Resellers are NOT killing the "game"

Aug 10, 2012
Had to say this, gettin tired of the nonsense b. I really dont understand how some people can just sit at home at their computers make a half assed attempt to get a pair of sneakers and then blame it all on resellers. Like are you that pathetic son.

Here's why I dont find any problem with resellers and stores like Flight Club. I'd really love to hear what some of you NTers have to say cause I just cant fathom this. 

Economics. They basic law of supply and demand. I think we can all agree one thing: More people are buying sneakers this days. Has nike made an effort to manufacture significantly more sneakers? Obviously not. So what does this tell us, a high demand with a really low supply. What does that do to the price? HIGHER THAN A MOTHER. Not the retail price, but the resell. It is basic economics b, too many people want these kicks and there is not enough to supply them all so to find out who really wants em the price has to go up. So if you really wanna be a little protesting prick talkin bout how 21 Mercer G'd you for a pair of Yeezys when it clearly says on the RSVP terms and information that if Nike has the right to give out the kicks on a random basis and NOT first come first served, then please take all that bull to Nike not the resellers. Nike needs to make more pairs. How you gonna get mad a dude takin advantage to make money, all power to him. 

Another thing I dont seem to understand. This seems to he the usual when a pair of limited sneakers release. 1 week or however many days before release night campers start doing what they do best and everyone makes fun of them. Release day comes, campers got their kicks no problem, and you here all butthurt cause you're forced to pay $300+ for kicks. Get outta here with that bull b. If you REALLY wanted these kicks and didnt have the money for resale price then you do something significant to get the kicks. Stop complaining and watch The Pursuit of Happiness, aint nothing handed to you. Whether you gotta camp for a week or buy a brand new router so doest crash. 

If you read this far I praise you, I had to let this out. But seriously someone give me an explanation on why resellers are bad, when you should be blaming nike.

At the end of the day, it's just sneakers.  
Are you a reseller? Your post contains a significant amount of sodium.

As for whether I like resellers or not...I personally don't but I couldn't care less. If I want a pair of shoes, I put in the work necessary to lock down said pair. Personally, I believe resellers are needed in the "game" since not everybody can line up/camp for shoes.

With that being said, blaming resellers and resellers crying about being blamed is redundant. Regardless of the fact, resellers aren't going anywhere and we all know it.
"Your post contains a significant amount of sodium."
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

this thread really for reseller trying to find some excuse :lol:

all of those resellers who trying to cop some hypebeast pairs and sell it 2 times or even 5 times retail price should ****, if u said this is just for business then you better spend your whole damn money on good education and find better job instead camping in front of footlocker, HOH, or nike store.
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if it wasn't for resellers, i woulda missed out on a couple pairs i really wanted (true blue 3s, playoff 13s) and i'm sure i'ma have to buy these 4s comin up on blk friday from one of yall
I don't think I have a problem with resellers. Ever since I can remember, there have been resellers. In NYC, if you go downtown brooklyn, all of those stores that sell the kicks ABOVE MSRP are reselling. I do, however, have a problem with people who jack the prices up to unforseen levels just because they can. Yea, I get it, economics, supply and demand, etc. There are people who are clearly gouging people and I think that's quite unfair. Not saying it can be stopped, but what can you do about it? If you want them, find a way to get them. Otherwise, get gouged on the price. Don't complain. I do feel bad for people who don't have as much access to the sneakers like us who live in big cities.

ok i'm done.
Haven't bought Jordan's or any Nike shoe since 2008, left the game a long time ago once I went to college but I to still hear friends moan and complain about resellers. This is America, everything's a hustle, thought you knew.
You're right though.They aren't ruining it because a lot of times people aren't putting in the effort. Resellers can help dudes who missed out or dudes who aren't in an area where they can get the shoes. The reason someone can charge a crazy *** price is because there are people buying it at that price acting like they can't do without the shoe. If the price is too high don't buy it.
Few things

-Nike has started to make more shoes
-Just look at the recent 'limited' releases...alot more of these supposed hard-to-get shoes out there
-People blame the resellers because in alot of cases if resellers didn't start camping a week or so in advanced there would be no need to camp a week or so in advanced and the worst people who actually want the shoes would only be stuck with an over night wait
-Finally I agree with the last posters that OP seems like a self righteous reseller looking to defend his actions
You're right though.They aren't ruining it because a lot of times people aren't putting in the effort. Resellers can help dudes who missed out or dudes who aren't in an area where they can get the shoes. The reason someone can charge a crazy *** price is because there are people buying it at that price acting like they can't do without the shoe. If the price is too high don't buy it.

Exactly. Paying the prices that resellers charge only enables em. If people missed out on a shoe and just forgot about it, I guarantee resellers wouldn't be as numerous.
The only reason that resellers exist is because people will pay their ridiculous markups. It'd be one thing if this only happened on incredibly limited releases (i.e. last year's all star game, yeezy's. etc.), but this happens on EVERY SINGLE RELEASE. This is no longer about supply and demand, b (also who says "b"? did Jesse from breaking bad give up meth dealing and get into sneakers?). Resellers are now so prevalent that they are artificially draining the supply on the primary market, which makes the demand look unnecessarily high. Jordan Brand is actually starting to cut into resellers profits with higher initial supply and random restocks popping up, but not to the point to totally drive them away (unfortunately).

As for your idea of "putting in work" to get a pair of sneakers. Let me remind you of something: IT'S A PAIR OF SHOES. PIECES OF LEATHER, PLASTIC, AND RUBBER THAT YOU PUT ON YOUR FEET AND WALK ON. LET'S ALL KEEP SOME PERSPECTIVE HERE. Collecting sneakers is not my job, so no, I will not "put in work" to get them. I will not be homeless for a week for an overpriced piece of leather from Nike. If I'm forced, God forbid, to actually save my money by not buying another pair of shoes that I do not need by some reseller trying to make a come up on my hobby, then Mr. Reseller, thank you. I'll go buy some stock or go on a mini-vacation or something else that will genuinely enrich my well-being.

In summation, yes, resellers are killing the game. They artificially limit the supply, throwing the supply/demand curve into whack. This not only causes unnecessary build ups of sodium in people who actually want the sneaker, but unnecessarily raises the price from the MSRP. Ultimately if resellers didn't exist, supply and demand would probably dictate the price of 95% of sneaker releases as the MSRP (+/- 50%). The only releases that would actually demand anything close to the standard reseller mark up would be extremely limited and QS releases.

Also, as a note for anyone who might read this and hasn't heard this piece of advice before. The way to force resellers out of business, is to not buy their product. FTL Corp. has done half of the job for us by not allowing returns on release day product. Most resellers are not particularly wealthy, and can't afford to have hundreds or thousands of dollars tied up for long periods of time. Simply having a semblance of patience can save you large amounts of money (especially once the return policy runs out for Nikestore, Eastbay, etc.).
- An actual topic about sneakers and somehow complaining about them on General. Check.

- Post count under 10. Check.

People paying for the rape prices are def the ones to blame, I agree. Cant dog someone for trying to make a lil money
If I had a chance to grab some of these shoes y'all hype up like crazy, I'd become a reseller in a heartbeat.
It's a huge return in profit, especially for kicks like the Yeezys. Like I had no intention on ever wearing those shoes and think it's ridiculous paying 200+ for some Nikes. But I still tried to buy them just because the insane prices they go for.
I hate people who hate on resellers like given the chance you wouldn't do so

I rarely buy sneakers anymore but if a few extra pairs help make my pair free then of course I am going to do it
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