RIP Nintendo Power 1988-2012

sad to hear about Nintendo Power.  Remember the little fold out slips that came with nintendo consoles. This is kind of a shock with the

Wii-U coming out you think they would like to give the nintendo fan base a heads up on all the ins and outs of the new console

BTW, did you know game informer is owned by gamestop. So watch out for the reviews, sometimes they can mislead you.
Childhood memories for real...but whatever happened to Gamepro? 

I know I'm late but I just found out gamepro shut down about a month ago...that's crazy. 
Damn, I still remember these back in the day. Every month I'd wait for the new one to come in. I had that TMNT issue posted above!!!!! RIP Nintendo Power. I stopped reading it when EGM and Sony Playstation came out... 
No one ever took a pencil and paper with you on a trip to the store with your parents? I'd be in the magazine isle copying finishing moves and cheats on loose leaf, never really read the articles.

Bro yes lol, blockbuster always had the big book of cheats, or whatever it's called, and I'd stay trying to copy them down. Word to the uber hard mortal kombat cheats and fatalities.

Side note..... Remember all the rumors that's went around about cheats and stuff in games?? Lol, I suddenly feel old :frown:
Got one from the library when i was 5, got a call 6 years later saying i had a book was this was worth the 2 dollars....r.i.p
I remeber back when i was a kid.

We were poor so only way to read this was when we use to go to albertsonb and just go straight to the magazines.
suck it nerds, i got this card from nintendo power back in the day. who remembers my post your pokemon cards thread on nt years and years ago? :nerd: :rofl:
Wow, I was a subscriber from 04-06 I believe but dambs. I had to subscribe with money order cause I didn't have a credit card and my parents would never let me do something as stupid as reading magazines about video games. I still remember entering almost every contest and I actually won Zelda: the minishing cup for my gameboy sp but I never filled out the form to accept it because it asked for my SS # and I was not about that life.
Wow to see such a staple in the gaming world to go out like this sucks. I still have a few issues floating around my garage. I also remember when the goldeneye issue released I was too hyped about that game man lol
all the things that are fading.....the things our children will never experience, im starting to understand why our elders would tease us about having calculators through school....
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