RIP Jonas Bevacqua of LRG

Dre let me clairifyIt was posted on la weekly a local news publicationHe was in rehab because of drinking alcohol. Let's just say he could drink. Drink like a blue whaleI don't people to get it effed upNo pills or drugs. I handled his social media. Around June 2010 he really wanted to focus on his sons life and get better. Dude never did me dirty or anyone on earth. He'd often jump on my ustreams. But he really didnt want the public to see him as a going out kind of guy in recent times. So I promised to keep him off the blogs. Our business relationship ended in April 2010 but he was set to be my best man at my wedding this sept. There's more but I can't break it down here for family/personal reasons. He wanted his personal life to be kept private. I respected that When his bro and other best friend hit me and dad. I knew it was no buenoPeace.
I meant to begin with. It was posted what u said on my comments on a local news site. I don't want rumors to float around.

Alcohol is a substance to some
But it's really really easy to get pills or powder confused over drinking vodka

Feel me?

That's all

And even pills can get people confused. Like ecstasy or vicodins or Oxys. It was none of that.

Ill spit more later in the week on my blog

Jonas had mad love for NT
Lets not turn this into a he said she said drama thread, I understand you gotta clear the air Ben and I can respect that, but out of respect I hope this thread doesn't turn into something else..
Ben it's all good my dude. I wasn't implying it was any more than a "substance". I feel you on ur loss. Stay up.
Leave all the rumors speculations out of this thread and just say your R.I.P's and pay respect.

R.I.P Jonas admired his whole ambition he had.From a worker to a BOSS self made mentality .Ben hold your head and don't let the negative stuff get to you fam.
Originally Posted by undefinedinc

Lets not turn this into a he said she said drama thread, I understand you gotta clear the air Ben and I can respect that, but out of respect I hope this thread doesn't turn into something else..
reiterated to hopefully stop any potential snowballing.

lets wait for the FACTS...

Originally Posted by undefinedinc

Lets not turn this into a he said she said drama thread, I understand you gotta clear the air Ben and I can respect that, but out of respect I hope this thread doesn't turn into something else..

I won't let it.

I've already deleted a few comments that had no place being on here.

People can call it censorship or whatever the #**% they want, but I can't let disrespect in RIP threads take place.

If ya'll see anything out of line, shoot me a PM
damn, RIP. still rock some hoodies from time to time and still have an LRG sticker on my comp right now. thought about taking it off for some new stuff, but i guess its gonna stay on now.
I heard the news this morning. Quite shocking and saddened. It makes you think twice how short life is.

My boys in college back in Irvine got me on LRG when it dropped in 99. It was a local brand back in the day and it was good to see them flourish over the years. Those early years were classic to me. Jonas and Robert were quite the visionaries with their company.

R.I.P to a man who helped revolutionize the street wear game.

Never knew Jonas personally but LRG influenced me a lot in the early 2000's. I remember going crazy looking for a spot to get twill hang tags done because i thought the LRG hang tags were so dope. I remember hearing about the early days from friends and it really motivating me to try and go out for self.

Condolences go out to all of his friends and family.... Ben, keep ya chin up g
Damn Ben... I don't get how you had homey as your best man when yall havnt talked in so long (since to that Sasha Singleton post, at least) Must have been one of those Facebook "its complicated" kind of relationships...

True inspiration for all young cats who've ever thought about making it as an entrepreneur. SELF MADE.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Damn Ben... I don't get how you had homey as your best man when yall havnt talked in so long (since to that Sasha Singleton post, at least) Must have been one of those Facebook "its complicated" kind of relationships...
Eh, sometimes people's lives begin to go in different directions but there are still bonds that cant be broken. 

RIP to the young man. 

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