RIP George Floyd

Nothing you said is wrong; it's just that the issue here is double standard. The reason for all these protests is the fact that the image of the welfare queen is a black single mother when white folks constitute the main recipient block of public aid. The issue is that we put a large amount on importance on some black folks who glorify street life through their art while there is an equally thriving industry centered around white organized crime. This society condemns all black people for "crime" while their sons and daughters get a pass for getting married in former plantations.

I want the same benefit of doubt that American society gives to white women. When black folks get that, we can resume the talk about the danger of black shoplifters and Chief Keef.
You pointing this out shows you're obviously not interested in and are probably 'allergic' to self-accountability though :lol:>D

Gotta keep the focus on ills in the black community as they're the main reason why it gets treated so differently...

Nothing you said is wrong; it's just that the issue here is double standard. The reason for all these protests is the fact that the image of the welfare queen is a black single mother when white folks constitute the main recipient block of public aid. The issue is that we put a large amount on importance on some black folks who glorify street life through their art while there is an equally thriving industry centered around white organized crime. This society condemns all black people for "crime" while their sons and daughters get a pass for getting married in former plantations.

I want the same benefit of doubt that American society gives to white women. When black folks get that, we can resume the talk about the danger of black shoplifters and Chief Keef.

Bra I agree with everything you said.
Of course double standards are real and WE ALL KNOW the biggest welfare recipients look like this

At the same time this is still something us black folks are gonna have to face.
Our own self accountability....bra....its not going away.
We will have to face it one day.
I don't like using feelings and emotions...because that leads to a biased ignorant dishonest way of thinking.

The problem is....some of you are just too EMOTIONAL and SENSITIVE to hear what YOU DON'T WANT TO HEAR right now!
Our own issues aren't going away any time soon either.
Again I feel some of us are just from different experiences are a FACTOR!
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Lost cause of confederacy is literal propaganda :smh:

Never forget how upset I was, in grade school...when the teacher kept telling me I was wrong for saying the civil war was fought on slavery, not “states rights” :smh:

American public school system so crazy to me. A country with so many resources has some of the most idiotic people in charge. I remember as a schoolboy having to write a report on influential people in America. They used George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison as examples. I did a report on George Washington Carver and the teacher told me that they've never heard of them before. As if this was some made-up story.
Yanno, I’m really buggin’ at the fact that some of the very same people who tried to call me a racist on this site, are suddenly sounding exactly like me, in a eerie sort of way....while discussing white people and white supremacy. My, how things change.
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Bra I agree with everything you said.
Of course double standards are real and WE ALL KNOW the biggest welfare recipients look like this

At the same time this is still something us black folks are gonna have to face.
Our own self accountability....bra....its not going away.
We will have to face it one day.
I don't like using feelings and emotions...because that leads to a biased ignorant dishonest way of thinking.

How about getting the playing field more level first and addressing a lot of the conditions (poverty, lack of ownership, employment opportunities, education) that drive some black folks to have to resort to that? Once we get basic human decency and equal treatment, then and only then should do called 'self accountability' be a priority on the agenda.

In the meantime, these companies need to continue to be called to the carpet for their overtly racist practices.

Been hilarious watching all these corporations copping pleas the last few weeks :lol:

I was in Walmart earlier today and over the speaker they played a recording saying "To the black community, we hear your cries and feel your pain, us at Walmart...."

I'm in the detergent aisle like


2020 been a wild year
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How about getting the playing field more level first and addressing a lot of the conditions (poverty, lack of ownership, employment opportunities, education) that drive some black folks to have to resort to that? Once we get basic human decency and equal treatment, then and only then should do called 'self accountability' be a priority on the agenda.

In the meantime, these companies need to continue to be called to the carpet for their overtly racist practices.

See this the thing brody aint from where I'm from.
Some of us are over the finger pointing of devils we know are just gonna be that....DEVILS.
I personally aint with the sassy emotional deflecting when Im born and bred from inner choas from our own black community.
So the issues you are speaking on sound like a broken record...again my experience was from BLACK WOMEN stealing these ethnic beauty products from Walmarts in BULK with a purse full of money.
Jordans on their feet....$400 weave on their head.....hopping in Lexus trucks and peeling out afterwards.

DO...YOU....SEE....WHAT...I'M ....GETTING... AT.... NOW?
See this the thing brody aint from where I'm from.
Some of us are over the finger pointing of devils we know are just gonna be that....DEVILS.
I personally aint with the sassy emotional deflecting when Im born and bred from inner choas from our own black community.
So the issues you are speaking on sound like a broken record...again my experience was from BLACK WOMEN stealing these ethnic beauty products FROM Walmarts in BULK with a purse full of money.
Jordans on their feet....$400 weave on their head.....hopping in Lexus trucks and peeling out afterwards.

DO...YOU....SEE....WHAT...I'M ....GETTING... AT.... NOW?

So what do you want to do? You going out and preaching self accountability to them women you see stealing weave? Cause just like the looting that was plastered all over the news a couple weeks ago and was being used to distract from what was really going on, I don't really care. There are more important things going on RIGHT NOW.

I grew up in the Bible belt in the South, you're experience isn't unique not everybody that shoplifts is doing it for the thrill, some are out of necessity.
I’ve personally witnessed 2 grocery store chains close in DC/MD because of this exact very real issue of failed loss prevention and mass crippling theft.
Yes the theft was that bad in these PREDOMINANTLY BLACK areas...where white people dare not go.
Soooo...who were the main culprits of the mass thefts???? Who do we blame?
Those two areas are now food deserts because of this....who do we blame?
Who were stealing the ethnic hair products so bad to the point they needed to be locked up??

Again white folks,asians and hispanics are barely even seen in these Predominantly Black areas.
So who were stealing that much and beating down inventory profits just that bad????

As a store owner what would you do if even hiring armed security doesn’t put a dent in the loss prevention effectiveness??
Wouldn’t you wanna lock stuff behind glass or just pack up and close shop???

So now grandma and papa live in a food desert area and gotta travel further for groceries and their meds...they weren’t the ones stealing.

Self accountability folks....

Yeah cuz I remember all those Home Depots in the hood had to close too!

Soooo...who were the main culprits of the mass thefts???? Who do we blame?

Those areas are now food lumbar deserts because of this....who do we blame?

Who were stealing the ethnic hair home improvement products so bad to the point they needed to be were never locked up??

So now grandma and papa live in a food home improvement desert area and gotta travel further for groceries and their meds screws and nails...they weren’t the ones stealing.

Ohhh the HORROR!!!

  • Organized retail crime costs retailers nearly $778,000 per $1 billion in sales in 2018, an all-time high, according to a National Retail Federation survey
  • In the past three quarters, Home Depot reported that an increase in “shrink” hurt its financial results.
  • Retail shrinkage includes organized retail crime.
  • Home Depot says if shrink gets too high, it may have to pass costs off to consumers.
  • To stop the crime, Home Depot and other retailers are spending more on preventing theft and working with law enforcement.
  • The Utah Attorney General’s Office worked with Home Depot and other retailers on a multimillion dollar operation against seven pawnshops selling stolen goods

But tell me more about these hair care products.

PEOPLE steal B.

Wash ya face.

Just like the pics of Trump's inauguration, we all saw it on TV. People were literally standing there with signs and then the cops and National Guard were told to go HAM on the crowd so that orange baby could have that weird Hitler-esque photo op. I was dumbfounded watching the whole thing. Felt like the beginning of a movie where the country is being taken over by a supreme ruler and a cast of crafty kids has to come take him down.
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Yanno, I’m really buggin’ at the fact that some of the very same people who tried to call me a racist on this site, are suddenly sounding exactly like me, in a eerie sort of way....while discussing white people and white supremacy. My, how things change.

NT got alot of dudes who get mad and sassy when an OG tries to school them to peep game.
You can never trust these types of overly emotional people, they only chase sensations and bias that will only put them in a good light.
Unfortunate alot of them are being propped up as leaders in our communities and preying on the sheep for clout money and fame.
Meanwhile finger pointing and blaming others for thier very own demise and self destruction.
This place is starting to scream fatherless overly emotional black suburbians who just never been in anything real enough to get humbled quickly. :lol:
As if no one had a father to tell them.....Son only YOU can destroy YOU!
Unfortunately their non black peers see them as street dudes just from their skin being black. That's where this sassy hard headed attitude comes from exactly.
The culture is starting to turn into just that, because we have alot of black knowledge, humbleness and wisdom locked up in prison unfortunately.
Can't ever trust a man who can't face humility and self accountability of his own community....yet alone himself in the mirror:wink:

"But but but...Sugafree...we aren't talking about our own issues right now.....lets sensationalize everything else that puts us in a good light as victims and keep finger pointing at our very own actions as being
justified because the devils do it also but they get impunity"

Some of yall just aint built mentally for the final bout.....please stay out of the real black soldier's way when its time...youll only get real one's killed.
Internal spring cleaning is a must!
For me growing up was very simple. The only white people I encountered in Brooklyn, were those who were in supposed authority. Those are the only ones who came to the hood. Teachers, police, firemen, mailmen, I never went to school with white people, until I got to college. But since my family owns the property where we were held captive, I also got to see the white trash in the south, that are the descendants of the lowlives that were in control. I have a specific dislike for the descendants of white supremacy, segregation, and all those who have benefitted from said system including the model minority that were taught to, and then accepted looking down upon Black people. ‘EFF ALL Y’ALL. If you cannot admit that you too would have been in the back of the bus? Yeah, you are not to be trusted.
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So what do you want to do? You going out and preaching self accountability to them women you see stealing weave? Cause just like the looting that was plastered all over the news a couple weeks ago and was being used to distract from what was really going on, I don't really care. There are more important things going on RIGHT NOW.

I grew up in the Bible belt in the South, you're experience isn't unique not everybody that shoplifts is doing it for the thrill, some are out of necessity.

Bra I'm from LA and DC....our experiences are totally different.
Seeing as I was stationed in the bible belt south for 6 years.
We def different bra.....and its ok :lol:
Lets just leave it at that....
sugafree sugafree Bro you aren't the only dude in here who grew up in city. We got plenty of cats from NYC, LA, DC and whatever other place you can name. I'm born and raised in NYC so you aren't talking about anything me or others haven't seen.

What cats are saying is that no matter what effort black people make with self accountability these issues didn't start with us doing wrong. And that's not to say self accountability shouldn't be considered or carried out but the problem with black people isn't self accountability because most of us are doing right and yet still are treated like second class citizens.

The issue is society has set itself up to trip up people of color and chooses to vilify us. Self accountability only goes so far when a country systematically decides to oppress you. Oppression is our biggest problem.
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