RIP George Floyd


Remorseful because you were exposed and lost your job.
As long as we live in America, in my heart, white supremacy will always be the systematic, structural power. Instead of waiting for white people to show up and make the change for us - I strongly believe that we/or of color, must do for ourselves and come together; financially, politically, education, etc.
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As long as we live in America, in my heart, white supremacy will always be the systematic, structural power. Instead of waiting for white people to show up and make the change for us - I strongly believe that we/or of color, must do for ourselves; financially, politically, education, etc.
As long as we live in America, in my heart, white supremacy will always be the systematic, structural power. Instead of waiting for white people to show up and make the change for us - I strongly believe that we/or of color, must do for ourselves; financially, politically, education, etc.
Honestly man seeing how deeply engrained and ruined it is i'm starting to see that only a truly violent and destructive overthrow will change anything in America.

*not implying anything feds, don't take NT down again.
Lot of closet/overt racists sharing that Larry Elder video on social media. Never heard of him until now but the video has the racists beating their chests about how there's no inequality
Lot of closet/overt racists sharing that Larry Elder video on social media. Never heard of him until now but the video has the racists beating their chests about how there's no inequality

Larry Elder is one of the ****s that Republicans drag out to bash black people. I'm sure he's profited greatly and they can say they aren't racist because they agree and like a black person.
Larry Elder is one of the ****s that Republicans drag out to bash black people. I'm sure he's profited greatly and they can say they aren't racist because they agree and like a black person.
Exactly on the last part. I see a bunch of them posting black folks who agree with their agenda. Very sad regardless that that type of misinformation is being spread and spread throughout the racist community
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