Real talk, How do I dumb down my sense of humor

quick 1 liners are what its all about.

keep your tales or tails to a minimum.

and go out on a high note
Originally Posted by BRaTZ DoS

quick 1 liners are what its all about.

I actually use a lot of one liners and people still fail to understand
(I've asked the "audience" if they understood in situations like this and I don't remember hearing a "yes")

I might just not be funny though

Not to sound mean but, maybe you're just not funny. Not everyone is a comedian...I actually have alot of respect for people who don't turn everything into a joke. Its alot harder to just be serious with people
There's more to a joke than just your audience. There are some people who tell jokes and it doesn't matter who the audience is, it's not going to go over well. The other parts are obviously the actual joke and the delivery. Some people have great jokes, but their terrible delivery ruins it. There's more to it than just finding the right audience. If you're naturally funny you can adapt to your audience and feel them out to know what kind of humor to use.
Don't tell jokes like that. Tell the predictable jokes first or work off them with something else just as predictable.

In all actuality, without some dependency on drugs, shock therapy, hypnosis, or brain damage you can't really dumb down your sense of humor. Just fake it.
Drink till you're "stupid" every chance you get... eventually, you'll be that way even when you're sober.

Otherwise, see post immediately preceding this one.
if you questioning why nobody is laughing at your jokes

its because your not funny.

sorry man, go watch some kevin hart or something.
Observe your audience, then adapt to the humor that you'll eventually realize they like. Do it enough and you pretty much have a wide variety of humor styles to satisfy whoever you run into.
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