ok...this just came as a real suprise!
i wrote to kith customer service just after i got my order confirmation, because i was one of many that got hit with 3 pairs when they checked out after just putting 1 of each in the cart.
so they wrote back on monday saying my order was confirmed, no problems, they said they were aware of that problem. and andy stated on twitter that those would get 1 of each, and the other pairs were put back online.
so i replied at the customer service....asking about when they will refund my 3rd pair and maybe some dollars for shipping.
just a few seconds ago, i got an answer from customer service saying they wont refund and i get all three pairs.
dont know if that happens for all of you....
i'm quite happy about it...getting 2 coves and 1 mint....but thats some shady business on the other hand!