Restaurants Turn Camera Shy

my friend does this... i mean idc when he does it with his food... but he likes grouping our foods together... and that becomes a problem cuz i'm trying to eat now -as soon as the plate hits the table, and when i start eating he gives me the :stoneface:
i'm like "wt f.... f you, i'm trying to eat my food here *****"
for telling you who you should not be hanging out with.
ino some idiot guy who literally takes pictures of everything and says oh this will get alot of likes :smh:
I don't hangout with anyone like that and if I did that would be the last time I asked them to eat out with me. My cousin's wife was one of those people, over the top loud, super excited snapping away. I wouldn't have mind if she took one pic but she kept taking pics till she got the right angle and lighting so she can put it up on facebook. She did this the entire trip and it got extremely annoying after the first few times. I don't understand why people have to publish every aspect of their life on social media. Truly believe it gonna get to the point where people start posting fecal matter up online " woke up laid a big one".
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i take pics of my food, but im discreet bout it. no flash, no sound

i do hate when im eating out with my boys and all of them are on their phones :smh:

some people cant live without social media these days :smh:
Asian people love taking pictures of their food. I'm guilty of this too but I just take a quick pic. If you go out to dinner and there's a group of Asian people at a table, chances are you'll see most of them take out their phones and take pics. I went to my friend's birthday dinner and her friends had those expensive pro photographer cameras getting good shots of their entrees :lol:.
Why can't people just ******g enjoy the thing they are doing? Why do I have to go to a concert and see people texting about being at a concert? Do the thing you are meant to enjoy as it is. Why does everything have to be documented? Enjoy your life without imposing your life on others. I've never once been eating and thought, "you know what, this bleu cheese encrusted salmon could definitely use a photo." I think one day people will look back at these times and realize that their experience wasn't what it could have been and it's due to some weird intrinsic need to capture it in an overly-filtered picture that makes your steak look like it's amid the dust bowl. When did enjoying something require being able to enjoy it again whenever you want? ******g live in that moment, don't try to immortalize it.
Who cares

I care. I'm at dinner. I don't want some **** taking a picture of his steak that he arranged perfectly for maximum "likeage" while I'm trying to enjoy myself. It's arrogance. It's not any different than movie theaters telling people to be quiet during the film.
I was out the other night and a guy at the table next to me was snapping pics of his food.

Was just so odd to me.

I missed the whole social media boat and this digital "culture" of sharing is so foreign to me.
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I just find it funny when ppl post pics of some extra regular a pic wit a plate of chicken nuggets and french fries with a filter, talkin bout #homemade #eatin good #master chef :lol:
Even Valery Rizzo, who teaches a class in iPhone food photography, thinks the trend has crossed a line. Tired of seeing uncentered, flash-marred photos of indistinguishable glop, Ms. Rizzo taught a course last fall at 3rd Ward in Bushwick, Brooklyn, to try to raise the bar. Ms. Rizzo briefs her students not only on the apps available, like Instagram, Foodie SnapPak and Camera+, but also tries to teach them lessons on composition and lighting. “No. 1 rule is no flash,” she said. “A lot of food photos are hideous because of the flash.”

:rofl: :rofl:

This is sad :smh:

One of the many reasons I dislike social media and you'll never find :smh:
I guess it's somewhat ok if it's somewhere memorable on a vacation or something, but people be posting pictures of food available to anybody.
Why can't people just ******g enjoy the thing they are doing? Why do I have to go to a concert and see people texting about being at a concert? Do the thing you are meant to enjoy as it is. Why does everything have to be documented? Enjoy your life without imposing your life on others.
I don't take pictures of food or text at shows about being at shows. I do, however, take lots of videos and pics during shows because I like to have something tangible to remember the show by. Also, I'm usually so ****** up by the time the headliners comes on that it's nice having a video of the intro and such
so many valid points in this thread, all were repped.

its pretty much the girls who do this though. but i do have one friend (female) who ODs on it as soon as the food hits the trying to eat here :smh:

i will say that ill snap a quick pic of my food if its interesting/to share with friends, but not to post online.

also dude up there ranting on why cant people just enjoy what they are doing, insert rock applause gif here. people take pictures for the most banal reasons, or in front of anything that may remotely look interesting, or for any reason. what happened to living in the moment? i feel no reason to have to capture every minute of my day and post it online.
I've taken pics of things I've cooked at home not out at restaurants tho

I enjoy talking to the people I usually go out to eat with
It's a feminine trait my opinion. Luckily no one in my crew is like that and you will get clowned doing that ridiculous crap around us.

stuff like that seems to lame to me.
i like to see pics of food/food prep that people are preparing themselves.  I don't get the appeal of taking or looking at photos of a plate from a restaurant.
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