RIP George Floyd

What’s sad is that by making an argument to us saying black lives matter, you’re basically saying we don’t. Michael Che summed it up perfectly

it’s disheartening.

I’m going to completely honest with cartoons air forces was the first time I claimed brown pride.

I never bothered to research it either because to Mexicans I was trying to be black. So eh, I took African studies instead 😂
So all Walmart’s in my state within 40 miles of a protest are closing their doors at 5pm all week for fear of violence and looting.

where are all the open carry patriots that were ready to go Endgame, posted outside Sonics with loaded AK’s demanding they open because of the constitution?

why are they ghost now that there are nationwide curfews and the government is literally forcing them to not go out at a certain time?They actually don’t want the smoke? Weird. Walmart is their sacred shrine, isn’t it a free country?
Yeah this is saying he had it, as in past tense.

If he tested positive for it in early April, then he would be fully recovered by the day the policed murdered him.

While an interesting piece of information, it doesn't change the dynamics of the situation.

My bro had it and when they retested him after 2 weeks he tested negative. If he was fully recovered it woudnt of shown in the swab. Obviously had NOTHING to do with his death though.

I didn't know why Dyckman was trending until now and it's a ****ed up situation. And quite frankly the Dominicans vs American Black people argument is very tiring. I'm Dominican myself but I'm from Queens not Uptown. I'm also fully aware of my African lineage. I understand the reasoning for why Dyckman would band together but I think the execution was poorly done. I think they should have coordinated with the protests and taken part in the protests and united to stop looting together rather than take the Howard Beach approach. Dominicans have a bad record when it comes to racism and colorism and doing it that way doesn't help matters. That said, the looting of Manhattan and the Bronx really got out of control. A lot of Dominicans come to the states and open up bodegas, drive taxis, manage supermarkets, open restaurants. There is an independent spirit in our culture, like with most immigrants who come from nothing. The looting was absolutely despicable and I think all business owners have a right to protect their businesses. People didn't escape poverty to lose their business overnight (and mind you the pandemic ****ed a lot of businesses up to). But the assumption that it's only Black people looting is wrong. Lots of looters are Latino and White as well. The looters are not part of the movement and they're taking advantage of the movement to wreck havoc. Dyckman should have coordinated with the protests and figured it out imo.
Don’t want to turn this into a further issue but to add to this post
growing up I always knew Dominicans didn’t like Haitians for some reason, never knew the reason since my Dominican homies just told me they don’t get along in dr, . I was assuming ( since I was stupid and didn’t ask much about it) that it was similar to India and Pakistan where it’s more religious there, I thought it was because of religious differences when I was younger,
when I went to dr, bro some of them Dominicans are racist as hell towards Haitians !
Naw, 10 years and get out in 6-7? Too light.

Needs to be sentenced to 40, cant parole til atleast 30 years, something like that.

If the legal BAC for me having a cdl is .04 then I feel like police should get double the penalty for murder along with no manslaughter ****. You can’t make mistakes like that as a cop.

to be clear, Floyd’s death wasn’t a mistake and straight murder. But if you are a cop who “fears for his life” from a guy with a phone you gotta rot in jail too.
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Bros I don't get it...the people want police accountability. Why is that so hard to give lol

Easy, because that “hero” ******** has been pushed for so long people in the suburbs and country can’t see police for the thugs they actually are and let them off the hook combined with tons of racism.

police aren’t hero’s. They picked that ****** job.
So all Walmart’s in my state within 40 miles of a protest are closing their doors at 5pm all week for fear of violence and looting.

where are all the open carry patriots that were ready to go Endgame, posted outside Sonics with loaded AK’s demanding they open because of the constitution?

why are they ghost now that there are nationwide curfews and the government is literally forcing them to not go out at a certain time?They actually don’t want the smoke? Weird. Walmart is their sacred shrine, isn’t it a free country?

They see that the people who oppose them are ready for action and they're scared
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