respond with a question vol. no anwsers

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by beh235

^ Why didn't you take it in your first semester?

they assigned our classes for first semester. I made the mistake of thinking art would be a breeze so i figured I'd save it for later & take the more challenging classes that I could take first but now I just want to get these gen. requirement classes out of the way. How will knowing what block quilting is help me get a job when/if I graduate?

^ lmao. I kinda knew that and it was rhetorical
. Didn't expect you to respond actually, I just drew a blank and came up with that question. Why did you explain it to me?
why didn't Craig have any money saved up?
why were they asking for 200 when smokey had 96 bucks?
could friday have been a hbo/showtime tv series ?
Originally Posted by Bombbiggidyphil

What was Michael Bay thinking when he made Transformers 3?

What was he thinking when he made Transformers 3? What was I thinking watching it twice when it sucked so bad the first time?
Originally Posted by supahoopa

why didn't Craig have any money saved up?
why were they asking for 200 when smokey had 96 bucks?
could friday have been a hbo/showtime tv series ?

Craig was around 20-25 years old living with his parents in the hood, right?
Why would it matter if he had 96 bucks when he owed $200?
Maybe, but how long could it have possibly lasted, 2 seasons maybe?
Why did the first song make me feel like playing a racing game?
How does a stranger feel like he don't want to hide, when he's all twisted inside?
Did you just put me on to some new stuff?
Originally Posted by beh235

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by beh235

^ Why didn't you take it in your first semester?

they assigned our classes for first semester. I made the mistake of thinking art would be a breeze so i figured I'd save it for later & take the more challenging classes that I could take first but now I just want to get these gen. requirement classes out of the way. How will knowing what block quilting is help me get a job when/if I graduate?

^ lmao. I kinda knew that and it was rhetorical
. Didn't expect you to respond actually, I just drew a blank and came up with that question. Why did you explain it to me?

what kind of person doesn't answer a question when asked one?
why is popcaan the only man she wants?
How do you make the spoiler hide your entire post?
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