Recommend me a DOG!

Korean Jindo. Medium size bred, similar to husky or eskimo, don't require ton of attention or exercise. Quick to train.
How about a Westie (West Highland White Terrier)??? I don't own one nor have ever met one but I've been semi in the market for a dog too so I've been reading up on them. I read they're pretty obedient, social and not too rambunctious and they have somewhat of a hunter's mentality. I don't think they shed a lot either. I've never seen one in person in the US but I spent alotta time over in Spain and it seemed like every other person was walking a westie. They're pretty cute and not to girly. It's the same breed as the Caesar dog food doggy.



cop one of these, tell the groomer to hook him up with a nice lil "teddybear" cut and you're set. how could you say no to that face???
I know someone, whose sister has a Westie and he recommends it highly. Of course, thats a dog that would need pretty regular grooming id assume.. They look a little rough, in terms of their fur.
Originally Posted by GolfAlphaBravoEcho


My little guy Brindle is a pain in the neck.

You CAN'T leave him off the leash for ANYTHING. He doesn't bark he HOWLS, it's blood curdling. High energy, stubborn, slow to housebreak, needy.

Don't get a dog at all. Enjoy your free time and money.

But if that doesn't deter you... beagles are pretty cute. And loyal.

Man, that is a nice looking dog (no dogmo). I remember when I had my beagle and we had no idea that he howled. We even had a neighbor that called the police on my family for noise pollution. It can be a pain but it does slow down as they get older. When they're puppies though, it can be worse then a kid. They'll howl all damn day and even in the morning when they need to pee or want to go outside. I love them still.
Originally Posted by casekicks

psk-First of all, F U..Pom are not nasty little dogs..They are a great breed that are smart, fiercly loyal, and sensitive..Second, and Im not sure on the FBD, Boston Terriers are not good dogs..They are hard to potty train, dumb as hell, bark nonstop, and most importantly are nowhere near as gangsta as Poms..

Frank-You Poms are sic man..
..And my Barky Bob is like your black pom..Except he's chocolate brown and has a sugar white streak about 4 in. long on his chest..Also has a white dot on the same 2 toes on both front paws..
Just took a closer look at the pics....damn. That is BOSS. Was Barky like that as a pup? IDK about my boy Beans, the black pom. We adopted him about 4 years ago. You should leave the strip of white hair to grow out like a mohawk on his chest. Women go
when they see it.

manamazing55 - barking comes with the territory. It also depends on the dog's personality. During training classes there was another pom that just stood still the entire time while my little girl yapped in his face.
Frank, what sort of training can you actually do with a "little dog"........I always assumed they basically do what they want, other than being potty trained.
Originally Posted by keepitgully

get a yorkie. my dude just wanders around the house 24/7 on his own and just chills with me when I'm watchin tv or on the PS3.
great personalities
So where are you all purchasing your Poms? Id prefer a baby for training purposes. Not many on Craigs near my location(DC Metro)
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

that looks like a pit to me.... whats the difference between that and a pit... dont they all come from the fighting breed?
Yeah like 100 years ago. They're a cross between a bulldog and a terrier. Things have changed a bit since then. Nowadays they're noted for their loyalty and fondness of people. Look it up. Everything you'll read talks about how they will make terrible guard/attack dogs. Heck, their nickname is the "nanny-dog."
Frank-Yep, Barky was born with the white chest stripe..And I actually forgot, and you can't really tell in the pics, but he has a tiny strip of white under his bottom lip that almost looks like a soul patch..He's mos def pimptastic!..

Phen0m-We got our dog from my wife's aunt..She's been a Pom breader for over 10 years..She only made us pay 100 bucks for him, which was enough to cover his first round of shots and vet visit..Thats a fantastic deal because she's actually had 2 other chocolate Poms w/white stripes and she sold each one for over 500..
is there a particular site that is better than others to find breeders in you area?

ive always been told to never buy dogs from pet shops, but I know ppl that have and have had no issues. So whats the standard rule here?
Originally Posted by manamazing55

is there a particular site that is better than others to find breeders in you area?

ive always been told to never buy dogs from pet shops, but I know ppl that have and have had no issues. So whats the standard rule here?

I don't know of any specific websites, so you're on your own there..But I've bought a Jack Russell from a pet store and had zero issues short or long term..But I've heard that pet shop dogs have more cases of kennel cough which can be a serious issue..I've heard of a pet store around my area that got exposed for selling dogs "with papers" when the dogs were barely half of the breed they're supposed to be..I guess the best way to go is through a breeder that way you can see the parents and see the environment the dogs is coming from..
^^^ I got my current Jack Russell from a breeder in NH (I live just outside of Boston). He's awesome such an amazing personality, although much different from my last Jack RIP. If I were going to get a dog I would get mine from a breeder and not from a pet store.
Just cause a dog is small, don't assume that he's not gonna be energetic.  My wife and I have a yorkie and the guy is always on play mode.  Make sure that before you buy a dog, you understand the importance of walking a dog at ATLEAST twice a day.  I play fetch with my guy in the backyard to burn him out and expend as much energy as possible before he comes inside.
Do Poms bark as much as most are led to believe? Also, with being as energetic as they are.. when its your bedtime and the lights go out..are they generally in line with that? Or is there still alot of running around in the dark, barking etc.
manamazing55 - she knows how to sit, stay, lay down, etc. The other poms just understand off for getting off the couch.

You should look into adoption. There's plenty of dogs that need a loving home.

All my poms were adopted. The older white pom and black pom are half brothers who were adopted. The youngest one, Snowball, was adopted too. She had a broken leg at less than a year old.
Originally Posted by Phen0m

Do Poms bark as much as most are led to believe? Also, with being as energetic as they are.. when its your bedtime and the lights go out..are they generally in line with that? Or is there still alot of running around in the dark, barking etc.

No they don't..They can be a little yippy, but thats with any small dog..I've had several breeds of small dogs and they all are a bit yappy when young, but if you give em a firm "no" when they are pups and barking too much eventually they'll shut up when you tell em no..

As far as bedtime goes, Barky Bob will actually go to bed hours before me and the wife are ready for bed..Most of the time when we are ready to go into the bedroom we tell Barky "Go in the bedroom", his lazy @*# will just stare at me until I pick him up and carry him to bed..My dog, seriously, spends more time sleeping each day than he does playing..It's not uncommon for him to sleep 8/9 hours, wake up for a quick morning deuce, and then go right back to bed and sleep for another 2 or 3 hours..And he aint even 2 years old yet..
Also, escaped my mind til now..but my ex has a pet called a fennec fox..reminds me of these pomeranians(in personality) a bit. They are pretty quiet..dont bark, but kinda chirp(like a bird)..very playful and sociable. Hers cost like 1200 two years ago..not sure if theyre more common now.
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