RIP George Floyd

Yeah, honestly it could be spread out. Some people might decide to use some of what they're entitled to to get out of debt or something. Loan forgiveness, mortgage forgiveness, stocks, bonds, etc.

People have over simplified reparations by limiting it to cash payments. That's the easiest plan to shoot down because on its face it seems difficult to accomplish If we're being honest, cash payments are primitive! It's 2020...
Debt and loan forgiveness could play a part. Material acquisition (vehicles, home, clothing), rent payments, and maybe a voucher system of some kind. Tax breaks for the companies that agree to take part.

There's a bunch of companies that still exist today that directly profited from the slave trade. They shouldn't have the option not to take part. There should be a penalty for trying not to take part.

Call it "The Reconciliation Tax Act". The percentage of their profits that they have to pay out increases every year on Juneteenth in perpetuity.
I've truly never understood why reparations are so controversial.

Germany did it for Jewish people.

The most bogus and popular argument that I've heard against is "Well how would we know who is eligible to receive a payment?"

I think that would be quite simple actually and the solution would create jobs for people as well.

Create a panel of African Americans, who are thoroughly vetted by other African Americans and make the application process like getting your driver's license at the DMV.

Applicants are vetted by submitting their SSN, and Birth Certificate. A criminal record can't prevent you from receiving a check with the exception of a Muder or rape conviction.

For those that are unemployed/incarcerated/ or compromised in other ways, their checks will be paid out as an adjustable annuity (over time) to prevent a Chappelle show scenario where Ashy Larry's character bought a truck full of Newports and Tron's character bought a baby with cash.

It's really not that hard.

Two other forms of reparations:

1- Free College and Grad School education to all African Americans attending school at Colleges and Universities that receive federal funding. This is fair because African Americans were shut out of education for so long in this country

2- Interest-Free Homeloans and/or Free Land (doesn't necessarily have to be 40 acres). This is fair because this country would not exist but for the free labor performed by slaves.


Democratic Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson is for this. Too bad she didn't get much support and her ideas on reperations were only supported by only a few candidates (Andrew Yang, Tulsi Gabbard).

I don't think reperations will pass anytime soon unless we have a freedom dividend / universal basic income first. That way, people will be less stressed about their wellbeing. As a result, they will be more empathetic to issues outside their household. Thus, they will realize that the US is long overdue for reperations and perpetual benefits for black americans who are descendants of slaves.

Last thing I want to see is having a reperations agenda being a political career killer.

Who the **** thought this was a good idea? How you get an order to do some **** like this and actually do it? Cops trash as ****.

Only a moron in charge and the Michelin Man could think it up.

Nope, they’re actually defending it as a tactical move. Seriously.
Strategically deflated tires”
Bunch of bull crap.
You can't assume vehicles will be used as a weapon, especially if the occupants aren't even in the Damm car.

I swear this "were above the law" mentality is why we are here. Hope those got their tires slash sue the city for damages.
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Bunch of bull crap.
You can't assume vehicles will be used as weapon, especially if the occupants aren't even in the Damm car.

I swear this "were above the law" mentality is why we are here. Hope those got their tires slash she the city for damages.

With all the millions they collect in speeding ticket/citation/fine revenue they couldn't afford to have barriers shipped you know....DO THEIR DAMN JOB AND PROTECT AND SERVE THE CITIZENS!
Why do we pay state/county taxes again?
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