Restoration Business based in Raleigh, NC

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Jan 1, 2008
What's up NT.  Thought I'd share my new accord of sneaker restoration.  I've been reading and doing this for about 2 years now.  About 3 months ago I put up a small crappy ad on Craigslist and a few people took a chance by giving me some beaters to work on.  After I returned their work they showed a lot of their friends and took them to barbershops, their workplace etc and told people about me.  I really appreciate those few who did because business has boomed and really spread.  I've gotten a facebook page up and running to promote more but have recently as of late started shipping and being shipped to for restorations.  I was working full time and now have cut down to just weekends so starting next week I will have all week dedicated to what I love to do.  I treat each pair as if it were my own.  I will soon have up a referral and feedback system (similar to ebay) so people can review me and add any comment or criticism about my work.  I'd really appreciate any comments on the facebook page, or here if you don't feel like clicking and liking.
I know this has been done before and it seems like every day more and more people are "professional restorators" but I feel I bring a more personal touch to this business.  My prices are very fair and from what I've asked other restorators for my prices always undercut.  I'm not trying to kill anyone or charge them the price of the shoe they want restored, just doing what I love and trying to make a living from my passion.  A big shout out and thanks to Politix, IllwillDaBarber, RestoreMySneakers, and OptimusP for everything; inspiration, videos, tips, help and all.  Thanks if you read NT I'll be around 
yo man, i'm in raleigh. right down the street from gorman street.

got a couple projects for ya, so i'll be in touch.

big up! 
Small world, i think i've seen your heat on wdywt thread if I remember correctly. I appreciate the s/o.
I'm in Fayetteville. Travel to Raleigh frequently to cover N.C. State hoops/football.
I can ship, or do a combo of both. Actually have another customer in Fayetteville who shipped because he wouldn't be coming through Raleigh, but picked up when they were done on his time.
i live in cali but im from raleigh...ill be back in NC in a couple weeks and ill make sure to bring some joints with me that need a lil attention
Yeah just check the site tdwnc and let me know when you'll be in town. I'm going to have to start a waiting list because I'm getting a LOT of work as of late. I can handle it but just want to make sure everyone can be taken care of in a timely manner. Whereabouts in NC may I ask?
Originally Posted by Glockwork3

Yeah just check the site tdwnc and let me know when you'll be in town. I'm going to have to start a waiting list because I'm getting a LOT of work as of late. I can handle it but just want to make sure everyone can be taken care of in a timely manner. Whereabouts in NC may I ask?
Raleigh...Poole Rd area
All i'm going to say is that if the price is right, you'll have a LOT of business in the midsole painting department.

Politix does great work, but lost his DAMN mind charging people $150 to repaint a midsole. HELLO! really? At that price, i'll paint it myself, and if i screw it up, i'll go buy a new damn pair.

I need my CDP 4's repainted. Thats all, nothing else. They're not grimey, i barely wore them. Just a new paint job.

PM me when you get a minute with a price. If everything works out, you will have a lot of love from Chicago.

You use angelus paint?
Yes, angelus is the only paint I trust and use. I charge $75 for a paint job (unless it's an aqua, grape, shade of grey) because I use more paint and have to match that color so it's more time consuming. Yeah I know he's trying to make a career but at the same time those prices are absurd, I want this as a career but I'm not trying to cut heads off doing it.

@tdwnc yeah you aren't far from me. Just PM me or check the facebook page and contact me there when you're going to be in town.
That's what I'm talking about. Reasonable to the extreme. I'll be hitting you up shortly.
Glockwork3, I have a pair of DS Retro Concords (not 2011s). What would a few rounds of Seaglow cost me?
Might have to check you fam, I'm in Greensboro, and might need some work done
DEpast It varies per job, please contact the site and check under the about tab for info. Basically pictures are a necessity for me to assess an estimate. You can find all the info like I said under the about tab, but I'll need pictures via facebook page or email @ [email protected]

az5950 just let me know man, i'm not going anywhere
Saw the pics and the video. Everything looks nice and I hope to do business with you good sir!
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