Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

what number would one dial to call a sexual preference? Is that an 800 number?

typo, calling a sexual preference a LIFESTYLE in my experience has only been used by bigots and ignorant people. I ain't never heard heterosexuality referred to as a LIFESTYLE. :lol: The funny thing is when they say it they think they're being more "PC" but it always comes out wrong. A lifestyle insinuates it's something you choose to do, I didn't choose a heterosexual "lifestyle".
i disagree. Lifestyle is just the way you live. It doesn't allude choice in the matter at all. Disabled ppl live certain lifestyles ( that fits their needs) and that isn't ever perceived as a choice. Just might be how you are looking at it. ( But I guess that is how you started off your comment)
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Historically, from what I read and understand Christian church ruled a good portion of the world, and killed and tortured many people for centuries. Example the crusades .So it seems like Islam and Christisnity kills a lot of innocent people over their strong beliefs.
Actually I have military buds that second his opinion. Not everyone who goes to war agrees with what we're doing in the middle east.  It's a fact that most people suffer and in wars/invasions are innocent civilians, they just won't tell you that in the news.  You can support our military and be against illegal occupation.

I have been over seas and my experiences over there was a breeze. I am very blessed it was. It could be a fact that I was only over there for nine months and I am a 74D and I didn't do my MOS but worked along side my supply SGT. But a few of my battles did experienced and seen some crazy ****. But I really didn't hear stories about innocent people getting killed. Like I said I was only there for 9 months I was very blessed to do one tour.
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Serious question: How do we stop Muslims from killing gay people?

I hate that we even have to ask ourselves this question. |I
thats da point, its not da entire religion, its da radicalized segments of it that needs to be singled out, and condemned.

Christianity went thru a Reformation, Islam gotta do da same thing.
As if categorization is all we need to battle terrorism. The simplistic mindset that this breeds is unbelievable 
i disagree. Lifestyle is just the way you live. It doesn't allude choice in the matter at all. Disabled ppl live certain lifestyles ( that fits their needs) and that isn't ever perceived as a choice. Just might be how you are looking at it. ( But I guess that is how you started off your comment)

That's called stereotyping. A guy who is attracted to men is not a "LIFESTYLE". What's next the "black lifestyle"? The "white lifestyle". If I described a black lifestyle I'd get called a racist depending on how I put it.

Either way, everyone I've ever seen use that has a problem with homosexuals, that's a fact. It's basically a "PC" way of saying I hate homosexuals. "I DON'T AGREE WITH THEIR LIFESTYLE BUT.....". Just be a man and say I don't like gays, stop beating around the bush.

gthoohwtbs. :lol:

:lol: :smh: your jimmie rustling skills have greatly diminished. you are shell of your former self #prayfororlando #prayforlionblood
Serious question: How do we stop Muslims from killing gay people?

I hate that we even have to ask ourselves this question. |I

It could have easily been a christian. Christians aren't exactly too fond of gay people, so we shouldn't put this on Muslims alone that's dangerous. The real question is how do we stop religious people from being evil bigots.

If I had the answer to that question we wouldn't be having this convo. :lol:  

It could've been a Christian today, but it wasn't. It could be Christians throwing gays off of roofs over in the Middle East right now, but it isn't. Homophobia is definitely more hateful and prevalent in Muslim countries and communities than Christian ones.

Again, how do we stop Muslims from killing gay people?
thats da point, its not da entire religion, its da radicalized segments of it that needs to be singled out, and condemned.

Christianity went thru a Reformation, Islam gotta do da same thing.

As if categorization is all we need to battle terrorism. The simplistic mindset that this breeds is unbelievable 

It would definitely help. If you identify is as radical extremism, it prevents us and other people from painting broad generalizations about Islam. Then we can finally address specific ideologies in Islam and start fixing or reforming parts of Islam. We are fighting specific ideas and its consequences, such as homophobia in Islam and today's massacre.

Author and peace activist Maajid Nawaz argues that we too often treat radical Islam with kid gloves. While our good intentions make us sensitive to the Muslim faith, and keep us from labeling its violent members as radical practitioners, it does society a disservice.

Odd as the comparison may sound at first, it's the same disservice that members of the Hogwarts community do by refusing to mention Voldemort's name. By refusing to label him, they prevent an open and honest discussion from taking place about possible solutions. And that is where Muggle society finds itself today in regards to radical Islam.

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It would definitely help. If you identify is as radical extremism, it prevents us and other people from painting broad generalizations about Islam. Then we can finally address specific ideologies in Islam and start fixing or reforming parts of Islam. We are fighting specific ideas and its consequences, such as homophobia in Islam and today's massacre.
No it doesn't. But you know this

Oh really? So how exactly in a nation where religious freedom is essentially why we were founded, going to enroll a state-sponsored-reform on a religion?

That's the thing, you can't fight ideas....We already tried to fight terrorism, now you trying Islam? 
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It could've been a Christian today, but it wasn't. It could be Christians throwing gays off of roofs over in the Middle East right now, but it isn't. Homophobia is definitely more hateful and prevalent in Muslim countries and communities than Christian ones.

Again, how do we stop Muslims from killing gay people?

You think they don't kill homosexuals in those christian African countries? Nigeria is half christian, homosexuality is punishable by death. In places like South Africa, Cameroon, etc gays get killed left and right.

The Congo one of the most homophobic places on the planet is 95% christian

Don't pin this on Muslims, worry about your own religion's homophobia. That's a start. Christians love their hypocrisy, in fact pointing fingers at another religion is part of the problem.

I'm an atheist... We used to go to war together man. How could you forget, Anton? :\

I'll point fingers at any religion. It's just Islam for today though. We can still criticize Islam for its homophobia right?
I'm an atheist... We used to go to war together man. How could you forget, Anton?

I'll point fingers at any religion. It's just Islam for today though. We can still criticize Islam for its homophobia right?
Wait that is Anton? Now everything makes sense...
Guess we gotta go ahead and ban alcohol, too.

Alcohol is highly regulated, you have to be a certain age, show ID, you can't use it behind the wheel which has shown to be a public health triumph in preventing accidents.

Many liberal aren't calling for a ban on guns, we just want better security measures. I don't think that's too much to ask.

And guess what, it's not stopping any underage kid from attaining alcohol, we all know this.

If someone wants something, they're going to get it, period.

You can make people jump thru 14 flaming hoops to buy a rifle, they'll just cop one illegally.

I agree that it should be harder to buy a gun legally, tho.

At the end of the day, I just don't think that it's going to do much because you can't regulate crazy.
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It would definitely help. If you identify is as radical extremism, it prevents us and other people from painting broad generalizations about Islam. Then we can finally address specific ideologies in Islam and start fixing or reforming parts of Islam. We are fighting specific ideas and its consequences, such as homophobia in Islam and today's massacre.

For sure. A huge issue being swept over by muslims and everyone too scared of being called a bigot. It will continue until it's reformed. We're dealing with antiquated beliefs mixing with modern technology. It's not hard for one to find bomb instructions on the deep web. Materials will get cheaper, methods will become easier,etc. Where there's a will, there's a way. People can be crafty when need be.
Stricter gun laws are a good start but where is the end game? Keep banning anything that can be used as a deadly weapon? Or try and converse about the actual issue, no matter how painful it might be.
It would definitely help. If you identify is as radical extremism, it prevents us and other people from painting broad generalizations about Islam. Then we can finally address specific ideologies in Islam and start fixing or reforming parts of Islam. We are fighting specific ideas and its consequences, such as homophobia in Islam and today's massacre.
No it doesn't. But you know this

Oh really? So how exactly in a nation where religious freedom is essentially why we were founded, going to enroll a state-sponsored-reform on a religion?

That's the thing, you can't fight ideas....We already tried to fight terrorism, now you trying Islam? 

So, you're saying that if we properly identify and acknowledge the problem as radical Islamic extremism (not Islam as a whole), we would still somehow conflate it with Islam? The goal is to make a clear distinction between the two and acknowledge that one is the problem, and the other is not.

Who said anything about state-sponsored reform? Reform can come from those within Muslim communities as well.

You can't fight ideas...? What? Of course you can. How do you think any bad idea in the history of world has been fixed...if bad ideas can't be fought? What???
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Yep this is another variation of the "I don't agree with the lifestyle" talk.

It's basically diet bigotry, I don't like em but I don't wanna kill them. I guess you deserve a pat on the back for that.
   Sounds about right 
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