Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Get out of here Obama. You had your chance to so something for black people. Only stood up for LGBT movements, the banks and health care industry.

He did is obligatory , "I'm a black public figure so let me do a MLK post" post.
that’s not completely fair to say. his position alone let others and to specify “others” future generations to come (particular black kids) that the potus isn’t solely a white mans position.

You could argue that him being a symbol is more important than anything else. A ****load of ppl now believe “I can do it to.”
that’s not completely fair to say. his position alone let others and to specify “others” future generations to come (particular black kids) that the potus isn’t solely a white mans position.

You could argue that him being a symbol is more important than anything else. A ****load of ppl now believe “I can do it to.”

Honestly when I voted for Obama I had in mind that he's the first visually black president and i gotta be ok if that's all he does. At least he will show the youth it's possible. In moving beyond the first symbolically black president, Tangibles are needed. And I felt like Kamala thought she could do just that again but for women.. But she was a fake African American with a white husband. All these Dems keep pandering to the lowest ideal of blackness in society. Smoking weed to Tupac I'm college guarantees the black vote? Pulling hotsauce out your purse is enough to get the black vote? The Dems need to get it together.
Honestly when I voted for Obama I had in mind that he's the first visually black president and i gotta be ok if that's all he does. At least he will show the youth it's possible. In moving beyond the first symbolically black president, Tangibles are needed. And I felt like Kamala thought she could do just that again but for women.. But she was a fake African American with a white husband. All these Dems keep pandering to the lowest ideal of blackness in society. Smoking weed to Tupac I'm college guarantees the black vote? Pulling hotsauce out your purse is enough to get the black vote? The Dems need to get it together.

You know the “smoking weed to Tupac thing” wasn’t real right?

It was a breakfast club interview, in which DJ envy asked a follow up question about Tupac....that right wing/white suptemacist spliced together to make it seem like she was in-authentic and pandering. If you heard the interview in real wasn’t what it was made out to be.

Kamala is an AKA that went to Howard. We really Still doing this? *****s gotta do better. And Obama was naive to white racism. He thought he could “good person” his way through...and they still hated him. A lot of the ***** he had on the table that was blocked by congress would’ve definitely helped us. Y’all gotta do your research man. Progress is 2 steps forward...1 step back. Especially when a black face is associate with it.

Don’t let your frustrations with black progress manifest itself in this way. Look at the full picture.
Honestly when I voted for Obama I had in mind that he's the first visually black president and i gotta be ok if that's all he does. At least he will show the youth it's possible. In moving beyond the first symbolically black president, Tangibles are needed. And I felt like Kamala thought she could do just that again but for women.. But she was a fake African American with a white husband. All these Dems keep pandering to the lowest ideal of blackness in society. Smoking weed to Tupac I'm college guarantees the black vote? Pulling hotsauce out your purse is enough to get the black vote? The Dems need to get it together.
I agree with you on the pandering, but they seem to do dumb and dumb**** like that b/c it gets them “invited to the cookout” by certain black ppl. Kamala’s history is regards to black ppl in the legal system is more than a bit dodgy and I think where she stands racially prevents her past actions from being considered racist, would you feel the same about the say she maneuvered had husband been black? Also why did u stand on “i gotta be ok if that's all he does” in regards to Obama? Bias tend to prevent a equal playing field.
Obama was naive to white racism. He thought he could “good person” his way through...and they still hated him. A lot of the ***** he had on the table that was blocked by congress would’ve definitely helped us. Y’all gotta do your research man. Progress is 2 steps forward...1 step back. Especially when a black face is associate with it.

Don’t let your frustrations with black progress manifest itself in this way. Look at the full picture.
wr wr yeah man, you have to go through Congress. A congress full of money hungry racist, sexist, god fearing, and all around bigoted white men.
wr wr

One of the schools here (Halstead Academy) is a middle school near me where a lot of people I grew up with went.

The **** Obama had in mind was with the right thinking. He completely underestimated white Racism as a challenge to progress...and that’s where a lot of his failures for “us” came. The LOWEST point in his approval rating in all his years of office was when he said, “If I had a son...he’d look like Trayvon Martin”. Think about what that says.

Bruh had the right mindset...without the tools or full understanding of what he was up against. Still a good dude with ultimately did good. He didn’t do enough for us. But he moved the ball forward...and right in line with a vision for better. I’m more upset that as he knew full and well what he was up against....he didn’t push on. He tried to soften his message to appease “everyone”...which meant giving white people comfort. And that is not the way.

I’m sure he going to have King letters in Birmingham revelations about white america as he reflects. He apologized to white racism and tried to usher in programs that would benefit black people...while not explicitly being for black people because that gets voted down instantly.

Don’t let them play the confusion tactics man.
Kamala did her brown people pandering cooking with Mindy Khaling. I'll respond to yalls post when I get off work.
Kamala did her brown people pandering cooking with Mindy Khaling. I'll respond to yalls post when I get off work.

That’s part of her identity :lol:. Shes running for office man. It’s marketing. Not pandering. She’s from Oakland. Black and Indian. Her father was involved in the civil rights movement. She went to an HBCU. She married a white dude...and has some questionable decisions (albeit somewhat understood with context) regarding criminal justice.

This is the person you wanna make the “bad guy” or seem fake. She could be better. *****s ain’t perfect. Y’all woulda COOKED MLK for cheating on that Queen Coretta or never got on board with Malcolm X for dating white women and pimping, selling dope.

Get outta here with this purity stuff man :lol:.
I could cook MLK on plenty of issues.

I don't think how you cook, dance or play yourself up to be needs to be a measure of political will. It's a measure of how far you will bend as a spineless politician for political gain. It needs to be about the issues. Not proving you can line dance and whip up a curry dish.

Ppl forget back them joining these organizations was way to be a buffer for white Supremacy on behalf of black folks. Same stands for MLK. Those were the institutions missions at the time. Even people of the times noted the mistakes of these organizations like WEB Dubois. They're called mistakes and humans make them. But being honest enough to admit them is what makes the legacy respected which MLK and X did before their quick demises. These modern day politicians die with the lie.
I am certain that Martin is on the other side, noting that he made a mistake allowing the movement that he lead, to be infiltrated by those who did not have the best interests of Black people, at heart.

I'd like to think that he is hoping that WE have learned from his mistakes.

In fact, I'd say book it.

THEY, will never change. If we'd listened to the OG Native Americans? We'd know that it is impossible.
Mans really outchea proclaiming they could "cook MLK on plenty of issues".

Good grief.
Holding other men up to be perfect is exactly why politicians swindle people generation after generation.

People make mistakes. But y'all prefer the cult of personality. Want to like somebody rather than be worried about them doing right by you. Want them to make you feel good instead if doing good works for you and your family.

No man is not worthy of criticism. Let's be real here.
Holding other men up to be perfect is exactly why politicians swindle people generation after generation.

People make mistakes. But y'all prefer the cult of personality. Want to like somebody rather than be worried about them doing right by you. Want them to make you feel good instead if doing good works for you and your family.

No man is not worthy of criticism. Let's be real here.
Seems like you are arguing against a bunch of strawmen famb.

I don't think anyone, especially me, has made the argument that anyone, including King is above criticism.

First I would agree there are some fair criticism to be made of anyone, including King. However I do not think you are making much of them. Same with your jabs at Obama and Kamala Harris.

I understand you disagree with the man, but honestly nothing I have seen your post on NT has express arguments as cogent, transformative, or radical as King's critiques of American imperialism and socioeconomic system.

So for I guess good for you that you think you could cook him in a debate. But for multiple reasons, seems like something ridiculous to say.

MLK was one of the most successful activist in History. He risked his like fighting against white suprremacy, and ultimately it cost him his life. So it just seems kinda petty and inconsequential for someone to proclaim they could cook him in a debate.

But you do you my dude.
A lot of flowery speech to diminish what I said I could do. Not what I did do.
A lot of flowery speech to diminish what I said I could do. Not what I did do.
I respect you enough to give you a well though out response. My bad.

Sorry, next time I will be more flippant and dismissive regarding your delusions of grandeur.
My bad fam. I took it a kinda way when you say it's ridiculous to cook him in a debate which is a very inflammatory way to say I would take a different stance with him on certain issues. I didn't even get into what I disagreed with him on which is what I was trying to say.

It was language the previous poster I was replying to used.
My bad fam. I took it a kinda way when you say it's ridiculous to cook him in a debate which is a very inflammatory way to say I would take a different stance with him on certain issues. I didn't even get into what I disagreed with him on which is what I was trying to say.
No worries my G
Very proud of what MLK did and his legacy.
Without him, I could never dream of being where I am today.
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