keep your head up man...

my thoughts and prayers goes out to you, your girl and your baby boy...

damn man.. so sorry to hear about this. keep your head up, your son is in a better place. it's saddening he didn't get a chance to experience this world. stay strong bro, life works in mysterious ways.
Be strong bro.. He's now your little angel watching over you. Losing a child is ultimately the most painful thing a father/parent would endure. Be strong & be connected with your little boy through prayer..
Never been through it, but i know it's tough..
Same thing happened to my home girl about 2 weeks ago

Wish the best for you and your girl
Back in 03 my wife became pregnet with our first child.  We did all the right things, diet, exercise, lamaze, ect.  When I found out that my first child was going to be a boy it was icing on the cake.  Back in 91 my brother Anthony Curtis Stephenson(RIP) had been murdred in a drive by in Los Angeles, sitting in his car waiting for a light to change green, @ the age of 19.  Fast forward to 03, 9 months went by without a hitch, the day before my son was to be born my wife went in to see her doctor, with her mother for one last check up.  I'm at work and receive a call from her telling me that the doctor can not find my son's heart beat and we had lost our baby boy.  On top of this, they could not induce labor until the next day.  So we had to spend the night at home with my dead son still in my wife's stomach.  The next day she deliverers our lifeless son.  I would not wish that on my worst enemy.  I am truly sorry for your loss and the pain that you are enduring.  I just tried to be strong for her and stayed positive, as hard as it was to do.  We were blessed to have another son a few years later and made sure to have him delivered one week early with no complications.  He is 4 now and is healthy.  
Please try and stay strong and be as positive as you can around your girl.
My deepest condolences.
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0


prayers go out to you and your fam
RIP Nasir

So sorry for your loss bro...just stay in prayer and support the woman as much as possible

My cousin passed last year and the baby didn't make it either, if you need to talk just PM me
my toughts and prayers are with you fam. keep your head up my dude, you  have a little angel upstairs.
RIP to your son, fam.

My condolences to you and your girl. may the future hold more years of fruitful child bearing. in the mean time, stay up and keep your head up. God bless.
As a father I can only begin to imagine what you just went through. Glad your talking about it and getting support from NT.
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