Rihanna just ethered some chick on twitter

Originally Posted by MonStar1

that wasn't the ether.

Some chick told the fat girl "she found love in a Hostess cake".  That was the ether

I cant breathe
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by vandal044

modern day whitney and bobby

Please tell me people are not reffering to her as "whitney"?
As far as ridiculous behavior in their personal life yes..Shes actually more tame than Whitney was..
WHat's screwed up is the fact that ol' girl is right about RiRi though; but because RiRi's a celebrity and she's on platform that caters to celebrity worshipping sheep, everyone is going to back her up and light the big girl up instead...

vandal044 wrote:

As far as ridiculous behavior in their personal life yes..Shes actually more tame than Whitney was..

oh ok then, you right
but whitney had sooo much talent, it was easy for me to ignore the other things


 You are wrong jaywalkin.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Rihanna seems like a great person.
Karma will come back to her.
So karma's gonna come back to her, but not the people who've committed atrocities across the globe? Okay 

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Makes me sad that millions of little girls look up to Rihanna.

Your booty must be tickled. I wish I could send you a fresh batch of love over the internet.

All she said was that the girl's avi was not a good look. You guys are reaching

(words from a disinterested observer)

you can do a lot of things to people in life, but never call an ugly person ugly

that is the ultimate low

not that i had any respect for her to begin with....but she really is a bad person.

without a doubt she has a lot of repercussions coming her way in the coming years

yes, i will go as far to say she is everything wrong with our female generation today. MEAN, slutty and doesn't give an F about it, stubborn, attention #%%%!

rihanna is exhibit A of what you want your daughter NOT to be
Swag Odie wrote:
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Makes me sad that millions of little girls look up to Rihanna.

Your booty must be tickled. I wish I could send you a fresh batch of love over the internet.

All she said was that the girl's avi was not a good look. You guys are reaching

(words from a disinterested observer)

Right, like that was the only tweet she got that was criticizing her for doing the song with him. she strategically chose that one out of all the others because she is blatantly obese and unattractive, and wanted to put her down in front of 14 million other people.
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