Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

right, but is increased security the answer or is the answer just to ban automatic weapons? i'm leaning toward the latter, because increased security just makes out society more weary and gives everyone a false sense of security while continuing to have our individual rights chipped away at.

sorry but owning automatic weapons is not a right. they didn't have those kinds of weapons back when the damn bill of rights was established. there's no reason to own one unless you're trying to do major damage

My previous posts show I'm against at-15s but this incident has security lapses. We can try to control gun culture but I think it's much harder than enforcing better security at night clubs were people aren't allowed to carry
**** this mother ****** and any other mother ****** that thinks any remotely close to what this guy was thinking. You want to shoot somebody? Start with yourself.

As for gun laws, I'm ALL FOR making it harder but people need to realize laws only hold back people that obey them. If you want a gun you will GET A GUN. No law will stop you. Just like no anti rape law will stop a rapist. There's a saying that laws don't prevent, they punish.

I feel so bad for the families.
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Man, the circumstances behind the Christina Grimmey murder and the Pulse shooting would make you think Orlando was the specific target. Both shooters traveled considerable distances to Orlando to commit their crimes.
im not one for conspiracy theories

but i remember finding some weird site that said all these events are planned to take up media attention to push a hidden govt agenda  and had some algorithm predicting the next big event

and used calculations from 9/11 onwards thought nothing of it until it predicted i forgot which one but i think it was either the movie theater shooting or sandy hook

cant find the site now though 
If you build a country on hate, genocide, slavery, bigotry, and with a moronic mentality. That same mentality will continue to show itself because it's imbedded within the nature of the beast.

This is very sad and unfortunate. My best friend is a lesbian, she's always at a gay club. She's in South Korea now but I had to give her a call anyway.

Everybody stay safe out here God willing.
Aside from people dying, the worst part about this situation is that we all know (yes, KNOW) that nothing will change.  

This will happen again.  And again and again and again.....

It was a wrap when no real change came after the Sandy Hook shooting.  If we're gonna let twenty 6-7 year olds get slaughtered in school without an impactful and meaningful discussion about where we're at as a society, trust that this shooting isn't going to create that.  

Damn shame.  
It will only change if someone goes and commits a few mass shootings at state of the unions or other events with a mass number of politicians are at together.

Maybe not even then.
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Take away guns from law abiding citizens then those crooks who already get guns illegally would be the only ones with guns. Yeah cause that makes sense, let's take away guns from law abiding citizens and allow crooks to be the only one with guns other than the police and such.

You sound like an absolute moron. Why in the world should regular *** citizens be able to purchase assault rifles?
Take away guns from law abiding citizens then those crooks who already get guns illegally would be the only ones with guns. Yeah cause that makes sense, let's take away guns from law abiding citizens and allow crooks to be the only one with guns other than the police and such.

In many of these shootings, the weapon used in the crime are obtained legally

You gotta ask why aren't other countries having as big a problem with guns as the US does

I don't think people really grasp how EASY it is to obtain a firearm.
getting a strap legally is hard work out here but i can go down to the hood and drop a few bills and get a burner thats hot 

if everyone on the street was strapped up i promise you a crazy shooter would think twice before he pops off knowing anyone can pop back

Is this really the argument?
You don't think this shooter went out ready to die last night?
When a person goes over the edge they are not thinking about an escape plan. They just want to carry out their plan.
A club full of gun owners would have not deterred him.
This is going to keep happening until ARs/AKs are banned.

Look at other advanced countries like in Europe. You don't see mass murders like this every other month or so... Historic shootings every year.
The problem is that there are already too many guns in this country along with too many insane people. Banning them won't do a thing. It's too late for all that
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Is this really the argument?
You don't think this shooter went out ready to die last night?
When a person goes over the edge they are not thinking about an escape plan. They just want to carry out their plan.
A club full of gun owners would have not deterred him.
he chose a gay club as the target 

people like to pick easy targets he didnt go light up a precinct 
RIP to the victims.

Cant believe this is all happening an hour away from me. First the voice singer, and now this. Such senseless violence. :smh:
Curious if his weapon was acquired legally or illegally. I can't imagine these little spoiled suburban nutjobs having an illegal heavy arms connect. Probably easier just to walk into a legal trade show.
The problem is that there are already too many guns in this country along with too many insane people. Banning them won't do a thing. It's too late for all that

So do nothing? We have to start somewhere.
Take away guns from law abiding citizens then those crooks who already get guns illegally would be the only ones with guns. Yeah cause that makes sense, let's take away guns from law abiding citizens and allow crooks to be the only one with guns other than the police and such.
In many of these shootings, the weapon used in the crime are obtained legally

You gotta ask why aren't other countries having as big a problem with guns as the US does

The problem is that a lot of people get defensive when you bring this up, like you're un-American by questioning why this **** happens here the most.  
RIP to the victims. Gun debate/politics in general really have no place in this thread.
You sound like an absolute moron. Why in the world should regular *** citizens be able to purchase assault rifles?

The irony of you calling someone a moron. I highly doubt this shooter had an assault rifle and if he did, it is more likely than not illegally obtained. But I digress and shall defer with those who are going to stay quiet in this thread.

RIP to all the victims and condolences to their families.
In many of these shootings, the weapon used in the crime are obtained legally

You gotta ask why aren't other countries having as big a problem with guns as the US does

Works both ways.
Canada is full of guns.
It's a mental health issue.

For some tha claims to be progressive, you really sound like you drank the NRA cool-aid

If it not just a mental health issue, it is a gun culture issue as well. Other countries have much better gun cultures than America does.

-And if you're so concern with criminals getting guns, be supportive of regulations that attacking the black market. Don't just use that fact as a talking point against people that want gun regulations.

That's why federal action, what ever it maybe, is so important. It needs to wide ranging policies that apply everywhere, you can't just Southern states to go after the illegal flow of guns. Esepcially when the NRA lobbies for them not too.
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