WTF JJ seriously one FSR 
Wow, Received Order Confirmation for a 10!! Props to sneakology for at least posting that first PYS link, actually did help out!

I've been looking for these and royal blue Ewing's for years, and within a year they both release. Childhood grails, but couldn't afford em. Good times.
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My Payment Just Went Through On PYS. It Added Two Into My Car By Accident. Does PYS Save The Item In Your Cart A Little?
my order went through but when i had them in my cart it said 0 pairs left, but got a confirmation and everything. yall think i got the last pair or will i get cancelled? (on pickyourshoes)
You know what F these companies. Really. And here's why. They knew this was going to be a sought after shoe give it the production run it deserves. Me not being able to cop anything doesn't make this brand hot it makes it extremely frustrating. Sorry for the rant but from the last time I tried to use the Reebok site I already know how that is going down.
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man, got an order confirmation, but they already cancelled one of mine tonight, so not hopeful
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