Riot in Brooklyn over cops murdering 16 year old boy.

Ill just leave this right here.

This is beyond foolish to me. Dudes catching feelings over beads. BEADS. [Ai] We're talkin bout beads [Ai]

Do they also only eat red jelly beans on Easter to rustle the jimmies of their rivals?

Idiots like these make Cosa Nostra look like Einsteins.

Bandanas, beads, t-shirts...way to be discreet :lol:

Now the cops have you in a database with your affiliations, activities, physical description, etc. Brilliant criminals.
Is simple, a 16 year old regardless of race shouldn't be packing a loaded gun, if he he is an automatic threat to the community and I don't feel any type of sympathy for him....he didn't have a gun on him, he wouldn't have a reason to run, ya pulling the race card but little knuckleheads like these are the type that reinforce racial profiling time after time...the problem here is not the cops tbh.
This. Why should a teenager my age even have a gun, never mine loaded.
The thinking of some of you guys man. Yes someone might rob you, someone might shoot you. So whats the solution? We gonna put a bullet in every "maybe" we can think of :pimp: thanks for protecting us. God knows how many people he could've killed... Or changed and saved as a doctor. But thats a risk we had to take :pimp:

a risk im willing to take :pimp: :pimp:

Sometimes I forget I'm on a message board with Adults/kids, Who were/are fortunate to have better living conditions than most, excellent schooling systems, and families who have set a foundation for them to follow, so they don't fall victim to the system like their counterparts in the urban environment.



people come out of horrible situations all the ******g time.
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I seen that YouTube video last night. It just justifies my opinion that the kid wasnt an angel. 16 slapping around 13 year olds is a bully in my eyes.

However that has no impact either way on the situation that happened. If he didn't pull a gun out and was running he should be alive right now, if he did pull a gun out then what happened is a result of his actions
I'm sorry but NYPD, the disgusting, vile organization that it is, just doesn't get the benefit of the doubt.

The kid would literally have to be on video vissibly pointing a gun at the police for me to believe any statement that comes out of that corrupt, racist, murdering organization.

I don't care if the kid was a bad kid, these pigs don't have the right to continue to murder people of color because of their color.

I hope both pigs catch one in the line of duty before long.
a risk im willing to take :pimp: :pimp:


people come of our horrible situations all the ******g time

Some people choose to play the victim, and embrace their self-destructive lifestyles. Defeatist, you and I will never be the same. There are people who come from countries who have no food, no electricity, and have to trek for miles just to go to school. With proper values and a will to succeed, even a rose can grow from concrete.

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a risk im willing to take :pimp: :pimp:


people come of our horrible situations all the ******g time.

I hate that excuse. I've seen too many people that grew up with nothing during the toughest times to be black in this country and are now multi millionaires. I don't want to hear that environment crap
I hate that excuse. I've seen too many people that grew up with nothing during the toughest times to be black in this country and are now multi millionaires. I don't want to hear that environment crap
So wait a handful of people means a whole community can become millionaires yeah right.
Sometimes I forget I'm on a message board with Adults/kids, Who were/are fortunate to have better living conditions than most, excellent schooling systems, and families who have set a foundation for them to follow, so they don't fall victim to the system like their counterparts in the urban environment.

You can live in an urban environment and still act civilized so you don't "fall" or IMO LEAP into the "system."

You either do whats right, or you don't.

Again, are there exceptions? Of course. But the MAJORITY of these crimes are done by scumbags.
Oh jeez relax. I'll say the same thing I said the last time the anti cop bashing started here. I can't wait until YOU need a cop.

You act as if the MAJORITY of cops are bad. Thats simply not true and you sound extremely ignorant for thinking that way. Are there dumb cops? Of course. Do cops make mistakes? Of course. Are there bad cops? Of course. No one is arguing.

The MAJORITY though are normal human beings trying to serve the community and make a decent wage to support their family. The MAJORITY want to help others, serve others and provide a positive influence to the community. There are thousands of cops that do the right thing everyday.
I pray i'll never need one. Ignorant na. I live life, you're the ignorant one. There are cops who do their job and i respect that. im not crying over a parking ticket or getting kicked out of a park after 9. and yeah There are good cops you know what they do? Look the other way while their brothers continue abusing their power.

Every cop that is corrupt isnt always caught by the law or on tape for the record. Especially when you go after poor folks ignorant of the law and their rights.
So wait a handful of people means a whole community can become millionaires yeah right.

You hear what you want to hear. I'm saying that you need to own up to your own crap and stop using the fact that you have it tougher than everyone else as an excuse. (When I say you, I'm not necessarily calling you out, just people in general who use the whole "product of my environment" as an excuse)
The thinking of some of you guys man. Yes someone might rob you, someone might shoot you. So whats the solution? We gonna put a bullet in every "maybe" we can think of :pimp: thanks for protecting us. God knows how many people he could've killed... Or changed and saved as a doctor. But thats a risk we had to take :pimp:

Bruh? lives as a doctor?...what world you live in?
I pray i'll never need one. Ignorant na. I live life, you're the ignorant one. There are cops who do their job and i respect that. im not crying over a parking ticket or getting kicked out of a park after 9. and yeah There are good cops you know what they do? Look the other way while their brothers continue abusing their power.

Every cop that is corrupt isnt always caught by the law or on tape for the record. Especially when you go after poor folks ignorant of the law and their rights.

Again, you sound ignorant. You seriously need to reevaluate things man. You're making generalizations that just don't make sense. I personally know dozens of cops, and guess what? They don't act that way. Do you see me saying ALL cops are good guys and do the right thing? No. Why? Because that would be a generalization.

Poor ignorant folks? Please man. What is this 1930? I was born and bred in the hood. EVERYONE knows what the hell is right and wrong. Get your head out of your ***.
I pray i'll never need one. Ignorant na. I live life, you're the ignorant one. There are cops who do their job and i respect that. im not crying over a parking ticket or getting kicked out of a park after 9. and yeah There are good cops you know what they do? Look the other way while their brothers continue abusing their power.

Every cop that is corrupt isnt always caught by the law or on tape for the record. Especially when you go after poor folks ignorant of the law and their rights.

your generalizing off the color of the uniform someone is wearing....

sound familiar... :nerd:
When I was 16 I had practically a full time job and was going to school everyday. Every damn 16 year old KNOWS carrying a gun is WRONG, ILLEGAL and NOT the right thing. I'm sick of this pity party crap.

You live by the sword you die by it.
When I was 16 I had practically a full time job and was going to school everyday. Every damn 16 year old KNOWS carrying a gun is WRONG, ILLEGAL and NOT the right thing. I'm sick of this pity party crap.

You live by the sword you die by it.

nah B, they ignat and had no ideaz what was a happenin.
Are there not black cops on the force or something?...lulz

The way some of ya throw the race card around is mind obliterating.

Crazy thing is these little knuckleheads can care less if you are the same color as them, they will hurt you and those you love with no remorse, tat happens far more often than these "race crimes" committed by the NYPD.
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^Cause I'm sure you got all the stats right in front of you right? :rolleyes Like "But the criminals do worse stuff than the police everyday!" Uh yeah man police aren't supposed to assault and murder citizens, what country are you from? How about holding your public servants to a little higher standard than the common criminal?

Here's the thing some of you more sheltered NTers need to understand. The persons killed by the police ALWAYS has a gun or other weapon aimed at the officer. ALWAYS. Even when they didn't, they did. Never in the history or policing has an officer ever unjustly murdered someone, never. This is their stance and they run with it every single time. Additionally, prosecuting a cop is career suicide for any DA or prosecutor so.... in this country, murder is excusable as long as you have a badge.
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