Riding with Reckless Drivers Unappreciation

No matter who I have as a passenger I drive damn near a chauffeur. My friends drive fast and I hate when they drive so I always ask to, even if it's not my car
Originally Posted by M4rioL

No matter who I have as a passenger I drive damn near a chauffeur. My friends drive fast and I hate when they drive so I always ask to, even if it's not my car

Your one of those demanding friends eh? I like folks like that. That makes you the driver for when I drink booze and vodka
Originally Posted by M4rioL

No matter who I have as a passenger I drive damn near a chauffeur. My friends drive fast and I hate when they drive so I always ask to, even if it's not my car

Your one of those demanding friends eh? I like folks like that. That makes you the driver for when I drink booze and vodka
I can understand how reckless driving, switching lanes really fast and tailing real close is unappreciated but I don't see the big deal about driving fast. If I have an open highway, I will be on the accelerator. In MD, people routinely drive 90 mph on I-95 if traffic is clear.
Always got your hand on the handle above the window, and your feet/legs are locked hard to the car floor, as if you are trying to stomp on the gas for them LOL

And I hate when they are smashin up to the bumper of a car up ahead, just to switch lanes last minute. And im like
 "you dont know if the other drivers are gonna hit the breaks!!!"
Always got your hand on the handle above the window, and your feet/legs are locked hard to the car floor, as if you are trying to stomp on the gas for them LOL

And I hate when they are smashin up to the bumper of a car up ahead, just to switch lanes last minute. And im like
 "you dont know if the other drivers are gonna hit the breaks!!!"
I can understand how reckless driving, switching lanes really fast and tailing real close is unappreciated but I don't see the big deal about driving fast. If I have an open highway, I will be on the accelerator. In MD, people routinely drive 90 mph on I-95 if traffic is clear.
Originally Posted by ryair max 1

I can understand how reckless driving, switching lanes really fast and tailing real close is unappreciated but I don't see the big deal about driving fast. If I have an open highway, I will be on the accelerator. In MD, people routinely drive 90 mph on I-95 if traffic is clear.
In Southern MD, people don't do 90 cause the prince george county police will def stop you for that mug mug shun
Originally Posted by ryair max 1

I can understand how reckless driving, switching lanes really fast and tailing real close is unappreciated but I don't see the big deal about driving fast. If I have an open highway, I will be on the accelerator. In MD, people routinely drive 90 mph on I-95 if traffic is clear.
In Southern MD, people don't do 90 cause the prince george county police will def stop you for that mug mug shun
one of my friends drives like that...it is very nerve racking and uncomfortable at times, can't even put my head down to type a text message because i always feel like i have to alert him of whats going on on the road
one of my friends drives like that...it is very nerve racking and uncomfortable at times, can't even put my head down to type a text message because i always feel like i have to alert him of whats going on on the road
Originally Posted by tryingtomakeamil

Originally Posted by solemunchies

That's a no fly for me when it gets reckless, I just close my eyes and I usually fall asleep

so i guess you thank god once you wake up lol

Sadly, in the process of falling asleep, I can feel how fast the car is probably going and whatever my friends are doing on the road, once I get passed this, I'm fast asleep lol
Originally Posted by tryingtomakeamil

Originally Posted by solemunchies

That's a no fly for me when it gets reckless, I just close my eyes and I usually fall asleep

so i guess you thank god once you wake up lol

Sadly, in the process of falling asleep, I can feel how fast the car is probably going and whatever my friends are doing on the road, once I get passed this, I'm fast asleep lol

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

The other is the type that gets all up on your $&# so you have to speed up to let him by. He'll get right up on your bumper even if he can pass you too

hate drivers like this. i will make it a point to not let you pass if you do this. 

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

The other is the type that gets all up on your $&# so you have to speed up to let him by. He'll get right up on your bumper even if he can pass you too

hate drivers like this. i will make it a point to not let you pass if you do this. 
My friend is the most reckless and irresponsible driver I know. Whenever I'm with my boys we have 3 of us who volunteer to drive just so this guy does not drive (and yet he'll always end up driving anyways
). He's done some of the following over the last few years with me as a passenger:
-Run a red light because he wasnt concentrating
-Go into the right turn lane just so he can cut people off and move ahead of traffic
-Driving while eating a bowl of oatmeal
-Driving while organizing his wallet
-Driving at like 15 MPH on a busy street so he can look for something in his car
-Speed on the highway during a road trip during a rain storm when visibility is crap
-Accidentally drive down a 1-way street
-Try to make a left turn when the lane is blocked and then has us stuck in the middle of the intersection when the light turned red
-Make 2 consecutive U-turns on a street because he past the street he wanted to turn on

This guy cant follow simple directions. We'll tell him how to get us somewhere and he'll end up getting lost...we'll tell him to slow down because he needs to turn soon and this guy will still speed past our destination

Then theres other annoying crap like speeding when we're not in a hurry, constantly switching lanes and cutting people off, turning into the wrong side of residential roads, etc etc. He's also been in 3 minor accidents and paid the other people with his own money so that they wouldnt report him to insurance
My friend is the most reckless and irresponsible driver I know. Whenever I'm with my boys we have 3 of us who volunteer to drive just so this guy does not drive (and yet he'll always end up driving anyways
). He's done some of the following over the last few years with me as a passenger:
-Run a red light because he wasnt concentrating
-Go into the right turn lane just so he can cut people off and move ahead of traffic
-Driving while eating a bowl of oatmeal
-Driving while organizing his wallet
-Driving at like 15 MPH on a busy street so he can look for something in his car
-Speed on the highway during a road trip during a rain storm when visibility is crap
-Accidentally drive down a 1-way street
-Try to make a left turn when the lane is blocked and then has us stuck in the middle of the intersection when the light turned red
-Make 2 consecutive U-turns on a street because he past the street he wanted to turn on

This guy cant follow simple directions. We'll tell him how to get us somewhere and he'll end up getting lost...we'll tell him to slow down because he needs to turn soon and this guy will still speed past our destination

Then theres other annoying crap like speeding when we're not in a hurry, constantly switching lanes and cutting people off, turning into the wrong side of residential roads, etc etc. He's also been in 3 minor accidents and paid the other people with his own money so that they wouldnt report him to insurance
I know someone who absolutely disgusts me when he's behind the wheel. It's like he doesn't even wanna drive at times

Son drives no faster than 20 on the main roads, yet will top about 70 on the freeway

always gotta tell him when a light turns green cause his face is always stuck on the phone/ipod

Never notices but swerves in his own lane due to lack of concentration, enough to justify a breathalyzer test

SLOW REACTION TIME is another one. There can be 4 cars in the left lane waiting to turn and son will just POST right behind them like it's all good. Im like "dog, go around these cars"
son goes "oh, yeah"

 Theres much more too, but im done for now.
I know someone who absolutely disgusts me when he's behind the wheel. It's like he doesn't even wanna drive at times

Son drives no faster than 20 on the main roads, yet will top about 70 on the freeway

always gotta tell him when a light turns green cause his face is always stuck on the phone/ipod

Never notices but swerves in his own lane due to lack of concentration, enough to justify a breathalyzer test

SLOW REACTION TIME is another one. There can be 4 cars in the left lane waiting to turn and son will just POST right behind them like it's all good. Im like "dog, go around these cars"
son goes "oh, yeah"

 Theres much more too, but im done for now.
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