Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

You mean the same millions of cowards who exterminated the Native Americans? Did they ALL have bipolar and schizophrenia. No, they had an ideology of privilege and being more important than other humans. There are men who have killed WAY more people than this guy that were actually well-adjusted and didn't have an "illness".
I'm done with you
Because "normal" doesn't exist. Fascinating to think about.


Trying to define what is normal is an extremely slippery slope that commands its own dialogue but thats another story

Regardless, the idea that we can diagnose someone as mentally ill because he or she commits an act such as this is...imo flat out wrong. Sane people kill all the time.

But what is sane to me or you may not be the same to that person. How one is socialized plays a huge role in this and trying to diagnose one as ill from basically how they were socialized is at best, again a slippery slope
Behaviors happen due to reinforcers. In theory the difference between a "normal" persons and a "not normal" persons behavior is the reinforcer. A "normal" reinforcer is subjective
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Actually that's a pretty accurate figure. It's forecasted that about 50% of the earth's population has some sort of mental disorder.
That number wouldn't even surprise me. ADHD, anxiety, autism, dementia, OCD, depression, schizophrenia, PTSD...the list goes on.

The amount of prescribed meds in this country amounts to 11 per person.

Trying to define what is normal is an extremely slippery slope that commands its own dialogue but thats another story

Regardless, the idea that we can diagnose someone as mentally ill because he or she commits an act such as this is...imo flat out wrong. Sane people kill all the time.

But what is sane to me or you may not be the same to that person. How one is socialized plays a huge role in this and trying to diagnose one as ill from basically how they were socialized is at best, again a slippery slope

There's a saying in Psychology , you see two people taking to themselves. One persons crazy because he said he's talking to himself, the other is sane because he said he was talking to God. Where's the difference? It's all perspective.
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I wonder how much social media has compounded these mental illnesses.

Like 15 years ago people may of just been in a shiity spot or rough patch. Today, they may be in one and daily see their peers "excelling" or 'living a nothing but good life" on social media and that makes their issues seem exponentially worse.
I wonder how much social media has compounded these mental illnesses.

Like 15 years ago people may of just been in a shiity spot or rough patch. Today, they may be in one and daily see their peers "excelling" or 'living a nothing but good life" on social media and that makes their issues seem exponentially worse.

Did some research on this in grad school. To sum it up, the Internet ruined the world. Everyone is on a platform with the spotlight (in their mind).
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Exactly.  And a lot of mentally ill people don't go out killing either. It is a slippery slope when we start attributing these acts of brutality to mental illness. Someone can have a brief fit of rage with years of built up frustration. Some people kill in bouts of passion. Some people kill cause they hate insert group of people. Many of them don't fit the criteria for any mental illnesses.

Most of these killers probably wouldnt fit the description of a "mental illness" because...they aren't mentally ill.

In my opinion at least.

I feel like we have to attribute something to these killers because we want to rationalize and comparmentalize it to a degree. That is, its easier to come to grips with the fact that an insane or mentally ill person did this as opposed to a "regular" everyday person did this.

The fact that a "regular" (subjective) person could commit such a crime would scare america so much, that we have to blame someone or something, or some entity such as religion. The person who you walked by today has the potential to sandy hook the local community college. Thats the reality of it. Trying to define someone as mentally ill is far more difficult that saying "oh he killed 50 ppl he must be sick!" Its far deeper than that. It goes into how he was socialized, and the social make up of that person.

Listen you cant stop someone thats willing to die for what he believes in. His beliefs may be ****** up to us, but its totally sane to him, and those beliefs do not make him "insane" thats a cop out.
what kind of research

Final paper for a behavioral psychology class. Researched based paper looking at teen depression, antisocialism, attention seeking behaviors, and links to Suicide, self harm, etc. sad, but social media literally self documents all these cases from an hourly (in some cases) first person perspective.
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But how many of these mental illnesses are known to make you kill people.
Oh I doubt there are many mental health disorders that actually prompt people to kill. Maybe schizophrenia and sociopathy/psychopathy.

I'd say most people have at least some level of mental health to be able to take another life, even if it's a quick episode like a crime of passion. Most murders are crimes of passion. Mass murders and serial killings are a different animal.

I took a homicide senior seminar in college and learned about some pretty deviant ****
Very sad series of events. Who woulda though the an outing at the club would turn into this? SMH.

I take the train into Penn station everyday, so situations like this always hit close to home for me.
But does social media make you murder people you hate? You telling me Boko Haram is out there killing and raping little girls just so they can blog about it?

For terrorism it has become just another avenue to spread messages of hate. But I don't think people are killing any more now than they used to.

No, what I'm saying is that it provides a platform for them to "validate" their behaviors. How they "validate" them is the end result.

I actually agree on your stance that "mental illness" is not always the answer.
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Other than the video that was filmed from the car, has there been any other videos posted online of the shooting?

I'm sure news outlets will be posting CCTV footage in the next few days.
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they're da 2nd amendment..

I honestly dont care.

A lot of our amendents are outdated and could use some modernizing.

In my opinion, I struggle to see why we need such malicious weapons in our society. For what?

Give civilians a year to turn in their guns and after that, its a minimum 5 years in prison if you're caught with one.

Will that stop crime and violence? No.

Is it a guaranteed fix? No. But i'd imagine taking guns out of everyone's hands makes the country a safer place. Yes I know other weapons would be used by criminals but guns are far and away the most efficient.
"Right to bear arms" literally isn't even all of what the 2nd amendment says. People like to forget about the rest of it
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banning all guns would be stupid, they just need to make a little more due diligence required to obtain legally.

Either way, guns will be available to those that really want them. Just like drugs are...
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banning all guns would be stupid, they just need to make a little more due diligence required to obtain legally.

Either way, guns will be available to those that really want them. Just like drugs are...

Why would banning all guns be stupid?

Whats the purpose of weapons such as guns in today's society? With an average person.

Sure criminals will still find ways to get guns because nothing is absolute, but implementing a stiff penalty for the simple possession of such a weapon is imo a great start to get our country in a more civilized state.
1. How can you honestly ban all guns? Too many are already in circulation

2. Not even criminals, ANYONE can easily get ahold of guns. 

I don't know how we can get rid of them at this point. Too far deep
you cant ban guns...da proposal is as serious as banning freedom of speech, or freedom of da press..

its literally etched into our Constitution.
I'm seriously thinking of getting a gun now for my own protection after this. Living in Florida and hearing how close this is to home, I'd rather not take my chances at all.
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