retro 6 for 09 confirmed

I spoke to a jb rep in chicago and he said never heard of this gatorade pack so i guess its not coming out.
Originally Posted by Elvin210

if thats true i would COP like 4 pairs!! 1 to rock, 2 to stock, and 1 to BALL! lolz. :tongue:
Of course you would.
Everyday that goes by without pics this rumor reminds me more and more of the supposid quickstrike 6s last year
Came in here thinking I would see some pictures. All 31 pages of just hope and hype huh?
im not gettin my hopes up cuz its gonna be uglyi think orange an dgrren the shoes gonna completely b all orang and green i think itll look whack but mayb imrong it can look hot we just have to wait and see
Yeah, I'm not trying to get my hopes up either.

There's a chance they're gonna be ugly.

I'll just wait for pics.
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