Remember your Super Soaker?

CPS 2000 was legendary. Got discontinued because it was so powerful.

I remember my cousins and I taking turns shooting their old neighbors house from inside their pool with it :pimp: :lol:
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Parents couldn't afford a real one for me so I had to settle for a knockoff from the bargain store smh it didn't even work properly
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never had 1.... i always wanted 1 but my parents never bought it for me
Same here, I had the weak generic version. Enjoyed the hell out of it though 
All I could get was these cheap swap meet joints from the asian dude selling cheap lead paint toys

trying to aim the water into the little hole under the sink

I would get murked all the time against the super soaker kids, only chance would be @ close range
These and a knockoff version of the SS50 were all I ever had and I had to buy them for myself 
 Mom had a strict "no guns" policy so I had to hide them too 
I actually ordered one of those og super soaker 50s a few years ago off ebay for no reason. :lol: ive got it around here aomewhere or it got lost when i moved into my house. :lol: best squirt gun ever, that ss50 changed the whole game up :lol:
Kids these days missing out :smh:
Can't even get my gf's sisters to go out and play they stay on that phone on youtube and Instagram ALL DAY
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