Ron Paul media blackout is all too real

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Josednk1068

This guy Duece uses that one pic over and over like its evidence or something ha!

I use that pic because its going to be the same results for Ron Paul and his small niche of supporters. Ron Paul is going to have to learn the hard way just like 4 years ago that hardly anybody cares about him........and for good reason.
This.  Nobody cares about Ron Paul other than his small group of passionate supporters.  The media spends time covering candidates that actually have a chance of winning.  That and Palin because her stupidity makes for good ratings.
[h2] Tracking Money In Politics[/h2]
Question of the day: Our latest analysis finds that employees of Bain Capital have sent Obama's re-election effort more than $152,000. Given the ads the Obama campaign is running against Romney's record while at Bain, do you think it's hypocritical for the Obama campaign to accept those contributions or to use that line of attack?

Originally Posted by rashi

[h2] Tracking Money In Politics[/h2]
Question of the day: Our latest analysis finds that employees of Bain Capital have sent Obama's re-election effort more than $152,000. Given the ads the Obama campaign is running against Romney's record while at Bain, do you think it's hypocritical for the Obama campaign to accept those contributions or to use that line of attack?


Should Ron Paul not take military donations because he's been so critical of the military and the DOD?
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by DEpast

As someone who is a member of the working press but doesn't cover politics, shut up already.


I would rather clean toilets than work for mainstream media. You people are heathens.

If you keep it up with this Ron Paul propaganda you'll be doing just that toilets.

Wut, why am I going to get fired?

You think I'm telling lies, but you have nothing to say other than that I'm a "conspiracy theorist" but you
are on record as saying you like Soetoro. (Yes that is his name) So comment on some of these issues

1. Why is there an active nuclear threat in Japan and our government refuses to even address the issue?

2. Soetoro insisted on adding the detention clause to the NDAA after he publicly said on TV he was against it.

3. Why are the vaccines given to our pets safer than the ones for our children since ours are tainted with mercury which kills areas of the brain.( DO NOT vaccinate your kids)

4. Why is the TSA groping childrens and adult genitals when they have NEVER caught a terrorist?

5. Why do you need a high powered Xray performed on you to get on a plane when again, we have never caught a terrorist?

6. Why are cops in Minnesota getting kids high and dropping them off at occupy movements?

7. Why are 30,000 drones being prepped to monitor us from the sky to spy on peoples gardens?

8. Why are farmers being arrested and threatened with 20 years prison terms for selling raw milk?

9. Why is our government preparing to go into yet another (nuclear this time?) war with a country that does not endanger us?

10. Why are 53,000 corpses in Florida registered to vote and expected to acually show up to fill out their ballots?

11. Why does George Soros new company have the contract to count the votes for the 2012 presidential election in, wait for it, SPAIN!

12. Why is our government heavily invested in plastic coffins for the fema centers?

13. Why are there 800 new fema centers that have surfaced in the past ten years if our country is so broke? 

14. Why are 8 year olds being taught sex ed?

15. Why did building 7 fall?

These are just some "conspiracies" off the top of the dome.

Your name is Deuce King, I thought of dirty toilets the first time I read your screenname.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Josednk1068

This guy Duece uses that one pic over and over like its evidence or something ha!

I use that pic because its going to be the same results for Ron Paul and his small niche of supporters. Ron Paul is going to have to learn the hard way just like 4 years ago that hardly anybody cares about him........and for good reason.
This.  Nobody cares about Ron Paul other than his small group of passionate supporters.  The media spends time covering candidates that actually have a chance of winning.  That and Palin because her stupidity makes for good ratings.
In other words... the media, I mean 6 Corporations, spends time and money covering candidates that they themselves contributed to and support.  
 Got it!
"Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one."

During the past two decades, GE has donated more than $12.5 million to federal political entities, slightly favoring the right by one percentage point. During the same time period, Walt Disney Co. donated nearly $3 million and favored Democrats by an average of 54 percent to 46 percent. GE has contributed $1.62 million during this election cycle.

Comcast, the nation’s largest cable company, has donated more upwards of $7.2 million to PACs in the last nine years, including nearly $1.9 million in the last two years. Time Warner, owner of CNN and others, has provided just shy of $5 million to federal political candidates and committees since the 1990 election cycle and almost $200,000 during the current election cycle. 

GE, which owns NBC, CNBC and the perceived left-leaning MSNBC, has directed 59 percent of its $1.62 million this  2010 election cycle to Republican political entities. Aso, between the 1990 and 1998 election cycles, Fox Inc., a subsidiary of News Corp., donated more than 60 percent of its nearly quarter-million dollar total to Democratic political interests, according to Center data.


In other words... the media, I mean 6 Corporations, spends time and money covering candidates that they themselves contributed to and support.

smiley: laugh Got it!

$%%% ya
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