Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

I mean I'm not Anti gun but what if at ALL is the justification for needing anything than a standard pistol for protection?
Did they mention what he was wearing?

We're assuming he didn't wear a coat, correct?
Fam, a full-length AR is going to stick out of a long *** coat.

Agreed, which begs the question of how he got in in the first place.

Did he just walk right in without being checked by security? It was 2AM after all.

This is what I'm trying to figure out. If it was broken down like someone in here suggested, then a pat down would have revealed this and he could have been detained.
I can't say I'm surprised...there's a lot of anti-black racism in the arab/muslim world including slavery. That's one place where Muhammad Ali and I disagree. People have historically thought Islam was the religion for black people, Islam has destroyed black and African communities just like christians.

I'm a christian but can't deny the effect Islam has had on incarcerated black men. Islam has been much more effective in than Christianity in reforming Black men in prison. I watched many men from my community that have gone to prison found Islam and living more fulfilling lives and if weren't for Islam would still be in, on there way back or in the ground.

I know of one guy with multiple bodies that found Islam while in prison and you will find him on a random inner city Houston intersection selling those Muslim Newsletters in the same three piece suit rain or shine. The shoulders of the suit are faded due being in Houston sun 7 days a week.

Every religion has been radically translated to oppress races and genders. As a black male christian, i know Christianity was used to oppress my culture for years and still is but i don't have that radical view of Christianity.
how many folks did the cops shoot .....after hearing the audio i really wonder

even though they probably would never say
Just think we would not have any of this if Saddam was never removed. He was crazy but he kept that whole area in check.
Just think we would not have any of this if Saddam was never removed. He was crazy but he kept that whole area in check.
I think like that anytime america tries to force our values on another country.....let them people overthrow their own governments.
Just think we would not have any of this if Saddam was never removed. He was crazy but he kept that whole area in check.

This is a fact. My entire family was born in Iraq. All my aunts and uncles and parents. They're all Christian and obviously it's a muslim country. They all came to American in the late 70s and early 80s. They lived there when saddam ruled. My mom/dad/aunts all said that when saddam ruled it was safe to walk around and do as you pleased. Nobody was dumb enough to try anything when Saddam ruled.

Not all countries need to be like America. It doesn't work in the Middle East. They need someone like a Saddam in power to keep them in check.
I don't really care. The issue is more the power and the capacity - handguns are bad enough but he wouldn't have killed 50 people with one in each hand. The fact that it's not fully auto doesn't make it reasonable that the public has access to them.

The VA tech shooter killed 32 students with 2 handguns.
Just think we would not have any of this if Saddam was never removed. He was crazy but he kept that whole area in check.

Ehh, I think it was less the removing Sadaam part and more dissolving of the Iraqi army. They could have removed those most loyal to Saddam, and kept the Army in place under new rule.
I'm a christian but can't deny the effect Islam has had on incarcerated black men. Islam has been much more effective in than Christianity in reforming Black men in prison. I watched many men from my community that have gone to prison found Islam and living more fulfilling lives and if weren't for Islam would still be in, on there way back or in the ground.

I know of one guy with multiple bodies that found Islam while in prison and you will find him on a random inner city Houston intersection selling those Muslim Newsletters in the same three piece suit rain or shine. The shoulders of the suit are faded due being in Houston sun 7 days a week.

Every religion has been radically translated to oppress races and genders. As a black male christian, i know Christianity was used to oppress my culture for years and still is but i don't have that radical view of Christianity.
Post statistics on Islam being more effective and I'll buy it. I think a lot of those dudes convert to Islam because its something to do. A lot of criminals also get radicalized in prison because of Islam, how about that bit?

I suspect the stereotype of the guy who found Islam in prison and doesn't want to commit crime anymore is a myth. I know Muslims in Philly who smoke weed, sell drugs, have illicit sex and some are murderers. Even if it does help with "rehabilitation" does this automatically erase all the harm that Islam has brought to African communities?

I try not to use the word "Radicalized" or "extremism". A lot of those "undesirable" judeochristians are actually just following what is said in the bible and koran. Not everything in there is honkydory, Yahweh and Allah were mad Gods. I'm not surprised his followers are as well.

You are generalizing a whole religion because of the actions of a few. If we use that line of reasoning Trump is right, all illegal immigrants are rapist and murders.

Im not saying everyone is good there is always an exception to the rule.
I honestly dont care.

A lot of our amendents are outdated and could use some modernizing.

In my opinion, I struggle to see why we need such malicious weapons in our society. For what?

Give civilians a year to turn in their guns and after that, its a minimum 5 years in prison if you're caught with one.

Will that stop crime and violence? No.

Is it a guaranteed fix? No. But i'd imagine taking guns out of everyone's hands makes the country a safer place. Yes I know other weapons would be used by criminals but guns are far and away the most efficient.
If governments are the only ones allowed with weapons then we are all totally screwed.  Just do a quick research on all countries who were stripped of gun right and see what happened to them directly after doing so.. 

you my friend cannot live in a world where only one faction is allowed weapons while everyone remains a slave to the system
It's 2016 and ppl still think citizens having guns are what will stop the govt/military from taking over if they wanted to ? :lol:

And no suprise this homophobic/ racist dude would want to be a cop, nypd shirts n all :smh:
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Anyone who advocates banning guns in America is an idiot.

More human life would be lost attempting to do so than every mass shooting in American history times 10.

The very military and police force you are entrusting to carry this out would be a massive part of the resistance

And how the hell did you reach this conclusion?

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Just think we would not have any of this if Saddam was never removed. He was crazy but he kept that whole area in check.

This is a fact. My entire family was born in Iraq. All my aunts and uncles and parents. They're all Christian and obviously it's a muslim country. They all came to American in the late 70s and early 80s. They lived there when saddam ruled. My mom/dad/aunts all said that when saddam ruled it was safe to walk around and do as you pleased. Nobody was dumb enough to try anything when Saddam ruled.

Not all countries need to be like America. It doesn't work in the Middle East. They need someone like a Saddam in power to keep them in check.

Ive heard this same sentiment from refugees from that area. Only a few were happy he was gone and they were mostly the ones Saddam had beef.
Then limit the number of hand-guns? Honestly I'm ok with having semi-automatic hand guns as long as you go through a rigorous process to get them. It's funny we only talk about these isolated mass shootings when the number of accidental deaths from guns and suicides Trumps those mass shootings. Why does it take a mass shooting for us to have this debate.

Are you asking or suggesting a limit on handguns? And the bolded part, I absolutely agree about. A couple of things about gun deaths in 'Murica:

-The overwhelming majority of gun deaths are suicide. (2 to 1)
-The overwhelming majority of gun deaths are caused by handgun compared to "assault style rifles"
-More people are killed by sharp objects (knives and blades) than are killed by "assault style rifles"

We're so focused on the lowest probability, outlier event that the real conversation about gun violence in America can't be properly had. Add to the fact pro gun lobbying groups actively kill any attempt by federal govt to track or create statistics on firearm usage that there's a lot of hand picked, less than valid data about guns on both sides of the aisle.
I honestly think his alligence to ISIS was an after thought or something that's being told to the public. He was investigated twice and there was no connection.
If you loosen gun laws, you're making it easier for criminals to get guns.

If you ban a guns, you're making sure ONLY criminals have guns.

Either way you do it, gun laws aren't gonna change much, imo.
It's 2016 and ppl still think citizens having guns are what will stop the govt/military from taking over if they wanted to ? :lol:

I don't think anyone (Gov or civillians) has the stomach to propose an all out confiscation. If it happened, I personally think it would lead to a civil war. And not "2 sides having large battles in an open field" war. It would be much more small ambush attacks, targeted assasinations, secret police hauling people off in the middle of the night type of war.
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Anyone who advocates banning guns in America is an idiot.

More human life would be lost attempting to do so than every mass shooting in American history times 10.

The very military and police force you are entrusting to carry this out would be a massive part of the resistance

And how the hell did you reach this conclusion?

Show your work
Ain't no work to show , that's just another post based on fear , America does a great job of controlling/motivating ppl based on fear n hate ...I'm not for or against guns but only stupid/ scared ppl at this point will go against doing things to decrease the amount of guns as well as limiting access to all the powerful weapons
I honestly think his alligence to ISIS was an after thought or something that's being told to the public. He was investigated twice and there was no connection.
ISIS is letting anyone rep them to get their message out there. Dude probably never even went to rush week :smh:
I'm pretty pro-gun, however, someone that was interviewed by the FBI 3 times should've been flagged for trying to purchase a gun. It'll be interesting to see how he obtained this gun.
Yall seen the video of ol girl snappin in the club wit gunshots goin off and shes just recording on selfie mode?
I'm pro gun owner rights, but you guys have your head so far up your own *** you're only seeing "ban guns". What's wrong with better controls and making it tougher for normal folk to attain assault rifles? even if i'm a collector/enthusiast, i'll put in the extra work needed to own one within my legal right.

You think that guy could have killed 50 people and injured many others with a Katana? This ain't Kill Bill. :lol:
You ban guns... Only the criminals will have them.

This would be a good argument if it weren't for the fact that every time one of these mass shootings happen, it's almost never a career criminal behind the shooting.

Maybe banning guns isn't the answer but it shouldn't be easier to get a gun than to get a drivers license in this country.
I'm pro gun owner rights, but you guys have your head so far up your own *** you're only seeing "ban guns". What's wrong with better controls and making it tougher for normal folk to attain assault rifles? even if i'm a collector/enthusiast, i'll put in the extra work needed to own one within my legal right.

There's no in-between with these guys usually (conservative) types. Any type of compromise is seen as "weak" and "flip flopping". Everything has to be "no nonsense" and "hardline" unless of course if it happens to you or your family.
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