RealTalk: Your President Wants To Raise My Taxes to Close to 60%

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

I got paid today in they took out $200+ ...

I'm a damn near broke College student ... I don't even care that much ...

It's all good , if it's for the Public schools I'm all for it .


I also think that people in medicine are overpaid .
And why is that?

And you're a college student....of course you don't care, you have parents who support you.
I think Teachers should be paid a lot more ... that's just MY opinion though .

& don't tell me about who supports me .

Maybe it's because I've already BEEN Middle/Lower Class ... & I know how it feels to NEED help . Period .

Crazy , because I just got back from a debate with my students about Universal Health Care .

Both sides have maaaddd points ... very hard to pick & choose .
You're a 16 year old college student? Yeah, something tells me you don't pay all the bills. No need to get defensive.

Anyway, why are people in medicine, in your eyes, overpaid?
Don't answer that Kneesh. If you do, I foresee an imminent L

I just do . People in medicine are VERY important in our lives ... I just think they should cut the school time for medicine down more .

If they cut that down , Doctors would expect to be paid less IMO .

Like I said , Teacher's salaries' aren't even touching Doctors' , & I think they hold as much as importance as Doctors do .
Teachers dont get paid cause they know half of the crap they are teaching is BS.
And if the teachers are going to be paid high, then the school and materials would have to be top notch.
And they arent willing to dish that out.
Originally Posted by lu cash

Originally Posted by Fromyesterday

Originally Posted by lu cash

Originally Posted by Fromyesterday

I Be John Mayer wrote:

Fromyesterday wrote:

dgk3188 wrote:

rich people complain too much.

shut up


Are you stupid?

They probably worked harder then you ever have

to get where they are now.

that sort of logic is pretty flawed.


Do you think they just woke up one day and

became rich?

Most rich people obviously worked hard to get where they are.

( No, im not rich. )

They probably worked hard in some kind of subject.

whether they worked hard educationally, physically, or skillfully.
The logic is flawed because a lot of people are born into situations that makes it almost impossible to get rich no matter how hard they work at it. It is much easier to make something of yourself when you are born into a middle class family, attend the best private schools in town and surround yourself with future contacts who can help you along the way.

What about Mike Tyson?, Oprah, Eminem, ect....

they went from Rags to Riches and they grew up in one of the

most poorest neighborhoods and some of them even dropped out of High School.

Like i said,

they either worked hard on a skill they had, or educationally, ect...
You're giving me very few examples, I'm talking about the country as a whole here not a couple entertainers and athletes.

excellent points.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Teachers dont get paid cause they know half of the crap they are teaching is BS.
And if the teachers are going to be paid high, then the school and materials would have to be top notch.
And they arent willing to dish that out.
What about Doctors though ?

Half of the +@++ Doctors prescribe are BS also .

The reason why Health Care costs are so high isn't solely based on the fact of treatment ... it's mainly paying the Doctors , which I believe shouldreceive pay cuts .
Some of y'all really dont see the big picture. You think that the rich people are mostly CEO's, Athletes, Bankers,etc. Most people who make over 250kown some sort of small business whether it be a construction company or a corner store. By raising taxes on these people your taking away money that could beused to hire new employees. In times of economic stress tax hikes cause small business to shed jobs which hurts the economy even more.
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Some of y'all really dont see the big picture. You think that the rich people are mostly CEO's, Athletes, Bankers,etc. Most people who make over 250k own some sort of small business whether it be a construction company or a corner store. By raising taxes on these people your taking away money that could be used to hire new employees. In times of economic stress tax hikes cause small business to shed jobs which hurts the economy even more.
FINALLY someone says this
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

I got paid today in they took out $200+ ...

I'm a damn near broke College student ... I don't even care that much ...

It's all good , if it's for the Public schools I'm all for it .


I also think that people in medicine are overpaid .
And why is that?

And you're a college student....of course you don't care, you have parents who support you.
I think Teachers should be paid a lot more ... that's just MY opinion though .

& don't tell me about who supports me .

Maybe it's because I've already BEEN Middle/Lower Class ... & I know how it feels to NEED help . Period .

Crazy , because I just got back from a debate with my students about Universal Health Care .

Both sides have maaaddd points ... very hard to pick & choose .
You're a 16 year old college student? Yeah, something tells me you don't pay all the bills. No need to get defensive.

Anyway, why are people in medicine, in your eyes, overpaid?
Don't answer that Kneesh. If you do, I foresee an imminent L

I just do . People in medicine are VERY important in our lives ... I just think they should cut the school time for medicine down more .

If they cut that down , Doctors would expect to be paid less IMO .

Like I said , Teacher's salaries' aren't even touching Doctors' , & I think they hold as much as importance as Doctors do .
I'm going to disagree with you on that, but that's beside the point.

Surely you understand that weighing the entirely subjective, so-called "importance" of a job and scaling pay accordingly in a capitalistic system isabsurd and unrealistic, right?

I'm being nice because you seem to really have good intentions, but take an intro econ class or something. Next thing you know you're gonna be arguingthat NBA players should make less than teachers. While it sounds nice, it's a ridiculous notion that would be devastating in a number of ways.
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Teachers dont get paid cause they know half of the crap they are teaching is BS.
And if the teachers are going to be paid high, then the school and materials would have to be top notch.
And they arent willing to dish that out.
What about Doctors though ?

Half of the +@++ Doctors prescribe are BS also .

The reason why Health Care costs are so high isn't solely based on the fact of treatment ... it's mainly paying the Doctors , which I believe should receive pay cuts .
your logic fails.... HARD
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Teachers dont get paid cause they know half of the crap they are teaching is BS.
And if the teachers are going to be paid high, then the school and materials would have to be top notch.
And they arent willing to dish that out.
What about Doctors though ?

Half of the +@++ Doctors prescribe are BS also .

The reason why Health Care costs are so high isn't solely based on the fact of treatment ... it's mainly paying the Doctors , which I believe should receive pay cuts .

Early school teachers are basically decoys.
Like I said before most of the things they are teaching is BS.
When colleges or other schools look at your grades they are not looking for how "smart" you are.
They are looking to see how well you have dedicated yourself and consumed the BS they are pushing you.
As for Doctors. They are much needed in the government eyes as far as the money that
the government makes from the medical field and the simple fact:
Dead people cant pay taxes.
Another thread on taxes where most of the participants don't know the difference between income and revenue and marginal tax rates.
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

I got paid today in they took out $200+ ...

I'm a damn near broke College student ... I don't even care that much ...

It's all good , if it's for the Public schools I'm all for it .


I also think that people in medicine are overpaid .
And why is that?

And you're a college student....of course you don't care, you have parents who support you.
I think Teachers should be paid a lot more ... that's just MY opinion though .

& don't tell me about who supports me .

Maybe it's because I've already BEEN Middle/Lower Class ... & I know how it feels to NEED help . Period .

Crazy , because I just got back from a debate with my students about Universal Health Care .

Both sides have maaaddd points ... very hard to pick & choose .
You're a 16 year old college student? Yeah, something tells me you don't pay all the bills. No need to get defensive.

Anyway, why are people in medicine, in your eyes, overpaid?
Don't answer that Kneesh. If you do, I foresee an imminent L

I just do . People in medicine are VERY important in our lives ... I just think they should cut the school time for medicine down more .

If they cut that down , Doctors would expect to be paid less IMO .

Like I said , Teacher's salaries' aren't even touching Doctors' , & I think they hold as much as importance as Doctors do .
So you want someone making split second decisions on your life to have less training? Very Foolish if you ask me. For example a radiologist has 4yrs undergrad 4 yrs med school 5 yrs rads residency and 1 yr fellowship and even after all that time there is still a TON of things you havent seen orexperienced and the others you want them to have as much experience as possible because if they miss that intracranial bleed say goodnight. Less training
and I am the one having to do it.
Originally Posted by jkballer5

Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Some of y'all really dont see the big picture. You think that the rich people are mostly CEO's, Athletes, Bankers,etc. Most people who make over 250k own some sort of small business whether it be a construction company or a corner store. By raising taxes on these people your taking away money that could be used to hire new employees. In times of economic stress tax hikes cause small business to shed jobs which hurts the economy even more.
FINALLY someone says this
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Teachers dont get paid cause they know half of the crap they are teaching is BS.
And if the teachers are going to be paid high, then the school and materials would have to be top notch.
And they arent willing to dish that out.
What about Doctors though ?

Half of the +@++ Doctors prescribe are BS also .

The reason why Health Care costs are so high isn't solely based on the fact of treatment ... it's mainly paying the Doctors , which I believe should receive pay cuts .
Please dont comment on something you know nothing about.
Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

I'm all for the top 1% paying for everything.

Obviously if you're only making 350k a year you're not top 1%, so I do disagree with how steep the terms seem to be.

But if you're in that top 1%, I would not shed a single tear for you to pay 1.5 billion a year in tax if you make 3 billion, or even 150 million a year if you make 300 million.
Why dude? It's not enough to say "well they can afford it, etc." The government should never be entitled to half of someone's income, not even close.

Because the top 1% owns about half the country. If they don't at least lead the way for the rest of the top 20% who own about 90% of the country to be willing to pay more than their subjects (yes, sujects, 80% of the country basically works for and owes their living to them) then how else would these things such as helathcare, childcare, education, food and clothing for those who can't afford it, etc. get paid for?

The problem is that the top 20% simply doesn't care about how those things would be paid for because (here's what you don't wanna hear) they can afford it. The question of education of healthcare does not affect them because they can get a good doctor and send their child to a good school. Why do you think so many conservatives think that punishing public schools for poor performance is a good idea? It's actually the worst idea possible becaue you're only punishing kids who have no alternative. If a school is doing poorly in academics or graduation rates, wouldn't you think they need MORE funding? Wouldn't they need MORE resources and a change in faculty, as opposed LESS funding and a fear of teaching unions? This goes for both dems and reps as well.

Bottom line is this: Does the ruling class want to be a benevolent body or an apathetic one? Sooner or later republicans will not be able to convince regular people that they are part of the group that they are representing, and this will be the final blow. I'm no socialist, becaue that would entail alot more than a single payer healthcare system. But c'mon. I can't speak for Obama but for me it's bigger than healthcare, which should be a standard like law enforcement, mail delivery, and education.

Does a stockbroker work harder than a construction worker?

Does a dentist work harder than an auto mechanic?

Does a lawyer work harder than a garbageman?

Seriously, some of you people sound sick in the head. I'm about to wrap up my undergrad studies and go to law school, and i've worked as a garbageman and I can tell you that is some of the hardest work I've ever done. 12 hours straight of lifting heavy stuff in the head riding on the back of a truck. There is nothing that would make me think that simply because i was LUCKY enough to gain the education i can get that all of a sudden I work harder than the guy who collects trash. That is the fatal flaw in your logic.

How are you gonna stoneface someone for supporting two kids on 30k a year? That's disgusting, and shows that you have a disdain for those not in the financial situation you are. That is straight up and down sad and elitist. I hope to god i never become someone like that and I will make sure my children will never adopt that sort of ideology.

For shame for thinking that you are better than someone based on what they make. That is shameful.

Best post in the whole thread
Originally Posted by ncjamn

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

I'm all for the top 1% paying for everything.

Obviously if you're only making 350k a year you're not top 1%, so I do disagree with how steep the terms seem to be.

But if you're in that top 1%, I would not shed a single tear for you to pay 1.5 billion a year in tax if you make 3 billion, or even 150 million a year if you make 300 million.
Why dude? It's not enough to say "well they can afford it, etc." The government should never be entitled to half of someone's income, not even close.

Because the top 1% owns about half the country. If they don't at least lead the way for the rest of the top 20% who own about 90% of the country to be willing to pay more than their subjects (yes, sujects, 80% of the country basically works for and owes their living to them) then how else would these things such as helathcare, childcare, education, food and clothing for those who can't afford it, etc. get paid for?

The problem is that the top 20% simply doesn't care about how those things would be paid for because (here's what you don't wanna hear) they can afford it. The question of education of healthcare does not affect them because they can get a good doctor and send their child to a good school. Why do you think so many conservatives think that punishing public schools for poor performance is a good idea? It's actually the worst idea possible becaue you're only punishing kids who have no alternative. If a school is doing poorly in academics or graduation rates, wouldn't you think they need MORE funding? Wouldn't they need MORE resources and a change in faculty, as opposed LESS funding and a fear of teaching unions? This goes for both dems and reps as well.

Bottom line is this: Does the ruling class want to be a benevolent body or an apathetic one? Sooner or later republicans will not be able to convince regular people that they are part of the group that they are representing, and this will be the final blow. I'm no socialist, becaue that would entail alot more than a single payer healthcare system. But c'mon. I can't speak for Obama but for me it's bigger than healthcare, which should be a standard like law enforcement, mail delivery, and education.

Does a stockbroker work harder than a construction worker?

Does a dentist work harder than an auto mechanic?

Does a lawyer work harder than a garbageman?

Seriously, some of you people sound sick in the head. I'm about to wrap up my undergrad studies and go to law school, and i've worked as a garbageman and I can tell you that is some of the hardest work I've ever done. 12 hours straight of lifting heavy stuff in the head riding on the back of a truck. There is nothing that would make me think that simply because i was LUCKY enough to gain the education i can get that all of a sudden I work harder than the guy who collects trash. That is the fatal flaw in your logic.

How are you gonna stoneface someone for supporting two kids on 30k a year? That's disgusting, and shows that you have a disdain for those not in the financial situation you are. That is straight up and down sad and elitist. I hope to god i never become someone like that and I will make sure my children will never adopt that sort of ideology.

For shame for thinking that you are better than someone based on what they make. That is shameful.

Best post in the whole thread
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Teachers dont get paid cause they know half of the crap they are teaching is BS.
And if the teachers are going to be paid high, then the school and materials would have to be top notch.
And they arent willing to dish that out.
What about Doctors though ?

Half of the +@++ Doctors prescribe are BS also .

The reason why Health Care costs are so high isn't solely based on the fact of treatment ... it's mainly paying the Doctors , which I believe should receive pay cuts .

Early school teachers are basically decoys.
Like I said before most of the things they are teaching is BS.
When colleges or other schools look at your grades they are not looking for how "smart" you are.
They are looking to see how well you have dedicated yourself and consumed the BS they are pushing you.
As for Doctors. They are much needed in the government eyes as far as the money that
the government makes from the medical field and the simple fact:
Dead people cant pay taxes.
I never said that the Education is a big fraud ...

I already know that . I think Doctors would still work if they got paid less , if they were really in it to help people ... not the paycheck .

I see what you're saying .
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Teachers dont get paid cause they know half of the crap they are teaching is BS.
And if the teachers are going to be paid high, then the school and materials would have to be top notch.
And they arent willing to dish that out.
What about Doctors though ?

Half of the +@++ Doctors prescribe are BS also .

The reason why Health Care costs are so high isn't solely based on the fact of treatment ... it's mainly paying the Doctors , which I believe should receive pay cuts .

Early school teachers are basically decoys.
Like I said before most of the things they are teaching is BS.
When colleges or other schools look at your grades they are not looking for how "smart" you are.
They are looking to see how well you have dedicated yourself and consumed the BS they are pushing you.
As for Doctors. They are much needed in the government eyes as far as the money that
the government makes from the medical field and the simple fact:
Dead people cant pay taxes.
I never said that the Education is a big fraud ...

I already know that . I think Doctors would still work if they got paid less , if they were really in it to help people ... not the paycheck .

I see what you're saying .
I think you mean the big business behind the health care industry, not necessarily doctors themselves...
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

I got paid today in they took out $200+ ...

I'm a damn near broke College student ... I don't even care that much ...

It's all good , if it's for the Public schools I'm all for it .


I also think that people in medicine are overpaid .
And why is that?

And you're a college student....of course you don't care, you have parents who support you.
I think Teachers should be paid a lot more ... that's just MY opinion though .

& don't tell me about who supports me .

Maybe it's because I've already BEEN Middle/Lower Class ... & I know how it feels to NEED help . Period .

Crazy , because I just got back from a debate with my students about Universal Health Care .

Both sides have maaaddd points ... very hard to pick & choose .
You're a 16 year old college student? Yeah, something tells me you don't pay all the bills. No need to get defensive.

Anyway, why are people in medicine, in your eyes, overpaid?
Don't answer that Kneesh. If you do, I foresee an imminent L

I just do . People in medicine are VERY important in our lives ... I just think they should cut the school time for medicine down more .

If they cut that down , Doctors would expect to be paid less IMO .

Like I said , Teacher's salaries' aren't even touching Doctors' , & I think they hold as much as importance as Doctors do .
I'm going to disagree with you on that, but that's beside the point.

Surely you understand that weighing the entirely subjective, so-called "importance" of a job and scaling pay accordingly in a capitalistic system is absurd and unrealistic, right?

I'm being nice because you seem to really have good intentions, but take an intro econ class or something. Next thing you know you're gonna be arguing that NBA players should make less than teachers. While it sounds nice, it's a ridiculous notion that would be devastating in a number of ways.
I just think that the ranges of pay are pretty ridiculous .

You have Teachers , Police Officers , Lawyers , Doctors , Entertainers ... probably in that order .

Do you agree with the way that system is set up ?

& I've taken Econ before .
A young woman was about to finish her first year of college. Like so many others her age she considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat and was for distribution of all wealth. She felt deeply ashamed that her father was a rather staunch Republican which she expressed openly.

One day she was challenging her father on his beliefs and his opposition to higher taxes on the rich & more welfare programs. In the middle of her heartfelt diatribe based upon the lectures she had from her far-left professors at her school, he stopped her and asked her point blank, how she was doing in school.

She answered rather haughtily that she had a 4.0 GPA, and let him know that it was tough to maintain. That she had to study all the time, never had time to go out and party like other people she knew. She didn't even have time for a boyfriend and didn't really have many college friends because of spending all her time studying. That she was taking a more difficult curriculum.
Her father listened and then asked, "How is your friend Mary."
She replied, "Mary is barely getting by", she continued, "all she has is barely a 2.0 GPA" adding, "and all she takes are easy classes and she never studies." But to explain further she continued emotionally, "But Mary is so very popular on campus, college for her is a blast, she goes to all the parties all the time and very often doesn't even show up for classes because she is too hung over."

Her father then asked his daughter, "Why don't you go to the Dean's office and ask him to deduct a 1.0 off your 4.0 GPA and give it to her friend who only had a 2.0." He continued, "That way you will both have a 3.0 GPA and certainly that would be a fair equal distribution of GPA."

The daughter, visibly shocked by the father's suggestion, angrily fired back, "That wouldn't be fair! I worked really hard for mine, I did without and Mary has done little or nothing, she played while I worked real hard!"

The father slowly smiled and said, "Welcome to the Republican Party."

just felt like this is relevant to this post
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