RIP George Floyd

I appreciate you guys thinking of me and taking the time out to show me all the tweets/videos. But that still doesn’t change my stance on violence. Don’t think it’ll ever change tbh. But I do hope y’all find some semblance of peace during and after this whole thing. We need change in the writer possible way. Hopefully we don’t lose momentum with what’s going on and that’ll continue to incite change.

bro just leave the thread man. You’re a liar, you ain’t lying to us, you’re lying to yourself. You aren’t ghandi, and that’s ok. Just shut the **** up
consider myself something of a diplomat in my everyday life, and it is in this role a guy that comes to the cowork space where I have a job has asked for an hour or so of my time this afternoon for what I believe is an honest effort to understand the plight from which I arose, the long outstanding bill that has come due in 2020.

as I mentioned, I feel that this person has respectfully approached me for realistic insights, and I feel I have chosen the duty to provide them in the spirit of promoting education...with that typed, is there anything specific that I should have this gentleman understand about what is happening in the United States rn?

definitely going to cover the political science implications of chaotic demonstration, the need to make the problems of the minority the problems of the majority, and the need for both a Martin and a Malcolm...the essential need to be able to answer the enduring response when one asks for their human rights: ¨or what?¨

still, this thread has been filled with worthy perspectives, so I want to know if there is more I should impart.

thanks in advance, much love.

So weird to me seeing this surge of racism in the Hispanic community. I've encountered racist Hispanics living in NYC but I guess I never looked deep enough into the topic since majority of the ones I grew up with were associated with the black community.

it just confuses me so much to be on the white supremacy side when the MAGA crowd was supporting the wall because they felt Mexicans mainly bring crime, drugs and rapists into the US.

Considering that Puerto Rico is an American Territory but Trump barely gave them assistance when they were in a crisis after natural disaster, and his solution was to alley oop some Bounty towels into a crowd of suffering people.

or that Americans were calling Dominicans murderers when a few suspicious cases of death on resorts popped up. I don't have any comments on hand but I recall vividly when the news of these deaths came out, all the comment sections on the articles was Americans bashing Dominicans saying they're thieves, shady, untrustworthy, etc with all these probably exaggerated stories Being told.

Or how about when two Hispanic people speak Spanish in public in a mostly white community and get dirty looks or the classic "this is America. Speak English"

Or the fact that often times the American labor system takes advantage of Hispanic workers who can't speak English well enough, and give them extremely labor intensive jobs making pennies compared to a white American with that same job.

I just don't get it.
I appreciate you guys thinking of me and taking the time out to show me all the tweets/videos. But that still doesn’t change my stance on violence. Don’t think it’ll ever change tbh. But I do hope y’all find some semblance of peace during and after this whole thing. We need change in the writer possible way. Hopefully we don’t lose momentum with what’s going on and that’ll continue to incite change.
Why do you keep framing destruction of property as violence? Or am I missing something
Famb what?


Chill before people think I'm out on these e-streets like Guccishades Guccishades
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