restaurants not having grades in the window ftl

Mar 26, 2009
I'm from cali and all of our restaurants have grades; however I go to school in atlanta and not one of them have a grade in the window. Even when I'vegone to other big cities in the U.S, I've never seen grades in the window. Is cali the only state that does this? If I see a restaurant without an A incali I never eat there, but in atl, have of their damn fastfood joints looks like they would get a C.
That's a Socal thing right? I don't think I've seen one in Norcal.... but it's appreciated when I'm in socal
Hes talkin about this
Its the grades givin by health departments to restaurants

Ive only seen a few spots in texas that have em, mostly mom n pop(i guess thats what they are) restaurants
Also saw some places in NYC and socal and norcal (vacation)
Hahaha @ the replys. In cali they put a grade in the window ( A,B,or C) anything under gets closed down. That grade let's you know how clean the restaurantis, because the grade is given by a state health inspector.
I wish they made this mandatory everywhere. Some of these places have real savages cooking better off just making something yourself smh.
make sure you read the health score on those waffle houses i ate at one that was a 74 and didnt know till i was done eating.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

If you travel more, you'll learn some of the best food come from dirty kitchens.

How you figure I don't travel? I've traveled all across the U.S, and out of the country. But I've nevered lived outside of Los Angeles till a whileago
I live in Socal too. . And i mean its good to know the grade, but a lot of the smaller restaurants make really good food, even though they'll have a B or aC. . as long as the foods good i dont really mind it. Just because a joint has an "A" doesn't mean that their doing everything sanitary behindthe closed door.
I remember those when I lived in SoCal, always gave me a good chuckle. They have grades in Shanghai as well but they use smileys instead of letters. A red(frown) meant fail, yellow (grin) meant pass, and green (smile) meant great. Most of them were red
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