Resellers are NOT killing the "game"

I don't mind people buying a couple pairs and flipping them on ebay.
But what I don't understand is, like someone mentioned above, resellers with
so called "connects" or "my boy." bs. They get like almost FSR which people even can't get a single pair.
Do people really risk their job to help out their hommies?
Like people working at FNL, footlocker?
I don't get it.:x
I don't mind people buying a couple pairs and flipping them on ebay.
But what I don't understand is, like someone mentioned above, resellers with
so called "connects" or "my boy." bs. They get like almost FSR which people even can't get a single pair.
Do people really risk their job to help out their hommies?
Like people working at FNL, footlocker?
I don't get it.:x

Footlocker corporation be getting away with straight fraud, they can hold like as many pairs as they want for themselves (at least at the one my boy works at). My manager (Finish Line) only allows us to hold 1 pair per shoe, and that's only if theres another pair available to sell to the general public. Say there's only 1 size 11, if I wan't it he'll say no. If there's 2, he'll hold a pair for me
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I blame Nike. Over the last year or two, the hype around sneakers has exploded to proportions I've never seen since I started getting into kicks. It's bigger than it has ever been. Nike knows this. Nike should increase the supply to meet the demands of the consumer population, which has enhanced drastically.

I blame resellers. I don't knock a man for trying to make money. That's the game of life and dudes gotta live. But resellers add fuel to the fire. Buying full size runs while there's a line of 100+ people in line is just od to me. Buying shoes that you have absolutely no interest in and flipping them at 100% mark up while there are people out there that can't get them and are legitimately fans of sneakers and the athletes that wore them. I suppose that's a subjective matter of what's ethical in a consumer driven economy.

I blame the dudes out here paying these rape prices. They give way to the resellers. If a guy who has no interest in kicks and has a few hours to spare sees a guy get $500 for a pair of Nikes that retailed at $160-$225, why wouldn't he sit his happy *** in line, buy the shoes, and then flip them? So long as dudes know they can profit of the naivety of "sneaker heads," the reselling will not stop.

I got disheartened about the sneaker culture after the concord release. I'd stopped buying shoes since the flint 13 release a year prior, but I had the concords when I was in the 2nd grade and they held nostalgic value. So I said I'd buy them. Stood in line for 8 hours. Met some cool people and talked about kicks to pass the time. Once the doors open up, one employee racks up on 4 pairs. Then the first guy in line buys a full size run. Second guy in the store buys 2 pairs. Then the guy tells us the men's sizes are done for. So that's 8 hours of my life I could never get never get back. Get online, the shoes are being flipped for like $500 strong. So I hold off and about a month later, I get a pair for $325. I vowed never to pay over retail for a pair of shoes again.

So quick are we to forget that at the end of the day, they're just shoes.
Just a heads up, Footlocker and stores alike could care less if you are a re_seller or not. The reason is simple, all they care about is that the shoes they've purchased, are not sitting on shelves, nor in the stockroom. The more space, the better business is. What happens to shoes once they leave the store, outside of damage due to faulty product, they do not care.

But if you wish to talk about re_sellers, the solution to beating them is simple, do not be thirsty for what it is they are re_selling.

They only cater to those who are in DIRE need, seeing you as nothing but a simp, for the things that he is trying to pimp.

 Get hip to the game, make them beg you for your money due to their overstockin'....
1. Nike
2. Resellers
3. attention *****( fool that like things limited, that buy from the resellers)
Dude said if you really want the something significant to get them.

Like dropping $170 on a poor quality fashion accessory isn't significant enough.

Some of y'all cats got life confused.
Do I hate resellers? Sure I guess.

But the people who feel like they "need" those new Jordans or new limited sneakers are the enablers. Honestly, if you buy shoes from resellers, you dont get to have an opinion on the topic, because you allow them to continue their hustle; its like saying you hate having drug dealers on your street, but you cop a dime bag everyday. I havent paid over retail for a pair of shoes.....ever.
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Simple solution. Make enough shoes for everybody to get. That would make the resell game less lucrative
why do people get so sensitive when others call it a sneaker game?
not that i call it that or anything i dont even collect shoes :lol:

anyways theres a simple solution to this

more money for jordan brand and customers will be happy
Had to say this, gettin tired of the nonsense b. I really dont understand how some people can just sit at home at their computers make a half assed attempt to get a pair of sneakers and then blame it all on resellers. Like are you that pathetic son.

Here's why I dont find any problem with resellers and stores like Flight Club. I'd really love to hear what some of you NTers have to say cause I just cant fathom this. 

Economics. They basic law of supply and demand. I think we can all agree one thing: More people are buying sneakers this days. Has nike made an effort to manufacture significantly more sneakers? Obviously not. So what does this tell us, a high demand with a really low supply. What does that do to the price? HIGHER THAN A MOTHER. Not the retail price, but the resell. It is basic economics b, too many people want these kicks and there is not enough to supply them all so to find out who really wants em the price has to go up. So if you really wanna be a little protesting prick talkin bout how 21 Mercer G'd you for a pair of Yeezys when it clearly says on the RSVP terms and information that if Nike has the right to give out the kicks on a random basis and NOT first come first served, then please take all that bull to Nike not the resellers. Nike needs to make more pairs. How you gonna get mad a dude takin advantage to make money, all power to him. 

Another thing I dont seem to understand. This seems to he the usual when a pair of limited sneakers release. 1 week or however many days before release night campers start doing what they do best and everyone makes fun of them. Release day comes, campers got their kicks no problem, and you here all butthurt cause you're forced to pay $300+ for kicks. Get outta here with that bull b. If you REALLY wanted these kicks and didnt have the money for resale price then you do something significant to get the kicks. Stop complaining and watch The Pursuit of Happiness, aint nothing handed to you. Whether you gotta camp for a week or buy a brand new router so doest crash. 

If you read this far I praise you, I had to let this out. But seriously someone give me an explanation on why resellers are bad, when you should be blaming nike.

At the end of the day, it's just sneakers.

Shutup b.
Until I see og concords,2000 infared 6, Tiffany sb's,etc go for the original retail price on eBay, none of you "sneakerheads" with your strictly of collection can say a damn thing to resellers. We all Play to the viscous cycle which is the Nike hype machine which quite frankly been in full force since 85'. STOP ALL THE BLOODCLOT CRYIN!!!!
:lol:, straight comedy.

Don't care about resellers, they can scratch and claw and take advantage of those that blindly follow. In the end they provide a service that shouldn't be necessary. It is a game now, and that is the sad part. No more walking in and out with the shoes you wanted. Nike has created demand, and people are profiting from it.

I think these black/red IV's and black/red XI's will be my final hurrah.
Just gonna leave this right here.

Have trouble tracking down a set of the Jordan "Golden Moment Pack" that released this weekend?

Perhaps you didn't luck out with your local shop's raffle. Or you might've had trouble logging onto several webstores and adding the $350 pack to your cart in time.

Or maybe someone ahead of you in a first-come first-serve line was relying on family members and friends to snatch up several packs at once. Which apparently did happen.

Thanks to this sad but extensive compilation of photos that Style Engine put together, amassed from pictures willingly posted around the internets on the usual suspects like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, we've got a one-stop look at just how serious resellers are taking the brand's biggest launches these days.

With several sellers listing them on eBay already for $1000 buck Buy-It-Nows, it seems pretty obvious why each photo below became a reality.










How can you hate on people that re-sell, it's so weird. All they are doing is buying stuff and making a small profit. This is Nike Talk everyone is basically buying $30 sneakers for $140 the re-sellers should be the least of your worries. I doub't they are turning the same profits as Nike. I say let themk have there $50 top up on a shoe they have Q'd for.
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