Report: LeBron considers extension with Cavs

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02


That's exactly what a homer does NOT do.

*team sucks tonight*
homer: I don't care. We can still beat the Celtics, Cavs, Spurs, Lakers, or anyone else if we played them in a 7-game series. We just had a bad night, mainly because of the refs, and because the _____'s play dirty as hell.

reasonable fan: Good god that was embarrassing. We were a shame to this sport tonight. Hopefully we do better tomorrow night. We better do better tomorrow night. I'm going to go throw up now.

*team sucks overall, for a long time*
homer: We're rebuilding for the future. And we still beat the good teams when they come through. That right there shows that we're better than them. Hell, we just beat the Celtics by 14.
We blasted those overrated bums.

reasonable fan: We're pathetic. I can't even watch anymore. Every night, I know we're going to lose. Yeah, we beat the Celtics by 14. And? We're playing terrible basketball, making terrible decisions, pulling triggers on terrible trades, signing extensions to bums, and we're the laughingstock of the league.

No, homers absolutely do NOT criticize their team when the chips are down.
You know better than that.


But when he said "It's a beautiful day..." when the Knicks made the Z-Bo and Crawford trades, I was like huh????

Beautiful day for who?

HIS Knicks..Not the Warriors or the Clippers eh?
Hey, I never said that everything he says regarding the Knicks is unbiased and reasonable.
why cant we just wait till 2010 to see where he actually goes because this is all just speculation

hes going to the Lakers anyway
Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02


That's exactly what a homer does NOT do.

*team sucks tonight*
homer: I don't care. We can still beat the Celtics, Cavs, Spurs, Lakers, or anyone else if we played them in a 7-game series. We just had a bad night, mainly because of the refs, and because the _____'s play dirty as hell.

reasonable fan: Good god that was embarrassing. We were a shame to this sport tonight. Hopefully we do better tomorrow night. We better do better tomorrow night. I'm going to go throw up now.

*team sucks overall, for a long time*
homer: We're rebuilding for the future. And we still beat the good teams when they come through. That right there shows that we're better than them. Hell, we just beat the Celtics by 14.
We blasted those overrated bums.

reasonable fan: We're pathetic. I can't even watch anymore. Every night, I know we're going to lose. Yeah, we beat the Celtics by 14. And? We're playing terrible basketball, making terrible decisions, pulling triggers on terrible trades, signing extensions to bums, and we're the laughingstock of the league.

No, homers absolutely do NOT criticize their team when the chips are down.
You know better than that.


But when he said "It's a beautiful day..." when the Knicks made the Z-Bo and Crawford trades, I was like huh????

Beautiful day for who?

HIS Knicks..Not the Warriors or the Clippers eh?

CLASSIC!!!! lol
Ken Berger addresses the issue and mentions that max salaries may actually decrease with the new CBA due to the ecomony. I wonder how this will effectLeBron's situation?
We open the week with the genius of LeBron James, according to Tom Ziller. I agree, but don't think LBJ's flirtation with 2010 is over. Far from it. Even Brian Windhorst of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, who coaxed the extension talk out of LeBron, realizes this is just another piece of the puzzle. B-Win offered these two key observations: 1. LeBron remains in love with being the center of attention with regard to his impending free agency; and 2. "There are many, many more twists and turns to come."

A lot can happen between now and this summer, when LeBron has the opportunity to sign another three-year extension. If he chooses, he can continue signing three-year extensions until the cows come home, constantly motivating the Cavs' front office to put championship-caliber talent around him. It's a viable option, until you consider this: If LeBron were to sign a three-year extension in '09, he would need to sign his next deal under whatever rules are negotiated in the new collective bargaining agreement; the current one expires in 2011. As we've pointed out numerous times here, any of these top-tier potential free agents would be wise to sign a long-term deal under the current rules -- either with their current teams or new ones. There is a growing feeling among ownership that salaries have to be scaled back under the next agreement, and the cratering economy has only reinforced the notion. Although attendance is holding steady league-wide, the NBA Players Association is carefully monitoring what it expects will be flat-to-declining revenues over the next two seasons. If revenue slips more than expected, the pool of money available for player salaries will shrink.

This is one of many issues LeBron will consider this summer when he decides whether to sign another short-term extension. And it is one of many issues he will consider on June 30, 2010 if he doesn't extend. So all of the teams that have aggressively begun clearing cap space haven't done it for naught. SLAM Online says LeBron is just playin' us. In The New York Times, Howard Beck writes that there are plenty of reasons to get under the cap, and they're not all named LeBron.

Another key aspect LeBron will consider: Do the Cavs use some of their generous cap space to sign a top-tier running mate for LeBron -- Carlos Boozer in '09 or Chris Bosh in '10? Ah, so many story lines, so many delicious angles for LeBron to consider and exploit as he holds the entire NBA in the palm of his hand.
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