RoboCop (Movie Thread) FEB 7, 2014 - Trailer pg 5

Never was the catastrophic mess I thought it would be. :lol:

I liked their modern take on it. I understood they had to change things up and be have their own version of it.

Things I wished they did though:
-Showing us a REAL death scene for Murphy (an explosion ain't gonna cut it). The OG scene made you CARE about him and felt his revenge against The Wrecking Crew.
-Memorable villains (Keaton's character is the only worth merit). Boddicker and his gang had PERSONALITY. Joe Cox was funny as hell (that laugh :rofl:). And of course D**k Jones.
-More screen time on his OG-like suit. I did liked the black one as the movie progresses. I just felt it was too much exposure.

This is nitpicking but it was stupid for them not to play the OG theme for the ending after Novak (Jackson) flipped out in his show. Yeah, opening they did it but why not bring out the classic again? :smh:
I didn't like it

It had it's moments but overall the movie was kinda boring.

Maybe boring isn't the word but it just felt so empty.

I did not pay that for a dollar so I can't complain lol
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