Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

The NRA and some of its members are pretty big against "smart" gun technology.

If you're a gun store owner even thinking about selling smart guns, you're gonna get death threats. LINK

:wow:  WHY though!

I don't get it man I just don't :lol:

The NRA wants nothing to effect the market for guns.

They are even against the ATF going after gun smugglers.

Anything that will hurt manufactures bottom line, they are against it.
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U can't just ban guns
There are millions of gun owners here
The rabbit is already out of bag
The problem is that FBI had this terrorist on a watch list and let him obtain more guns. That's fishy.
they should have a 20yr minimum sentence for even having possession of a gun. that should work better than a ban.

and give high ammounts for turning guns in. I don't know but something has to change

then eventually police wouldn't need them either, and just military.
they should have a 20yr minimum sentence for even having possession of a gun. that should work better than a ban.

and give high ammounts for turning guns in. I don't know but something has to change

then eventually police wouldn't need them either, and just military.

Prison does not scare peiple from obtaining illegal things.
im sitting here and gonna keep my mouth shut on this one.. overall good points from rusty and gambino
I just said other countries like Mexico and China have gone through heavy regulation and still have problems with violence. It's not going to work with the US. Your solution doesn't solve that problem.

People have stated that the lack of mental health resources are the root to these problems. Perhaps the US should invest more resources into getting the mentally ill people to get the help they need before they carry out mass destruction.

Anyway I respect your opinion Koopa but I think your solution doesn't prevent criminals from doing criminal acts.

We aren't Mexico or China though.

I just don't get the push back. Seems like a no lose situation for any law abiding gun owner.

To buffer your point on top of that also their have been countries that introduced gun legislation and it worked Australia (they went full ban not saying we need to) being the most obvious example and the haven't had a mass shooting since 1996. So there are instances in which it has worked no reason to ONLY bring up the countries where things didnt work.

Things can e done for the better and doing nothing is just getting more people killed.

There have still mass killings in Australia even after their last mass shooting

The problem is mentally ill individuals
Living in Orlando, it is easy to get guns and there isn't much security measures to get into clubs. Even Disney Springs, you just walk straight in.

Crazy. Back to back nights. Both shooters came from out of town too.
ive been to clubs downtown.. i got kicked out for having sneakers or a fitted cap.. so for me.. my experience only targed those who the media portrays the most out of all.. but if the killer doesnt fit the narrative.. they sure get right through without any issue..
I just said other countries like Mexico and China have gone through heavy regulation and still have problems with violence. It's not going to work with the US. Your solution doesn't solve that problem.

People have stated that the lack of mental health resources are the root to these problems. Perhaps the US should invest more resources into getting the mentally ill people to get the help they need before they carry out mass destruction.

Anyway I respect your opinion Koopa but I think your solution doesn't prevent criminals from doing criminal acts.
We aren't Mexico or China though.

I just don't get the push back. Seems like a no lose situation for any law abiding gun owner.
To buffer your point on top of that also their have been countries that introduced gun legislation and it worked Australia (they went full ban not saying we need to) being the most obvious example and the haven't had a mass shooting since 1996. So there are instances in which it has worked no reason to ONLY bring up the countries where things didnt work.

Things can e done for the better and doing nothing is just getting more people killed.

There have still mass killings in Australia even after their last mass shooting

The problem is mentally ill individuals
Thank you for adding that too I forgot to add something like this to be honest to show why its also a little more nuanced I was trying to fast to make a point for restriction thats on me. But at the sometime this still doesn't mean nothing should be done about the gun violence issue we have in America.

Also mentally ill individuals is only part of the problem. American society, mentally ill, gun culture like someone else mentioned, NRA all contribute to this problem.
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The truck you posted is typically used in "Urban" areas for situations not as severe. Translation, they ride around in these in black/mexican/ hoods
You might as well roll an Abrams in there with "I wish you would" on the barrel. 
And trump is again calling for his "ban" on Muslims
entering the country to be put into place when the shooter himself was an American born in New York...will it stupidity ever cease?

But his parents were born in Afghanistan and immigrated here, and their kid was obviously radicalized. Do we really want to let more in right now who's kids may be radicalized?

i aint for a ban, but Obama needs to keep it real wit da people...folks is at war with an ideology...

The terrorist was gonna shoot until he was dead, which he is dead now
I don't think terrorists are worried about prison sentences just saying
There's still drugs out there and the war on drugs has failed. Cmon son
but if guns were banned, and people were scared to sale illegal guns cause of the lengthy sentance, he might not of been able to acquire one even if he was on a suicide mission.

The terrorist was gonna shoot until he was dead, which he is dead now

I don't think terrorists are worried about prison sentences just saying

There's still drugs out there and the war on drugs has failed. Cmon son
but if guns were banned, and people were scared to sale illegal guns cause of the lengthy sentance, he might not of been able to acquire one even if he was on a suicide mission.
Drugs are banned and those major dealers aren't "scared" to sell even with the threat of federal trafficking offenses.
Reality is that he would have found ways to carry on his massacre even with the ban.
Timothy McVeigh got explosives and blew up the federal building in OKC, I'm sure the guy in this massacre would have done the same thing even with a ban on weapons.
Hell our own government has been complicit in selling illegal weapons to the cartels. There's always a market because there is money to be made and people with agendas will make it happen.
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ive been to clubs downtown.. i got kicked out for having sneakers or a fitted cap.. so for me.. my experience only targed those who the media portrays the most out of all.. but if the killer doesnt fit the narrative.. they sure get right through without any issue..
That had to be Vintage or ONO. I'm from Orlando I'm frequently down there all the time. Most of them clubs pat you down, check your ID. This whole thing is odd to me
Crazy, sad week or so in the USA. Ali, Gordie Howe and the largest mass shooting in US history.
i aint for a ban, but Obama needs to keep it real wit da people...folks is at war with an ideology...


Most of the domestic acts of terror are from non muslism.......

So why would the president have to do something to muslisms?

im for calling things for what they are.
when tree huggers bomb a Hummer dealership, name it eco-terrorism, guy shoots up an abortion clinic, name it prolife fanatic terrorism, and if Islamic extremists go chopping down innocent lives while yelling "Allahu Akbar" it needs to be named as such.
im for calling things for what they are.
when tree huggers bomb a Hummer dealership, name it eco-terrorism, guy shoots up an abortion clinic, name it prolife fanatic terrorism, and if Islamic extremists go chopping down innocent lives while yelling "Allahu Akbar" it needs to be named as such.
wow man. You are something else.

You can't attack an entire religion bro. Thats just not realistic

The terrorist was gonna shoot until he was dead, which he is dead now

I don't think terrorists are worried about prison sentences just saying

There's still drugs out there and the war on drugs has failed. Cmon son
but if guns were banned, and people were scared to sale illegal guns cause of the lengthy sentance, he might not of been able to acquire one even if he was on a suicide mission.
Drugs are banned and those major dealers aren't "scared" to sell even with the threat of federal trafficking offenses.
Reality is that he would have found ways to carry on his massacre even with the ban.
Timothy McVeigh got explosives and blew up the federal building in OKC, I'm sure the guy in this massacre would have done the same thing even with a ban on weapons.
Hell our own government has been complicit in selling illegal weapons to the cartels. There's always a market because there is money to be made and people with agendas will make it happen.

Ideally, laws would make it IMPOSSIBLE for such events to happen. It is an unrealistic expectation, and the best we can do is to MINIMIZE the probability that these things happen. Just because we can't go from 100 to 0 in an instant doesn't mean that nothing can be done. To me, a gradual decrease in shootings of this nature is better than shrugging and saying "**** happens."

The terrorist was gonna shoot until he was dead, which he is dead now

I don't think terrorists are worried about prison sentences just saying

There's still drugs out there and the war on drugs has failed. Cmon son
but if guns were banned, and people were scared to sale illegal guns cause of the lengthy sentance, he might not of been able to acquire one even if he was on a suicide mission.
Drugs are banned and those major dealers aren't "scared" to sell even with the threat of federal trafficking offenses.
Reality is that he would have found ways to carry on his massacre even with the ban.
Timothy McVeigh got explosives and blew up the federal building in OKC, I'm sure the guy in this massacre would have done the same thing even with a ban on weapons.
Hell our own government has been complicit in selling illegal weapons to the cartels. There's always a market because there is money to be made and people with agendas will make it happen.

Ideally, laws would make it IMPOSSIBLE for such events to happen. It is an unrealistic expectation, and the best we can do is to MINIMIZE the probability that these things happen. Just because we can't go from 100 to 0 in an instant doesn't mean that nothing can be done. To me, a gradual decrease in shootings of this nature is better than shrugging and saying "**** happens."

There hasn't been much of a curb in Austrailian countries regarding gun violence

And about the US

This is a lesson Americans learned the hard way, for instance in DC and
Chicago, where bans primarily disarmed law-abiding citizens and only
increased violent crime. Indeed, around the world, every time guns are
banned, murder rates go up.
It is already exceedingly difficult to prevent criminals from getting their
hands on guns. 3D printing is making gun control even more

And the conclusion of the article

It is very hard to look at the raw data on firearm suicides and homicides and
see any benefits from the gun buyback. In 2004, the US National Research
Council released a report reaching this same conclusion (p. 95): “It is the
committee’s view that the theory underlying gun buy-back programs is
badly flawed and the empirical evidence demonstrates the ineffectiveness of
these programs.”
It is very difficult to use Australian data to evaluate the impact of a law
because you only have one experiment and it is difficult to disentangle other
factors that might be coming into play. When there is only one experiment it
is not even possible to disentangle two different factors that might have
changed at the same time. The solution is then to look across many different
countries or to look at a jurisdiction such as the United States where you
have 50 different states passing different laws in different years.
Using US data it is clear that laws restrict gun ownership or require that guns
be locked and inaccessible adversely affect people’s safety. Police are
extremely important in reducing crime – my research indicates that they are
the single most important factor. But police themselves understand that they
almost always arrive on the crime scene after the crime has occurred.
Telling people to behave passively is definitely not the safest course of
action for people to take

If anything, we need a revamping of the mental health system, which the ex-wife of the terrorist in Orlando stated he had roid rage moments and other abuse problems. If there were available agencies to help fix that guy, we wouldn't be talking about this.
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Ideally, laws would make it IMPOSSIBLE for such events to happen. It is an unrealistic expectation, and the best we can do is to MINIMIZE the probability that these things happen. Just because we can't go from 100 to 0 in an instant doesn't mean that nothing can be done. To me, a gradual decrease in shootings of this nature is better than shrugging and saying "**** happens."

Americans are looking at it from the wrong angle. Guns aren't going anywhere. If they did, there would be another mass murdering instrument to take it's place. It's time to address the root of why this is happening. As mentioned on this very page. Mental illness. These aren't average folk.
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