RELIGIOUS PEOPLE: Do you think there will / could ever be an agnostic / atheistic POTUS?

if there is, they sure as hell won't be open about..

the south ain't having it.
There is one openly atheist congressman from cali named Pete Stark.

There is another one in the New England area who is just "non-religious" I think.

According to conservative estimates, there are about 20 closet atheists in congress as well. 
The question is what type of atheist leader do you want? An atheist leader who says 'f' religion and anyone who believes in god? Because then you get this:
contrary to popular belief, atheism is not synonymous with this.

"Atheism" isn't a thing. Its merely the response to a question: Do you believe in god(s)? No.

Thats it. 

If you've got some a-hole in control that has no bearing on whether or not people believe in magic. 
We already have. But will not in this political climate.

Thomas Jefferson: Deist at best, possibly atheist. Very "irreligious."
Andrew Jackson: never known to attend a church after the age of 10, not a member of any church nor an attendee while president. Joined a church (evidence suggests to appease his wife) a year after leaving the presidency.
Abraham Lincoln: described by close friends as an atheist. Very "irreligious."
John Tyler: "religious views are doubtful." Never joined any church, fervent supporter of separation of church and state.
William Howard Taft: before becoming president, Taft was offered the presidency of Yale University, then affiliated with the Congregational church. He turned it down, saying in a letter, "I do not believe in the divinity of christ."
Interesting list.

I'd like to add that I don't hold "deism" against anyone before the enlightenment or the industrial revolution. We simply didn't know enough about the world for a lot of people to outright reject the claims made by religions. 
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We dont need any more broken people holding high positions............

Yes, you faithless people are broken..............

this will be my only reply in this thread...........

We dont need any more broken people holding high positions............
Yes, you faithless people are broken..............
this will be my only reply in this thread...........

This is why not, at least not for a long time. People really feel this reallyReally. To me, it's like asking "will we ever have a Packers fan as president", what the **** difference does it make...but to the hardcore bible folk? Pssh. You might as well be Hitler.
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We dont need any more broken people holding high positions............
Yes, you faithless people are broken..............
this will be my only reply in this thread...........
Doing this reminds me a lot of this: 

Their will never be a declared agnostic or atheist president. Every president will always include religion in their campaign because it's beneficial for votes. The president may feel different behind closed doors but will never admit it.

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I've always marveled at how quickly a church can mobilize its members to support any single cause because the "pastor/preacher/minister/father/etc" says so.

Its remarkable.

Something that always gets me is the emphasis that god can really and truly do everything, yet he really needs you to vote in XYZ way.

I mean that doesn't speak highly for the power of prayer, if anything. 
contrary to popular belief, atheism is not synonymous with this.
government sponsored atheism is irrelevant when discussing an atheist leader?

contrary to popular belief the ussr did not sponsor state atheism?

contrary to popular belief my original question was not addressed.
I've always marveled at how quickly a church can mobilize its members to support any single cause because the "pastor/preacher/minister/father/etc" says so.

Its remarkable.

Something that always gets me is the emphasis that god can really and truly do everything, yet he really needs you to vote in XYZ way.

I mean that doesn't speak highly for the power of prayer, if anything. 

but the thing is dude, thats with any group or cause that has easily influenced individuals. The church has sheep( and people who have their own minds). We know this. But to make it seem like they are the only ones who follow a cause isnt very fair.
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