I teared up reading that real talk.

Being a father of 2 myself, I can't imagine what I would do in your postition.

Stay strong, keep ya head up, RIP to your baby boy.
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Damn, Sorry to hear that fam

Wish the best for you an your girl, nothing can replace your first son but I hope if you guys decide to have another child it will be a more joyous occasion for you

Prayers out to you and yours G.
I truly feel for you bro and my prayers go out to you and your girl.  I pray everyday that my 3 year old son wins his battle against cancer and hope I NEVER have to deal with losing him.  Just try to remain strong for your girl because they always take it the hardest.  Ya'll will make it through this tough time together and have brighter days ahead.

- Preciate it.
Thoughts are with you man. As hard as it is, it's time to be strong for your lady. Keep your head up.
i I remember you posting about your girl's pregnancy. I am so sorry for your loss and I hope you both find peace eventually.
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