Riot in Brooklyn over cops murdering 16 year old boy.

Like I said I'm not denying the last part. A good chunk of nypd are jerks.

If it were to be proven that he didn't pull a gun then the outrage is justified in this situation.

However if he did, he brought what he got upon himself and id rather focus my anti cop outrage on other situations where the cops were completely in the wrong and we commiting acts of violence on innocent people.

Understandable, I see where you're coming from and I can somewhat agree.
andycrazn, I see what you are saying, but you slightly missed it. What you said is accurate about beuracracy, at that point, it's understood that you have to deal with the police. It's just the manner in which it's done. They treat everyone like **** no matter what demeanor they are approached with. That isn't right. What I was trying to say was that you as the person must be able to keep a cool head and try not to let it escalate. Of course easier said than done when in the given situation.
I'm saying he didn't pull no gun on no cops period I'm not buying into that he's not a dumb kid

His 4 priors would say otherwise to most people that his decision making wasnt the best. Moreso if he did pull the gun he probably felt pressure or wanted to impress his boys he was with.

Nypd got a sketchy track record but in this situation I find it hard to give the kid the benefit of the doubt.

Hopefully some type of investigation will be made regarding the situation. It sucks its like that but if the kid had no type of record public opinion would be much more in favor of him as opposed to the cop

Its a crappy situation though. For as bad as him having 4 priors is, alot of people did stupid stuff as a teen and grew outta that mindset.
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IF he really pointed a gun at the cops then it's not murder, it's justified but still horrible.

It is incredibly sad though. RIP. :smh:
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andycrazn, I see what you are saying, but you slightly missed it. What you said is accurate about beuracracy, at that point, it's understood that you have to deal with the police. It's just the manner in which it's done. They treat everyone like **** no matter what demeanor they are approached with. That isn't right. What I was trying to say was that you as the person must be able to keep a cool head and try not to let it escalate. Of course easier said than done when in the given situation.

they can because thats how it is. you must have patience in dealing with them. with that being said most government employees are failures in the real world. they wouldnt survive in the public sector if they were given a chance to.

people get so mad that the DMV is so disorganized and inefficient. i tell them that it has to be that way to keep the people employed. the more inefficient it is, the more employment, therefore it creates a powerful collective that would vote for the politicians that gave them that role.
real spit.
low key, its a race war right here on NT.
a lot of ppl on here love hearing this kind of stuff happen to young black males.

i swear ya'll are remedial. :smh:
the rioting is to bring attention to the subject.
you dont know anything about history do you?

Please. Get over yourself. If the kid had a past history, was carrying an illegal gun, pointed it at a cop, he deserves to get shot. Period.

I'm tired of this America's Youth movement. The kid is 16. He knows what the hell he was doing. Shouldn't been around that life at all.

Bringing rioting to give attention to the subject? Whats the subject here? That a 16 year old was shot, or a 16 year old with 4 priors and a gun in his hand was shot?

You sound like the race baiter here.

Let's get our damn priorities straight.

Now I'm just going off of what I read so far. But for what I've read, the kid seemed like a scumbag, and I for one am glad he's not running the streets anymore.
Lmfao @ "rioting to bring attention to the subject"

I'm sure if one of you was the store clerk that was attacked you'd be singing a different tune.

If it was a family owned mom and pop store I wouldn't be mad at the owners for doing what the Koreans did to looters during the LA riots that tried to loot their stores
His 4 priors would say otherwise to most people that his decision making wasnt the best. Moreso if he did pull the gun he probably felt pressure or wanted to impress his boys he was with.

Nypd got a sketchy track record but in this situation I find it hard to give the kid the benefit of the doubt.

Hopefully some type of investigation will be made regarding the situation. It sucks its like that but if the kid had no type of record public opinion would be much more in favor of him as opposed to the cop

Its a crappy situation though. For as bad as him having 4 priors is, alot of people did stupid stuff as a teen and grew outta that mindset.

Again I agree with this, that's why they pushed out his record so quick to try to sway people views. I mean it's easy to do so when the cops involved names are still not mentioned so we can't even see if these same cops have be written up or involved in lawsuits pending.

Way too many kids in these type of environments have a record. They lock u up for loitering and if you can't provide identification so it's way too east to get arrested.
I never understood why people destroy their own communities during a riot, I would at least move over to the town next door.
I never understood why people destroy their own communities during a riot, I would at least move over to the town next door.
Colors are being revealed. Duly noted.

Excuse makers are being revealed. Duly noted

If its proven the 16 year old, who by that age knows right from wrong pulled the gun on the cop are you still going to make excuses?

If so its a slap in the face to someone like abmer Louima or Dialou who were cases of police brutalityAnd to the other person, his priors play a role. I don't care what race the kid is. If he has 4 priors by age 16 he's a trouble maker.

How is the cop a coward if someone pulls a gun on him and he protects himself?

You obviously didn't read my posts and are here to incite an argument. Go back and please re-read what I posted. Even if you read it at all. Where am I making an excuse? Had you been smart enough to read, I half agree with you. You must have that NT disease I talked about.

I would say the one making a slick post along the lines of "colors being revealed" just because you disagree with my post would be moreso starting an argument. I don't think you read all my posts regarding the situation though turbo

Don't come at me with that reverse psychology bs. Well, You clearly are focused on one side of the argument and had your mind made up like a lot people. "Oh he has priors?, he's a criminal." That's the parallel I was making with my posts of throwing young Black lives away vs. a young White kid in the same situation. I didn't make excuses for this kid. Yes he is old enough to know basic right from wrong but he was still a teenager who needed guidance. Let me use thsi as an example; we all know basically how to drive a car by 13, but we still need to be properly taught how to drive, right? He knew right from wrong but still needded his values fined tuned by a responsoble adult According to your reasoning on that kids should be responsible adults by their mids teens and don't need parents. I never said he was blameless in this. What he did was stupid and moronic, that part was on him. At 16, you aren't thinking about how your actions now will affect you in the next 10 years and that goes for all 16 year olds. This is where the parents come in to instill values. Clearly this was missing in his life. Once again, I argued it was most likely things done by BOTH parties that resulted in this. It's not one sided. I don't believe the witnesses personally. So yes the one sided POV caused my original statement. FYI, please stop with name calling. Please keep it civil. Thanks.
I never everrrrr support police on incidents like this,
I'm the last person to actually ever defend them, since I have been shot at by em

But when this kid has the crimes he has under his belt and a damn gun on him,
It's really hard to believe this kid is innocent..

I can't believe some of y'all are really pulling out the race card :smh:
Nothing remotely racist has even been typed,
Oh yeah those riots really make a difference in the world,
Watts and south central are now booming metropolitan areas :rolleyes

Again I agree with this, that's why they pushed out his record so quick to try to sway people views. I mean it's easy to do so when the cops involved names are still not mentioned so we can't even see if these same cops have be written up or involved in lawsuits pending.

Way too many kids in these type of environments have a record. They lock u up for loitering and if you can't provide identification so it's way too east to get arrested.

Oh it's a crappy system. I got a few priors from when I was younger. Most of them from my own stupidity but some of them over what I felt was ticky tack bs and once you get in the system its a pain to get out, especially when your stuck with a public defender and something minor such as loitering as exaggerated to a much higher level whereas someone in a more privileged situation can afford decent legal representation and get off free. In that sense I got sympathy because its alot of kids that are doomed to be in crappy situations off of poor judgement.

I hope the legit actual truth of what really happens either way comes out though.
My bad Rex, I read that out of context. I saw what you mean with the priors quote. It def it not their fault he has those. All I'm saying is kids like that shouldn't be damned because of early mistakes.
Don't come at me with that reverse psychology bs. Well, You clearly are focused on one side of the argument and had your mind made up like a lot people. "Oh he has priors?, he's a criminal." That's the parallel I was making with my posts of throwing young Black lives away vs. a young White kid in the same situation. I didn't make excuses for this kid. Yes he is old enough to know basic right from wrong but he was still a teenager who needed guidance. Let me use thsi as an example; we all know basically how to drive a car by 13, but we still need to be properly taught how to drive, right? He knew right from wrong but still needded his values fined tuned by a responsoble adult According to your reasoning on that kids should be responsible adults by their mids teens and don't need parents. I never said he was blameless in this. What he did was stupid and moronic, that part was on him. At 16, you aren't thinking about how your actions now will affect you in the next 10 years and that goes for all 16 year olds. This is where the parents come in to instill values. Clearly this was missing in his life. Once again, I argued it was most likely things done by BOTH parties that resulted in this. It's not one sided. I don't believe the witnesses personally. So yes the one sided POV caused my original statement. FYI, please stop with name calling. Please keep it civil. Thanks.

I just don't think there is much of a grey area as far as distinguishing right/wrong when you point a gun at a police officer at 16 years old. ESPECIALLY for someone who has a prior record and has had run-ins with the police. IF he did point a gun at the police, it's hard to fault them for shooting. That being said, there is still a cloud of uncertainty about the whole situation because of some of the NYPD's prior transgressions over the years. As more details surface, we'll be able to have more of an objective POV on how the situation was handled.

The issue being swept to the side and somewhat ignored is the rioting/looting. If i was a resident, I'd be plenty pissed that people are using this death as an EXCUSE to tear down their own community. Yes, I said EXCUSE. They don't have the well-being of boy in mind when going about their destruction. SMH.
Don't come at me with that reverse psychology bs. Well, You clearly are focused on one side of the argument and had your mind made up like a lot people. "Oh he has priors?, he's a criminal." That's the parallel I was making with my posts of throwing young Black lives away vs. a young White kid in the same situation. I didn't make excuses for this kid. Yes he is old enough to know basic right from wrong but he was still a teenager who needed guidance. Let me use thsi as an example; we all know basically how to drive a car by 13, but we still need to be properly taught how to drive, right? He knew right from wrong but still needded his values fined tuned by a responsoble adult According to your reasoning on that kids should be responsible adults by their mids teens and don't need parents. I never said he was blameless in this. What he did was stupid and moronic, that part was on him. At 16, you aren't thinking about how your actions now will affect you in the next 10 years and that goes for all 16 year olds. This is where the parents come in to instill values. Clearly this was missing in his life. Once again, I argued it was most likely things done by BOTH parties that resulted in this. It's not one sided. I don't believe the witnesses personally. So yes the one sided POV caused my original statement. FYI, please stop with name calling. Please keep it civil. Thanks.

Read all my posts. I've looked at it from both ends of the spectrum my man.

Regarding the priors, off the bat its hard to give someone the benifit of the doubt in that situation. If it was just 1 I could see it as a 1 time slip up and give the kid the benifit of the doubt but 4. Its tough for me to believe the kids side of the story on this one. Like I've said hopefully the entire truth comes out.
My bad Rex, I read that out of context. I saw what you mean with the priors quote. It def it not their fault he has those. All I'm saying is kids like that shouldn't be damned because of early mistakes.

Agreed completely
:lol: :lol:

cant believe at the justifications going on

kinda sad really.

The issue being swept to the side and somewhat ignored is the rioting/looting. If i was a resident, I'd be plenty pissed that people are using this death as an EXCUSE to tear down their own community. Yes, I said EXCUSE. They don't have the well-being of boy in mind when going about their destruction. SMH.

All I can do is laugh at the ignorance that I see in these kind of threads. A 16 year old lost his life behind the actions of a coward cop, and all you guys can speak on is his arrest record.

So let me get this clear being charged and being convicted are the same thing now :smh:

WTF are you talking about? Did the kid not pull a gun on a police officer? If he didn't, can you please post a link? "I don't care what no one says" is not evidence of the kid not pulling a strap, sorry.
I never understood why people destroy their own communities during a riot, I would at least move over to the town next door.

During the LA riots when south central was burning and getting looted, it was minimal effort made to stop it but as soon as things started getting closer to the nicer more affluent areas the national guard and troops came in with the quickness.
Kid had got home from a baby shower he wasn't trying to point a pistol at any cops here y'all go with that garbage He was running from the cops and they still shot him some of y'all showing your true colors..

First of all, there are a lot of slick racist comments in this board when it comes to issues like this ALL the time, and you know what? I might start hitting that report button because it's getting out of hand.

I read the articles ThorrocksJs posted. The kid isn't innocent, he has been arrested before. Which means he's been a troubled kid for a while. That doesn't mean he's a bad person, that means his parents weren't on their job from the jump. Does that excuse him from being punished? No. Does that mean he's a criminal and the rest of his life would have been worthless? No. I'm tired of society demonizing young black boys and damning the rest of their life because they are off track in an early part of their life, in part due to some lack of guidance and structure that was beyond their control. A kid who is white could have his background and I'm sure there are some that have, are just looked at still has having potential and have been spared. Now, I think what the young man did was incredibly stupid. I know he's 16, but having been arrested and been around cops given his record and living in Brooklyn, you can ID plain clothes officers. Come on b. Whether the gun is yours or not, you don't play like that. In terms of the situation, no way you are stationary adjusting your clothes and just randomly point a gun at someone. Some exchange took place for that to happen. Maybe he said something, maybe they said something. The likely both said something to escalate it, idk. But once you realize the situation, you do NOT pull out a gun. Hell, just having a gun and you just chillin is incredibly stupid, even in Brooklyn. When are kids going to realize nothing good is going to come from carrying a gun like you're a cowboy.
I agree with all of this.

me too.

Saying the shooting was justified = racist.

wow :x :smh: the ignorance...i swear mods are slacking. im throwing the NT distress signal. thread needs to be put out of its misery...

During the LA riots when south central was burning and getting looted, it was minimal effort made to stop it but as soon as things started getting closer to the nicer more affluent areas the national guard and troops came in with the quickness.

Yea the cops and white neighborhoods don't play that, which makes the rioting even more pathetic. People who are so quick to scream racism are essentially doing exactly what a racist who places no value on the well-being of black people would want. There are more constructive ways of channeling rage.
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The sad part of the riots in 92 were that a lot of black owned mom and pop business were looted and burnt down and never reopened.

I remember most of that time pretty well. The tensions were there but like you said destroying your own community is playing right into what the racist people they have a problem with want.
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