Riot in Brooklyn over cops murdering 16 year old boy.

All I can do is laugh at the ignorance that I see in these kind of threads. A 16 year old lost his life behind the actions of a coward cop, and all you guys can speak on is his arrest record.

So let me get this clear being charged and being convicted are the same thing now :smh:

Police spokesperson said that "kiki pointed the gun at the undercover officers" and more than 5 witnesses said that he was running. I mean there is inconsistency in the story they are putting out.

And yes this was a case of racial profiling idc what no one says, Why are plainclothes undercovers jumping out on teenagers in front of a residential house. Is it a crime to be in front of a residence that is occupied by a family or a friends family ? There was no disturbance calls or nothing for them to jump out and react the way they did.

If he did have a gun on him lock him up and let him be prosecuted and judged by his peers, Instead they murdered him in cold blood and fabricated a story to justify their doings which is wrong in so many ways.
What also needs to be taken into account is the overall attitude of police officers in NYC. I can see how they purposely agitate you. Case in point, I was involved in an accident while at work. I had to file a police report. The cops that came the day of the incident were cool (FTR black/asian parnters). When it came to get the police report from the station a week later, I had to call in to let them know I was coming. Now, the person I spoke to, I told him I'd be there in 30 mins to pick up the report. I get to the station, but while I'm there, I'm just watching. There are three men there waiting as well, all Black. Just from listening, I gather two of them got arrested and were there for some sort of property recovery. They weren't hostile initially. The first guy just asked to speak to the supervising officer. He asked about a phone he had on him at his friends apt where he got arrested. The supervisor kept denying any loss on their part, the man kept pleading and insisting they lost it in the arrest because he knows he had it. He kept getting cut off and the supervisor was very curt with him. he actually made the man more irritated (mind you, the arrest and whatever infraction he was caught in never came into play) He eventually spoke to the desk clerk and went to a building downtown where he was instructed to go to in order to search for his belongings. Second man, similar situation. He lost a ring, he was given the same instriction. The third man was just turning in an illegal gun anonymously. No harm no foul. In my case, when I asked for the police report, the desk clerk told me to call the person again to let them know I was there and to come down with the report. I did, but I was annoyed. Why couldn't he tell me that when I only spoke to him only 20 minutes prior? Was that so difficult? No, not really.

But the exercise here is to show how things can quickly escalate between civilians and police officers. They are short with people at times and sometimes give incomplete and misleading information (as is with the gentleman trying to retrieve his phone) creating a possibly acrimonious interpersonal relationship instantly. Now, combine that with each person having personal predjudices and media portrayal of both NYPD and Black men and you have a readymade poweder keg. Even in my case asking for a damn police report, I felt agitated. Imagine if I had been arrested how it would have gone. It's that minute interaction that gets overlooked that creates a lot of what we see and needs to be understood by all parties. That's why as a Black man, you have to just be cool when it comes to that even when you are clearly in the wrong. They WILL try to test you, not matter the circumstance.

its a government agency. they are notorious with the misinformation and being very inefficient. they know that the people HAVE to go to them whether they like to or not so they dont have to provide good customer service. if every government agency was a corporation, they wouldve been bankrupt 10 times over by now.
As it's been pointed out (I think) in this thread....the people "rioting" don't give a darn about this kid. They are in it for themselves. The kid's death just gave them a reason to destroy property and businesses of others. It's a shame.
Colors are being revealed. Duly noted.

Excuse makers are being revealed. Duly noted

If its proven the 16 year old, who by that age knows right from wrong pulled the gun on the cop are you still going to make excuses?

If so its a slap in the face to someone like abmer Louima or Dialou who were cases of police brutality.

And to the other person, his priors play a role. I don't care what race the kid is. If he has 4 priors by age 16 he's a trouble maker.

How is the cop a coward if someone pulls a gun on him and he protects himself?
And in regards to the witnesses I'm curious to the character of them. I wonder if the cop was the one that got shot if those witnesses would be as quick to talk or if they would be on that stop snitching mindset.

I'm all but certian had this kid got shot by another kid instead of a cop, the witnesses wouldn't be nearly as quick to talk or say anything.
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So for the Nters that are saying what the cops did was wrong. Are you saying the official story is false and the kid didn't pull a gun? Or are you saying that even if he did pull out a gun the cops still shouldn't have shot.
Well we will never know if the same witnesses would speak in those situations but in this situation they are speaking. 2 of the witnesses live across from the driveway he was running back to "Running" .

See you speaking from a media perspective I'm speaking from a 1st hand I'm familiar with the neighborhood. This is the same precinct that killed a girl in a " stolen car " another instance where deadly force was used.
Well we will never know if the same witnesses would speak in those situations but in this situation they are speaking. 2 of the witnesses live across from the driveway he was running back to "Running" .

See you speaking from a media perspective I'm speaking from a 1st hand I'm familiar with the neighborhood. This is the same precinct that killed a girl in a " stolen car " another instance where deadly force was used.

Like I said I'm not denying the last part. A good chunk of nypd are jerks.

If it were to be proven that he didn't pull a gun then the outrage is justified in this situation.

However if he did, he brought what he got upon himself and id rather focus my anti cop outrage on other situations where the cops were completely in the wrong and we commiting acts of violence on innocent people.
Lmfao @ "rioting to bring attention to the subject"

I'm sure if one of you was the store clerk that was attacked you'd be singing a different tune.
So for the Nters that are saying what the cops did was wrong. Are you saying the official story is false and the kid didn't pull a gun? Or are you saying that even if he did pull out a gun the cops still shouldn't have shot.

I'm saying he didn't pull no gun on no cops period I'm not buying into that he's not a dumb kid
Colors are being revealed. Duly noted.

Excuse makers are being revealed. Duly noted

If its proven the 16 year old, who by that age knows right from wrong pulled the gun on the cop are you still going to make excuses?

If so its a slap in the face to someone like abmer Louima or Dialou who were cases of police brutality.

And to the other person, his priors play a role. I don't care what race the kid is. If he has 4 priors by age 16 he's a trouble maker.

How is the cop a coward if someone pulls a gun on him and he protects himself?

You obviously didn't read my posts and are here to incite an argument. Go back and please re-read what I posted. Even if you read it at all. Where am I making an excuse? Had you been smart enough to read, I half agree with you. You must have that NT disease I talked about.
Eye witnesses are unreliable sources.

We will never know the whole story.
You obviously didn't read my posts and are here to incite an argument. Go back and please re-read what I posted. Even if you read it at all. Where am I making an excuse? Had you been smart enough to read, I half agree with you. You must have that NT disease I talked about.

I would say the one making a slick post along the lines of "colors being revealed" just because you disagree with my post would be moreso starting an argument. I don't think you read all my posts regarding the situation though turbo
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