Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

Fight or flight is crazy i don't know what I'd do. You'd think someone could tackle him from behind or at least someone have a concealed knife. Maybe a beer bottle. How big is that club? This is so crazy and sad. I'm afraid to go in public constantly because of this stuff. Too much runs through my head.
I'm seeing a lot of idiots talkin about "your not gonna be able to stop the black market"

"Why take the guns away from the innocent and only arm the criminals"

"It's sad but what can we do"

No one has once mentioned the banishment on guns in the US but come on.

There are steps we are ignoring the **** out of.

A lot of states don't have a purchase wait policy.

When I got my .40 it took all of 15 min.

They make a quick phone call on a background check and I had my gun.

I think some private dealers don't even require that.

Ya'll need to start readin up on just how easy it is to get guns.

There are plenty of places to start but people deterred it with the extreme "YOUR NOT TAKIN MY GUNS"

So you think a harder process will stop terrorists from getting guns? Cmon man.
You're a sensible gun owner, but u can't reason why a terrorist would carry out this shooting and say, tougher laws would have prevented this tragedy
Just 2 hours ago, a man was coming from Santa Monica with a cache of assault weapons and pipe bombs and had a plan to attack the gay parade
It's not legal in LA county to have the weapons he had, but he got them anyway.
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Omar Mir Seddique Mateen is a registered member of the Florida Democrat Party.

Wew lad.

You right wing, conservative cats are the absolute ******* worst, I swear.  :smh:

Dudes in here trying to rustle jimmies after 50 people just got slaughtered.  What in the blue hell does his political party affiliation have anything to do with this story?  

Gun control and LGBTQ rights.

NT, I present to you the new village idiot.

Congrats--it's surely a difficult feat given the level of idiocy displayed by your fellow NT right-wingers on any given day.

Remember NT it only goes left, once you lean right you are denounced.

An article where the killers ex wife clearly states he was violent and mentally unstable...

I ask when do the teachings of a religion of a billion take precedence over the unstable mental state of the shooter himself?

The man was psychiatrically flawed and that should be the main reason for his drastic actions but of course the right must make this a war on religion and hold individual actions secondly
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Omar Mir Seddique Mateen is a registered member of the Florida Democrat Party.

Wew lad.

You right wing, conservative cats are the absolute ******* worst, I swear.  :smh:

Dudes in here trying to rustle jimmies after 50 people just got slaughtered.  What in the blue hell does his political party affiliation have anything to do with this story?  

Gun control and LGBTQ rights.

NT, I present to you the new village idiot.

Congrats--it's surely a difficult feat given the level of idiocy displayed by your fellow NT right-wingers on any given day.

Remember NT it only goes left, once you lean right you are denounced.

Nope. You say stupid **** and bring illogical statements to the table and you get called out.

Here we have 59 people confirmed dead, and all you can muster up are some posts about a shooting involving 2 minority segments of society, popcorn and the shooter's political affiliation.

I'd say that fits the bill to be called an idiot, regardless of which way you lean. I call 'em how I see 'em. Just so happens a lot of the ignorant **** said when these types of tragedies occur comes from cats like you. Need examples? See this thread.
And trump is again calling for his "ban" on Muslims
entering the country to be put into place when the shooter himself was an American born in New York...will it stupidity ever cease?
I'm seeing a lot of idiots talkin about "your not gonna be able to stop the black market"

"Why take the guns away from the innocent and only arm the criminals"

"It's sad but what can we do"

No one has once mentioned the banishment on guns in the US but come on.

There are steps we are ignoring the **** out of.

A lot of states don't have a purchase wait policy.

When I got my .40 it took all of 15 min.

They make a quick phone call on a background check and I had my gun.

I think some private dealers don't even require that.

Ya'll need to start readin up on just how easy it is to get guns.

There are plenty of places to start but people deterred it with the extreme "YOUR NOT TAKIN MY GUNS"



Too many think it's about "taking their God given right" and will not concede extra regulation for security. Just a crock of ****.
So you think a harder process will stop terrorists from getting guns? Cmon man.
You're a sensible gun owner, but u can't reason why a terrorist would carry out this shooting and say, tougher laws would have prevented this tragedy
Just 2 hours ago, a man was coming from Santa Monica with a cache of assault weapons and pipe bombs and had a plan to attack the gay parade
It's not legal in LA county to have the weapons he had, but he got them anyway.
I'm saying why not try man.

We have a democratic government in place to make and change laws when needed.

I'm sayin why is there a push back on harder processing?

Make it a 90 day turnaround between purchase and delivery.

Make open carry illegal across the nation.

Ban semi rifles.

You want to hunt cop a bolt and get your aim up.

Not sayin any of these will work but it's better then standing around crying about how to change things.

****** try something.
i think they should ban assault rifles.

theres literally no use for them.

make them illegal, granted some people could find some on the black market, but thats just an extra step to obtain it and you gotta know someone about that life.

if you stop selling them in gun stores, this guy wouldn't have gotten one. maybe he would have gotten a different gun, but the damage would probably be much less.
Maybe there are more shooters on the loose. It's hard for me to believe 1 person killed 50 people and Injured 53. There's got to be more. Maybe some of them got away acting like victims.
I don't know why the death count is so inconceivable to people.

This was a club FULL of unsuspecting, intoxicated partygoers in a dark room with loud music. I bet people didn't even know what was happening until like 50+ people were hit.
So you think a harder process will stop terrorists from getting guns? Cmon man.

You're a sensible gun owner, but u can't reason why a terrorist would carry out this shooting and say, tougher laws would have prevented this tragedy

Just 2 hours ago, a man was coming from Santa Monica with a cache of assault weapons and pipe bombs and had a plan to attack the gay parade

It's not legal in LA county to have the weapons he had, but he got them anyway.

I'm saying why not try man.

We have a democratic government in place to make and change laws when needed.

I'm sayin why is there a push back on harder processing?

Make it a 90 day turnaround between purchase and delivery.

Make open carry illegal across the nation.

Ban semi rifles.

You want to hunt cop a bolt and get your aim up.

Not sayin any of these will work but it's better then standing around crying about how to change things.

****** try something.
They have those laws in place in Chicago and LA
Still have one of the highest gun violence rates in the nation
To implement rules for a false sense of security doesn't make sense to prevent tragedies like this
The terrorist went to a "gun free zone" and killed 59 people
Yeah that law totally showed him
How about we scrutinize the FBI for allowing this man in the first place to even have access to weapons in the first place? He was on the watchlist for god sakes.
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And trump is again calling for his "ban" on Muslims
entering the country to be put into place when the shooter himself was an American born in New York...will it stupidity ever cease?

But his parents were born in Afghanistan and immigrated here, and their kid was obviously radicalized. Do we really want to let more in right now who's kids may be radicalized?
They have those laws in place in Chicago and LA
Still have one of the highest gun violence rates in the nation

To implement rules for a false sense of security doesn't make sense to prevent tragedies like this
The terrorist went to a "gun free zone" and killed 59 people
Yeah that law totally showed him
How about we scrutinize the FBI for allowing this man in the first place to even have access to weapons in the first place? He was on the watchlist for god sakes.
I know Chicago for a fact is getting their guns from neighboring states.

I said nation wide.

Why not try that first?

Are you against it?
And trump is again calling for his "ban" on Muslims
entering the country to be put into place when the shooter himself was an American born in New York...will it stupidity ever cease?

But his parents were born in Afghanistan and immigrated here, and their kid was obviously radicalized. Do we really want to let more in right now who's kids may be radicalized?
You can't be cereal
But his parents were born in Afghanistan and immigrated here, and their kid was obviously radicalized. Do we really want to let more in right now who's kids may be radicalized?

That is a foolish statement, to go back a generation to imply his parents are responsible based on their religion doesn't make sense, statistically speaking

The amount of mass shooting incidents taken place in this country by Muslim shooters pales in comparison to their Christian counterparts, and given the massive amount of Muslim Americans born and raised in this country and have not caused any problems, there should be more of an emphasis on banning Christian parents from raising their children here if you want to look at the problem statistically

But again does his mental instability have any affect on your implication that his "radicalization" is the only thing to blame? His mental instability is the primary issue to blame for this attack
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They have those laws in place in Chicago and LA

Still have one of the highest gun violence rates in the nation

To implement rules for a false sense of security doesn't make sense to prevent tragedies like this

The terrorist went to a "gun free zone" and killed 59 people

Yeah that law totally showed him

How about we scrutinize the FBI for allowing this man in the first place to even have access to weapons in the first place? He was on the watchlist for god sakes.

I know Chicago for a fact is getting their guns from neighboring states.

I said nation wide.

Why not try that first?

Are you against it?
Well yeah
Look at Mexico
Guns are hard to get, but the cartels have them anyway
Look at China. Guns are mostly illegal there but they got terrorists bombing in the Northern side of China where it's populated with Muslim Chinese folks.
Rules don't change criminals and terrorists!
I deserve my right to defend myself, not be barred from it.

I can agree to more thorough background checks, but simply banning guns don't prevent tragedies like these.
What rights do you speak of?
 "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

nobody cares that it was the right arm of slave patrols and from a different era, it's the most American thing about America, anybody that runs up on me gets hit with the nine
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Also to add to that Koopa, terrorists used planes during 9/11 to kill a huge amount of people. We might as well ban planes nationwide right because of those terrorists.
Well yeah
Look at Mexico
Guns are hard to get, but the cartels have them anyway
Look at China. Guns are mostly illegal there but they got terrorists bombing in the Northern side of China where it's populated with Muslim Chinese folks.
Rules don't change criminals and terrorists!
I deserve my right to defend myself, not be barred from it.

I can agree to more thorough background checks, but simply banning guns don't prevent tragedies like these.
Again we can't even get to step one because "I deserve my right to defend myself, not to be barred from it."

No one wants your guns b.

Don't know who you keep hearing this from.

We just want to make it much harder for you to get certain kinds.
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