real talk i think i'm a sex addict....

Aug 1, 2012
am i the only one?

i can't help it i love sex and i am always looking for the next girl to have sex with. okc and pof it is becoming too easy for me. i send about 25 messages a day, and get 65% replies but I also get about 4 messages from girls getting at me a week. i have girls that like me and want to be with me but i can't just pick one girl to be with. i do sometimes tell a girl i like her just to get the skins. never say i love you to a girl. i've had girls buy me things, write my papers for me, take me out to dinner/date, rent hotels all of that. i feel like i can't find one girl that is good enough for me to only be with her. i meet a new girl 1-3 times a week. it takes about 1-2 dates before she gives it up. this has been going on all year since i broke up my ex in march. i love it though except the fact that i have all these girls that want to be my gf that i don't want to be with just want to have sex with.

please dont lock this mods 
am i the only one?

i can't help it i love sex and i am always looking for the next girl to have sex with. okc and pof it is becoming too easy for me. i send about 25 messages a day, and get 65% replies but I also get about 4 messages from girls getting at me a week. i have girls that like me and want to be with me but i can't just pick one girl to be with. i do sometimes tell a girl i like her just to get the skins. never say i love you to a girl. i've had girls buy me things, write my papers for me, take me out to dinner/date, rent hotels all of that. i feel like i can't find one girl that is good enough for me to only be with her. i meet a new girl 1-3 times a week. it takes about 1-2 dates before she gives it up. this has been going on all year since i broke up my ex in march. i love it though except the fact that i have all these girls that want to be my gf that i don't want to be with just want to have sex with.

please dont lock this mods 
just make a video diary of your sexual exploits and post them. you'll be good. oh, also use protection.

**Make sure that they are 18 and up
Dude im in the same exact position man. Internet dating is to easy and my mind is consumed with smashing every girl i see.

It's really terrifying how much of my daily habits are influenced by sex.
If you was a real sex addict, you wouldn't be on the internet looking for yambs(takes too long) and/or you'd have no, NONE WHATSOEVER, standards.

You just like to **** a lot, like everyman.

Yes, this is a (very lame)Humble brag.
If you was a real sex addict, you wouldn't be on the internet looking for yambs(takes too long) and/or you'd have no, NONE WHATSOEVER, standards.
You just like to **** a lot, like everyman.
Yes, this is a (veeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrry lame) post.
Every straight man is an undercover sex addict. I hate when people say they're addicted to sex. It's the best physical feeling you can obtain naturally and humans were designed to procreate. You're not addicted, you're just a normal horny dude.
The Humblest of the Humble, Bragington III.. Esquire

In my best english accent
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Sounds more like a fear of commitment, immaturity, problem with being satisfied or focused simply want to get your rocks off like every other man than an addiction.

Real sex addicts be skipping meals to smash. They have real problems where sex is literally affecting other parts of their lives, some can't go a few hours without an orgasm usually due to being aroused by another person (if they can't get sex right then and there). A slight breeze gets them wet/erect. They usually don't settle for anything but sex so that can lead to them depleting their savings because they're even willing to pay for it. It's a several partners a day every day kind of addiction.

So yeah start/post that sex log to see if you really are addicted or just getting frequent yambs.
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You're an addict if it has negatively affected your life and you're still doing it.
JayZ told us a very long time ago "THE POWER OF THE P-U-S-S-Y!" .. I guess some of ya thought he was lying :lol:
it has to do w/ the strength of the man too bruh.
here's a paradigm for ya.
the whole ***** run everything mentality is partly a reason why i don't cheat on my girl.
a lot of women think their vag can make a man do anything and a lot of you dudes prove em right. when some chicks find out you have a girl they feel like it's their job to make you cheat and that they will succeed because "hey, i have *****!"
i like knowing i can turn any ***** down because i legit love my girl and am not controlled by sex. i love it just like the next man, but it doesn't run me.
i can make clear headed decisions w/ ***** in front of my face no problem. and i'm in college so i see some of the BADDEST girls i have ever seen. but i have morals and simply don't want to cheat and no ***** is gone make me do what i don't want to. nuh uh **** daat.

like the great poet Juvenile once said.
"if i'm in the room w/ a bish and that jo don't wan' ****, like a man i'ma beat my meat and get my ****** nut" :lol:
after that nut ***** don't mean nothin. of course it's better than a hand, but women love sex just as much as us so any man who gives ***** all that power is a ***** himself. you can get ***** when you can't get **** to eat.
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it has to do w/ the strength of the man too bruh.
here's a paradigm for ya.
the whole ***** run everything mentality is partly a reason why i don't cheat on my girl.
a lot of women think their vag can make a man do anything and a lot of you dudes prove em right. when some chicks find out you have a girl they feel like it's their job to make you cheat and that they will succeed because "hey, i have *****!"
i like knowing i can turn any ***** down because i legit love my girl and am not controlled by sex. i love it just like the next man, but it doesn't run me.
i can make clear headed decisions w/ ***** in front of my face no problem. and i'm in college so i see some of the BADDEST girls i have ever seen. but i have morals and simply don't want to cheat and no ***** is gone make me do what i don't want to. nuh uh **** daat.
like the great poet Juvenile once said.
"if i'm in the room w/ a bish and that jo don't wan' ****, like a man i'ma beat my meat and get my ****** nut" :lol:
after that nut ***** don't mean nothin. of course it's better than a hand, but women love sex just as much as us so any man who gives ***** all that power is a ***** himself. you can get ***** when you can't get **** to eat.


i am the exact same way broham
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