Ronnie Fieg Collabs - Tracking order link

Kithmas Central Parks came in yesterday. So happy I was able to finally get a pair for retail!
Kithmas Central Parks came in yesterday. So happy I was able to finally get a pair for retail!

Nice! Haha I grabbed a 10.5 too...I wonder how many size runs were available? And yeah so many of these Brazil GT2's are selling for under retail, it's crazy!

Has anyone got the e-mail address for the guy who is really helpful at kith. My EQT's from the kithmas restock came in this morning but there's a big scuff on the right toebox front and center. I'm not usually someone who's picky but I can't wear these which is a big shame
Has anyone got the e-mail address for the guy who is really helpful at kith. My EQT's from the kithmas restock came in this morning but there's a big scuff on the right toebox front and center. I'm not usually someone who's picky but I can't wear these which is a big shame

Pretty sure My pairs had something similar , must be 50% of pairs .
Has anyone got the e-mail address for the guy who is really helpful at kith. My EQT's from the kithmas restock came in this morning but there's a big scuff on the right toebox front and center. I'm not usually someone who's picky but I can't wear these which is a big shame
Don't know if its true, but someone said the restock kith did was from all the returns from customers whose pairs were imperfections....
Don't know if its true, but someone said the restock kith did was from all the returns from customers whose pairs were imperfections....
dont know why ppl expecting stuff like flamingos and homage to drop on kithmas and get disappointed when it doesn't. it's obvious that it will only be shoes that didn't sell out this yr to begin with. plus last kithmas should already service as an example of what would actually, some of these kicks available for kithmas are returns that others deemed flawed so buyer beware.
i said that, but for some pairs not all...and i see @SK93 saw what i was talking about
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think I'm the only one that still hasn't received shipping for homages...sick.
unfulfilled. I've been checking everyday. hoping they're just delayed and it ships soon.
Must have been a delay... I ordered 2 pairs of sneaker off the kithmas restock and they shipped next business day which was monday december 28th... getting them in next week!
Happy New Year guys! Got a quick question.

For those who got the special packaging for the Homage's from Kith, how many laces did you guys get? Ronnie advertised 13 sets of laces. I only received 12 (counting the one pair on each shoe). I've seen other pictures on IG with 12 and I've seen a few of you post 12. Am I missing a lace? Any help is appreciated.
Happy New Year guys! Got a quick question.

For those who got the special packaging for the Homage's from Kith, how many laces did you guys get? Ronnie advertised 13 sets of laces. I only received 12 (counting the one pair on each shoe). I've seen other pictures on IG with 12 and I've seen a few of you post 12. Am I missing a lace? Any help is appreciated.

I got 12. I remember reading something about the 13th lace was some sort of gimmick in the package, that it's not an actual 'lace.'

I can't confirm because i haven't opened the Homage booklet.
I wish it came with matching socks. The socks are dope but useless since there's only one of each. But I guess you can't even see the socks when wearing shoes so it doesn't matter, just seems odd.
but the shoes themselves don't match...

Yes, I understand the concept. Just feels unnatural to have one of everything that normally comes in pairs. The socks, if matching, I would wear.
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