average things and your not a happy as you were.  The internet is a terrible place lol.
But even if there wasnt an Internet, wouldnt you be desensitized by things like that in your every day life?

Meaning if that kind of thing happens in your area, dont you automatically become less responsive to it automatically?  If a person lives in a highly gang active area and they see a gang fight, it isnt a huge deal to them. If someone from boonies of Montana visits that city and sees a gang fight its a bigger deal to them.

Maybe its not the case for you, but I really believe that people two different levels of sensitivity.  Theres the "fake" one they have for internet things and a real life, real time visual one.  I dont believe that the "fake" one distorts the "real" one.
i've always avoided the stuff, the 2girls 1 cup thing and the beheading vids by comparison im still rather capable of feeling. 
Man.... that ukranian vid with those three teens killin people, screwed with me.

The other day I was driving and there were ambulances+police+ all over the place. I was trying to turn left, and the left turn was going to put me in direct view of what happened... but I already understood it was probably a pedestrian injury.
As I approached, I had instant view of a man pinned under a car, guts spilling ALL OVER THE DAMN road obviously dead. beat alot of and was a couple feet from us. I slammed on my brakes and told my then-girlfriend to look away, because she wasn't in view of it yet but she was all like "ohh i waanna seee".

stupid @%$%% cried for a week....
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