real talk i think i'm a sex addict....

where is this from? :rofl:

The League. Dude says he's a sex addict and they all say yeah right, you're just a guy. Dude ends up banging a dude so guys say maybe he really is a sex addict.

Guys like op aren't sex addicts, just normal horny guys trying to smash. If you start feeling guilty about your sex acts, becoming broke by paying for it or start having sex w the same sex, then you're a sex addict.

Exactly. You're only an addict if you are negatively affected by it. Watch the movie "Shame" with Micheal Fassbender, it an excellent portray of sex addiction.
I remember I made a thread similar to this a few months ago... Except mine was masturbating 3-5x a day while STILL having sex.

Real talk... No exaggeration, I think I bust a nut off atleast 30-40x a week.

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