Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

I'm hearing the death toll is to 59 now.

Local news reporter just said it...

This is just horrible.
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Has Donald trump Said anything about this yet?

Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)

June 12, 2016
what a disgusting man. he continues with his other tweets to attempt to capitalize off this tragedy. he is evil and anti-American. **** him.
Been like that since 9/11
And they have been all on the FBI watchlist
Either FBI can't do its job right or they are complicit in this? Hmmmm

Clearly it's collusion but this has been happening before 9/11 and anytime we want to invade, attack, steal from, or swindle Islamic countries.

For some of you asking and wondering how these ppl are getting access to these guns. The same way dangerous inner city gangs get their guns and drugs. They def don't own the boats n planes they are being shipped on.

I see you bill and that Arkansas mena strip too btw [emoji]128064[/emoji]

Guns n butter...
And it seems very often when a tragedy like this happens, religion is behind it in some way.

Religion is worse than guns tbh
real talk
Religious extremists are

The worst thing about religion....religious people

Exactly. Ignorant human beings will exist with or without religion.

They'd just find something else to fuel and justify their actions.

Cats are getting shot up in my city every day, and it's not because of religion.
I'm sure the club has multiple surveillance cameras. They should release some videos. You would think there were multiple shooters with that type of accuracy/ amount of deaths. I don't know that much about guns but wouldn't he have had to reload multiple times?

I'll pass on watching a video of 100 people getting riddled with bullets.
I'm sure law enforcement is taking a look themselves. no need to unleash more George Zimmerman-esque vigilantes.
Omar Mir Seddique Mateen is a registered member of the Florida Democrat Party.

Wew lad.

You right wing, conservative cats are the absolute ******* worst, I swear.  :smh:

Dudes in here trying to rustle jimmies after 50 people just got slaughtered.  What in the blue hell does his political party affiliation have anything to do with this story?  

Gun control and LGBTQ rights.

NT, I present to you the new village idiot.

Congrats--it's surely a difficult feat given the level of idiocy displayed by your fellow NT right-wingers on any given day.
One of the first two photos released of the deceased on local news is my GF's buddy... It's gotten too real. This **** is brutal.
NT, I present to you the new village idiot.

Congrats--it's surely a difficult feat given the level of idiocy displayed by your fellow NT right-wingers on any given day.
That's me.

please get good

But that's just because I'm front the internet, not the real world.
I'm seeing a lot of idiots talkin about "your not gonna be able to stop the black market"

"Why take the guns away from the innocent and only arm the criminals"

"It's sad but what can we do"

No one has once mentioned the banishment on guns in the US but come on.

There are steps we are ignoring the **** out of.

A lot of states don't have a purchase wait policy.

When I got my .40 it took all of 15 min.

They make a quick phone call on a background check and I had my gun.

I think some private dealers don't even require that.

Ya'll need to start readin up on just how easy it is to get guns.

There are plenty of places to start but people deterred it with the extreme "YOUR NOT TAKIN MY GUNS"

Fanaticism is the problem IMO. Not religion.

I'm sure we all know peaceful people who are religious.

People who are fanatical about things are the danger. That can be anything. Sports fans ready to beat another fan senseless because the like the other team etc.

To me that's more about the person than the institution of religion.

Well said.
Maybe there are more shooters on the loose. It's hard for me to believe 1 person killed 50 people and Injured 53. There's got to be more. Maybe some of them got away acting like victims.

Maybe neither of you have been in a club before on a busy night, but usually ppl are packed in pretty tight so it would pretty easy to shoot 100 ppl in a short period of time. It also helped that he had high capacity magazines which can hold double the number of rounds as a regular magazine. I'm guessing that he was able to get off 60 rounds before ppl even knew what was going on. When you add in the fact that they were sitting ducks and it's entirely plausible that he did this alone.
I'll pass on watching a video of 100 people getting riddled with bullets.
Well, liveleak should have it soon enough. Sometimes you gotta analyze exactly how it got so bad.

Comment section is priceless too.
1 person could definitely pull that off

and that caliber can go through a person.
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and that caliber can go through a person
You can still roll on kids with a nine all day.

Here comes the military grade assault attack ball point flesh eating high capacity operator rifle.
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