Remastered Program So Far. What next?

I wonder what the actual percentage of JB profit comes from the retros? 8/10 times I see someone wearing “Js” they’re never retro’s. So, yea, the trash doesn’t help the brands image( do we really care?) but the trash seems to be where the money comes from. If that image is so bad then why are we all here? I could care less if people eat up all of the trash that JB puts out because I am here to really only cop what Jordan himself wore during his playing days.... with a few exceptions
All of this is probably why we have no idea of whats releasing this year

And this all comes back to my post about Mike not taking this seriously enough. The top brand should have the top people, tf is going on over there?

Why would Mike care? He’s already a billionaire and JB keeps cranking out $$ for him.

I do wish he cared about the retro line though
I’ll come with you, @tonytobacco. It’ll be the greatest era in JB history—for real enthusiasts. We’ll get fired within a year for ignoring all the mass-volume garbage needed to hit revenue goals and satisfy the shareholders :rofl:
While your all there can you give me these please. You will be legends in my book. lol
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